My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3135: The crisis is emerging

"Not necessarily! We are in the Eastern Tang Kingdom, there are so many strange people and strange things, I also heard that a pair of knights in Jiangu are going to cut off the sky bone."

"Winning the first prize? It's ridiculous! In my opinion, no one can take the Sky Bone! As you know, there are actually only nine places, not the rumors of ten!"

"No! The king of the Great Moon Kingdom made an order, and the top ten have a chance to feel the bones of the sky!"

"Fart! The princess of the Great Moon Kingdom also participated in the test, and the quota directly squeezed one out of—"

"This is too ridiculous! What is the fun of the princess of the Kingdom of God? She is a celestial bone, or a gift from God. She will definitely win the top ten, and it is even possible to win the first place. There is indeed one less place."


Su Jin listened, but he had a general understanding of the current situation. This was also the purpose of his boarding. After all, there were many people and many useful news could reach his ears.

First of all, Su Jin knew that many people participated in this test! Much! And there are a lot of evildoers in the gods and heaven, and the other is the situation of some participants.

Su Jin's face was calm, and while capturing some useful information, he looked in the direction of the Great Moon God Kingdom on the bow.

According to the speed of this lion boat cruise, it might be possible to reach the capital of the Great Moon God Kingdom tomorrow morning. This ship is too slow, but considering it is a cruise ship, he doesn't care, it's not too late.

The night slowly falls--

A patch of colored meteor showers across the sky, the meteor showers in the heavens are like hordes of sword rainbows, it is impossible to calculate how many!

"Brother Ye." Niu Man held a wine jar and put it down heavily.

Su Jin smiled lightly, this wine jar is very ordinary, not a refined treasure, it seems Niu Man himself likes it.

"Lion Boat chooses to travel at this time. Brother Niu should also have a family, right?" Su Jin took the big bowl that Niu Man handed over, smelling the spicy wine in the bowl, and asked faintly.

"Our family has operated cruise ships for generations. It was only because our young patriarch wanted to participate in the Tiangu Festival, that we chose this closer road. Normally, it is not allowed to sail past the border between the Eastern Tang Kingdom and the Great Moon Kingdom. Now it's different." Niu Man drank a bowl of wine and replied with a blushing face.

"Isn't it more convenient to sit in the teleportation array?" Su Jin was puzzled.

"Hi!" Niu Man said with weird eyes, and said immediately: "That stuff is expensive. Many people in our clan have gone through this trip. It will cost a lot of money, not worth it."

"Where is the void passage?"

"There is a **** forbidden, you will know in a moment, the Great Moon Kingdom and the Eastern Tang Kingdom, the friction has intensified over the years, with a forbidden domain ring, opening the void channel will cause danger, and you will not be able to go to the Great Moon Kingdom. "

"It turned out to be so." Su Jin nodded.

"Brother Ye, are you relatives in the Great Moon God Country?" Niu Man asked curiously.

"No, it's not long since I first came to Shentian."

"Great! I think you are penniless, so it's better to stay on the boat. No matter what your scores in the test of the bones are, when you are going to return, we will just drop in on your way and take you again!" Niu Man held the jar , Then give Su Jinman.

Su Jin laughed dumbly--

Returning is temporarily impossible. Su Jin has to make good use of this short three-month time to experience it. It is impossible to go back this way, but he can't refuse Niu Man's kindness and can only respond.

"Niu Manzi don't drink! The young patriarch calls you." A sweet and greasy girl's voice yelled directly.

Su Jin glanced at the girl and saw that she was wearing a green dress, she looked like fifteen or six years old, maybe even younger, wearing short leather boots, this girl looks very delicate and clean. The feeling is especially reflected in her big eyes.

It's rare to see such clear eyes, Su Jin sighed with emotion——

"Brother Ye wait for me for a moment!" Niu Man trot over quickly.

The girl glanced at Su Jin, her powder cheeks seemed to have added more color, and then she confessed a few words, she started to get busy too.

Su Jin admired the beauty of about two or three hours, but felt more and more wrong. The boat seemed to be driving slower and slower, even walking the void faster than this speed! It feels like it's going to stagnate!

He stared at the bow of the ship, and the eyes of Mohe Town Prison quietly opened——

Thousands of miles away, there are a few tyrannical breaths! Su Jin noticed that a scholar in white clothes was actually writing, drawing a galaxy in the void, that galaxy stretches far!

When Su Jin was puzzled, Niu Man walked back dejectedly.

"Brother Ye, we might turn around and go back." Niu Man sighed.

"What's the matter?" Su Jin asked.

"There are strong men from the Great Moon Kingdom in front of them, and they are engraving the Great Forbidden Void, saying that it is to prevent soldiers from the Eastern Tang Kingdom from sneaking in under the name of the event. Not only us, but many forces in front of them have rioted and are not allowed to pass." Niu Man Said.

"It's normal." Su Jin said: "The first is to frighten the Eastern Tang Divine Kingdom, and the second is to increase income. If the Great Moon Divine Kingdom opens all the teleportation formations of the Divine Heavens and leads to the Divine Kingdom, only the Celestial Crystals will be An astronomical number."

"Yes, there are still forces in front of you who are communicating. If you can survive, everyone will be happy. If you can't, you will also enter the Great Moon Kingdom in batches at the risk of being caught." Niu Man's expression was rather helpless.

"Since I saw a student in white clothes swaying Galaxy, do you know Brother Niu?" Su Jin asked.

"Are you talking about the front? Oh, that's the power of the Great Moon God Kingdom. We are at the junction of the two countries." Niu Man said: "The Great Moon God has three major temples, Zhiyin Temple, Qiyun Temple, and Shentian Guangming Temple. The scholar in white clothes has an unclear relationship with the three major monasteries. He is also the vice president of Shen Guo Academy."

As the lion boat approached, more than 400 Shenzhou boats were parked in front of them!

Su Jin glanced around at random, and then said: "You cruise ship, can you pick up people on the ship anywhere?"

"No, passing by a city, the boat can stay for a while to pick up people, but now it's full." Niu Man said.

"On the ships in front, some people are very weird. They are similar to those on your ship. The Great Moon God Kingdom suddenly made such a move. It must be known that there are soldiers from the East Tang Kingdom on these ships." Su Jin's eyes stunned, and then he continued. Said: "If you believe me, go and tell you the young patriarch, let the ship retreat away——"

"This, this." Niu Man hesitated again and again, and finally went to tell Su Jin's suspicion.

Through the prison eye of Maha Town, Su Jin saw more than 400 scenes of indignation among the heroes in China. He knew that there were a lot of fanatics. If these boats broke through, or some people deliberately lead the war...

"Let's go to the Tiangu Festival! Why not let us enter the Great Moon Kingdom!" Someone on the lion boat quarreled.

"This is not to deceive us in the Eastern Tang Divine Kingdom? There is no one in the kingdom of East Tang? We are the only one who does not allow entry into the kingdom from all sides!

"The fight has already started! The world-famous Zhiyin Temple killed three boats! Let's kill!"

"Nino! I can't swallow this breath, do it! Go to the people in their Zhiyin Temple!"

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