My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3134: Take the wind with the sword!

"I admit that his strength is not below my master, but you are my younger brother, how can you turn your elbow away! Even regardless of the sibling relationship——" Shi Qiudi thought of what his brother Shi was saying, so he stopped getting angry. Come in one place.

"Brother Ye has a great background, and even the Lord of Duntian Castle backed down by three points! Even after he killed the seven creations of Duntian Castle, the castle owner did not dare to make a move in front of him."

Shi Shi paused, and continued: "In recent years, our Shicheng has been oppressed by the Fortress of Heaven. Brother Ye has resolved everything as soon as he came forward. The Lord of Fortress of Heaven also took the initiative to release goodwill and compensated a large amount of divine material and divine treasure. Master has long known about the grievances between my two families, why didn't she solve it?"

Shi Qiodi:...

In the silence, Shi Qiudi's heart seemed to be overwhelmed. She had never been so shocked!

Kill the seven creations of Dengtianbao, the Lord Dengtianbao dare not even put a fart!

"Who is he--" Shi Qiudi's eyes were a little more confused.

"Also, if it weren't for me to speak out in it to solve the danger of the Lord of Dengtianbao, Brother Ye would even destroy the entire Dengtianbao for my Shicheng! He is the benefactor of our Shi family, but you are out of consideration for yourself and the teacher. Face, choose to let him go!" Shi was trembling with anger, and finally had to take a heavy breath and turned to the house.

Midden Tianbao——

Shi Qiudi’s eyes were a little frightened. To know that in terms of real influence, Zhanyinfang is better than Dengtianbao. Although the two masters are at the level of the gods, the master of Dengtianbao has reached the gods ten thousand years ago. , It is simply incomparable!

The master of the Banyin Workshop's complexion has returned to normal, and he said to the disciples as he walked: "Did you see the difference just now?"

"Yeah." Ruo Han nodded first and responded.

"This enchanting evildoer must have gone for the test of the celestial bones of the'Great Moon God Kingdom'. I thought the teacher, you might not even be able to rush into the top 100 by then." Some confidence, but after seeing Su Jin, knowing the evil spirits of the gods and heavens this time, I am afraid that they are going to the Great Moon Kingdom, this time it really hangs.

"Not necessarily, Master--" Li Yuan couldn't help but said: "I just saw him in your hands, and I didn't get any benefits! I guess I know that if you continue to fight, you will undoubtedly lose, and you will not fight."

The Lord Dengtianbao glanced at Li Yuan, and said to the owner of the Banyin Workshop: "Why do the disciples you received have not enough brains?"

All the disciples' faces flushed when they heard this, but it was God who said this, and they could only swallow their anger and dare not even continue.

"You don't talk cold words, you just admired this person very much, but as far as I know, the God of the Di family didn't make a move, whether he can compare to the God of God or not." Zhan Yinfang said.

"Someone was shaken back just now, and do you really think he is just this strength?" The Lord Dengtianbao didn't give face at all, and said with a sneer.

"This person is proficient in kendo, and my music method is indeed not overbearing, but don't forget, I still have the means." The owner of the ban Yinfang is confident that he will win if he fights again, and the refutation is also sonorous and powerful.

"I don't know how to describe your stupidity." Dengtianbao master sighed: "His kendo is probably the weakest among his true strength."

"What do you mean--" The owner of the Banyin Workshop raised his eyebrows lightly, and his tone was naturally a little uncomfortable.

Lord Dengtianbao looked at her other disciples, and it was hard to say clearly, so he could only quietly spread the voice: "According to the news I got, he is the Nine Dao Xiu——"

The master of the Ban Yin Fang trembled, his eyes were a little unbelievable!

how is this possible!

Jiu Daoxiu, just now the other party only used kendo——

"Three days later, let's walk together and go to the Great Moon Kingdom to see the demeanor of the little brother in the night!" The Lord Dengtianbao laughed.

"So when you came to Shicheng, you didn't just come to see me making jokes..."

"You don't know each other if you don't fight! There are a large number of young brothers, who are heroes who don't care about the previous complaints. I licked an old face and brought the monkey gods to make wine, but I was disturbed by you——" Den Tianbao The Lord was still a little depressed when he mentioned this.


At this moment, Su Jin is not in a hurry--

On the way to the Kingdom of the Great Moon God, Su Jin was sitting on a giant sword tens of meters long, carrying a jug of wine, and moving slowly between the wind and clouds.

The sword rides the wind for three hundred thousand miles, but that's all!

Su Jin's mood has never been so peaceful!

So far, all the way to the evening, Su Jin heard the rumbling movement and looked to the southeast—

It was a huge lion boat, all in cyan, with densely packed monks standing on it, the direction of this lion boat was the Great Moon God Kingdom!

Su Jin threw the third wine jar, shrank the Giant Que Sword, put his back behind him, and rushed over in one step.

"Who is here!" There were people on the lion boat shouting loudly.

"Shicheng is a casual repairer, I want to take a trip to the Great Moon Kingdom." Su Jin said with a calm expression.

"Ten sky crystals before getting on the ship." At this moment, a strong man with a blue armor and helmet on his face heard a voice.


Su Jin did not.

When he first came to Shentian, Su Jin hadn't even seen what the trading currency was. This was a difficult problem.

"Can there be other ways?" Su Jin asked quietly.

"Yes! Everything is fine!" the other party replied.

"Hehe, what if these are not there?"

"Why are you kidding me? Go by yourself! I don't want it anyway, it's only 300,000 miles! We are a cruise ship, so I don't want to get on board without paying!"

"This Xiongtai, I am a participant in the Sky Bone Test of the Great Moon God Kingdom, I don't know..." Su Jin just tried to say, but before finishing speaking, the tens of thousands of people on the lion boat were all staring. eye.

The brawny blue-clad man looked at Su Jin several times, "Okay! If you have the strength to take my punch, you can get on the boat and go to the Great Moon God Kingdom!"

After all, the blue-clad brawny man stepped on the deck, his whole body was shining with blue light, his momentum was not weak!


The blue-clad brawny man's fist is pressing, the muscles of his body are expanding, the void on all sides seems to be squeezed, and the black cracks are horribly cracking!


The blue-clad brawny man hit Su Jin with a punch!

Su Jin smiled slightly, his whole person facing down with one hand, this posture is simply perfect! His kick, as if by accident, was welcoming the opponent, and finally kicked directly on the chest of the strong man in blue armor!

boom! The strong man in blue armor flew out and fell heavily on the deck!

Su Jin appeared from the deck and said, "Offended--"

"Brother is so tyrannical! My name is Niuman, make friends!" The blue-clad brawny stood up, feeling that his chest didn't hurt and his whole body wasn't hurt. He bowed his hands in admiration and nodded.

no way! Su Jin's strength is a bit unfathomable in the eyes of Niu Man! He said that he was a cultivator who went to the Great Moon Kingdom to compete, so he had to believe this!

"My name is... Ye." Su Jin replied, looked at the people around him, then walked to the front of the lion boat alone, thinking about it, but soon, some useful messages appeared in his ear.

Someone said in idle discussion: "Have you heard? Someone from the Taihang Divine Realm came out of the mountain this time. He was a young man born with Yin and Yang pupils. Some people saw him being picked up by the divine envoy of the Great Moon Kingdom. I really hope to win the test..."

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