My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3137: I am here, she is here!

The more at this time, Su Jin's mind became more peaceful——

These nine-headed monster dragons are not only powerful in attack, but also extremely terrifying in defense. The dense black dragon scales on each of the monsters seem to be able to turn into a precious treasure!

"Roar—" The Nine-headed Demon Dragon hit Su Jin with a dragon head and neck.

Su Jin was affected by that Xinghe, this blow could not be avoided at all!

Can't escape! Just don't hide!

A blood-colored halo rose from Su Jin's body, and the Heaven-killing Scripture merged into it, and then a violent ape ghost that shocked the world was condensed all over his body! This violent ape is almost solid!


Going to the mountain with his right hand, and coming to the mountain with his left hand, he suddenly lifted and smashed into a dragon head above the dragon neck!

Su Jin's face changed wildly, he felt that the violent ape in the state of the ape-strike technique was far from able to do substantial damage to this demon dragon!

And the other dragon heads of the Nine-headed Demon Dragon seemed to be showing abusive eyes--

"Brother Ye!" Niu Manzi screamed.

Su Jin turned his head abruptly, and his whole body condensed the Aotian spirit, and his eyes were filled with gray-blue colors!

Niu Manzi looked at the other dragon head opening his mouth and biting towards him. He was already desperate. Who knew that the whole body of himself and Xiao Xianman had a power like a gray-blue mirror. The dragon's mouth bit down. Take a bite!

Su Jin simply no longer hides his strength, his body is filled with the rhyme of the sword body avenue, and the "sword embryo" in his eyebrows is also trembling!

Niu Man and Xiao Xianman were a little unbelievable, they watched Su Jin turned into a sword embryo that opened up! Nine bright auras were also set on the sword embryo!


A sword embryo set off a divine rainbow and rushed directly to Xiao Xianman's side!

Xiaoxian hesitated for a while, holding the hilt of the embryo of the sword, and suddenly felt that the whole body was wrapped in a warm feeling, and the two of them disappeared into the long starry night with a sword.

"Tian Secret... Tian Bone... The Great Moon Kingdom is getting more and more lively." The nine-headed demon dragon looked towards the direction where Su Jin and the three had disappeared, and did not pursue it. On the contrary, the eighteen dragon eyes contained meaning His eyes watched the other person leave.

After half a stick of incense.

Su Jinxian's body shape appeared beside a gloomy mountain range, holding his hand on the top of the mountain, as if only the mountain breeze could calm him down.

"Brother Ye——" Niu Man knelt on one knee, full of shame.

"The two are fine." Su Jin turned around, patted Niu Man's shoulder, and asked him to get up.

"The Great Moon Kingdom is too ruthless. It has sent out the nine-headed monster dragon, one of the beasts of the country." Niu Man sighed.

"What are your two plans?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"The young master of this trip has fallen, and all the clansmen have died. We need to go home urgently, and report to the patriarch Ming——" Niu Man said impatiently.

"You can go back, but she can't." Su Jin shook his head lightly.

Niu Man was stunned when he heard the words.

"Why?" Xiao Xianman looked anxious. She really didn't want to go to the Great Moon God Kingdom. Originally this was a rare opportunity. She had never been there before, but when this kind of thing happened, she almost died. She felt safer to go home.

Su Jin calmly said: "You are just a slave of the Niu Family. Just imagine, your young patriarch is dead, and your servant is not dead. If you go back, you will still live? Niu Family, you will never go back."

Niu Man suddenly realized, and then said: "It's my old Niu reckless! Thinking about it, that's true! Thanks to Ye brother for reminding!"

Xiaoxianman's big eyes were full of mist, and she couldn't go back if she had a home. That was the home where she grew up, even if she was a slave, she was very reluctant!

"Follow me in the future--" Su Jin said.

"Yes! You follow Brother Ye, and with Brother Ye's strength, you can be safe!" Niu Man said to Xiaoxian very anxiously, "Why are you crying? It's good to be alive!"

"Brother Niu will only live alone when he returns. If your clan wants to punish you, I can say that I am the emperor of the night. If we are lucky, we can still meet in the Great Moon Kingdom in a few days." Su Jin laughed Talking.

Niu Man looked solemnly, and then said to Xiao Xianman: "Kneel down to Brother Ye, from now on, you will no longer be my Niu family's slave, but Ye Brother's benefactor..."

"No, I'm here, she's there, don't worry." Su Jin's expression changed slightly, and he responded quietly.

"My old Niu will go to the Hui people, I wonder if there will be another day to see Brother Ye! Brother Ye! Treasure!" Niu Man clasped his fists, then turned and turned into a rainbow to leave!

Su Jin looked at Xiaoxianman who was crying into tears, and he felt a pain in his heart——

Although it was the first time I saw this girl today, Su Jin did not know why, but was very heartbroken. He had seen many beautiful women, and there were also many beautiful girls. Xiaoxianman was the only one who made him feel this way.

Face to face, Su Jin stretched out her hand to wipe off her tears, and slowly said, "Can't you keep crying? This world is cruel, you have to learn to adapt."

"Big Brother Ye--" Xiao Xianman was very scared, he actually hugged Su Jin's neck with his hands very hard!

Su Jin sniffed the young girl's fragrance, comforted her for a while, Xiao Xianman's mood gradually improved.

"Boss, you are really going to develop!" Killing Wuzun didn't hear women cry the most. At this moment, he was awakened from the upper noble weapon, and after pondering for a while, he said to Su Jin Transmitting Voice.

"What is developed?" Su Jin Transmission responded.

"This woman is the physique of the ice fairy, so we must focus on it here, and focus on it! Although she is temporarily unable to practice, but if she truly awakens her physique, she will surely soar into the sky!" Killing Wu Zun is in her own opinion. Scared.

"What's the physique of the Ice Fairy Spirit——" Su Jin didn't understand, but Martial Venerable Killing seemed to understand.

"In the Supreme Immortal Dao, there is the most extreme ice fairy legend, haven't you heard of it? Then what else are you practicing?"

"Say the important point." Su Jin listened to him lazily.

"Supreme Immortal Dao, once hailed as the one that is most likely to reach'Xian Dao', but unfortunately she needs too long, but you don’t lack time, boss? You will be surprised if you use the immortal Dao origin to build a foundation for her in the future. "Slaying Wu Zun said.

Su Jin secretly wrote down the murderous Wu Zun's words, he had long felt very strange, Xiaoxianman was the only person on the lion boat who attracted him very much, this should be the origin of his immortal way——

"Brother Ye." Xiaoxian blushed, loosened Su Jin's neck, and said slowly: "I'm stupid. I only know simple things like washing and cooking. Don't dislike me in the future~~~\ "

"How can I dislike it, let's stay here tonight and go to the Great Moon Kingdom tomorrow..." Su Jin responded to her in a very gentle tone.

Just after speaking, Su Jin frowned slightly, he looked at the galaxy thousands of miles away from the top of the mountain, and from that galaxy!

Someone is coming!

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