My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3138: Otsuki Imperial City

Someone came from the galaxy in the wilderness and mountains——

Xiao Xianman straightened his jade waist and hid beside Su Jin, from time to time he looked at the people coming. The galaxy was only tens of thousands of miles away, and it was just a short time away. It was just that strangers came at this time, which made her a little worried.

"Come to sign up." Su Jin's voice was cold.

"Little friend, I am here by the will of His Majesty the King." The person who came was a middle-aged man with blue and white temples, who spoke very politely. He raised his hand, and a golden scroll exuding the supreme dragon air, responded with a smile.

"Which king?"

"Naturally is the king of my Great Moon Kingdom."

"What's the purpose?"

"Dare to ask the little friend, do you have a background?"

"No." Su Jin was extremely calm inside, and he continued: "This king is coming from outside the heavens, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man’s attitude became even better, and he quickly said: "Does the little friend want to make the territory king? Now His Royal Highness invites talents and talents to replace my Great Moon Kingdom and participate in the Heavenly Bone Festival. You can get one city for the top 100."

Su Jin suddenly asked, "What if you get the top ten?"

"That's too ethereal, get the top ten, win the bones, and propose marriage to the princess and become the emperor clan! This is naturally much rarer than the territorial confinement. In other words, I have everything." The middle-aged humanity.

"This king has no intention of sealing the land, please go back--" Su Jin shook his head, still intentionally refused.

"Hold on." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "If you don't want to replace my Great Moon Kingdom, you can arrange a trial period for your little friends as long as they don't represent other kingdoms during the Tiangu Festival. All help within."


Before Su Jin could respond, the laughter began again!

"This friend, born from the kingdom of the East Tang Dynasty, is naturally a member of the kingdom of the East Tang Dynasty, and will go to fight for the bones on behalf of the kingdom of the East Tang Dynasty! Please come back!"

It was a young man who walked out of the dark, and this young man was dressed in a dark yellow dragon robe!

"East Tang Prince?" The middle-aged man's expression changed. He had seen Su Jin leave from the Nine Headed Demon Dragon before and came to invite Su Jin. He didn't expect the Prince of the East Tang Kingdom to come after hearing the news!

"It's the prince, what advice does God Envoy Huo have?"

"Haha, if the little friend is willing to follow me to the Great Moon Kingdom, he can hold five cities without representing my Great Moon, and be at the same level as my Divine Kingdom Shaking the Heavens! The prince!" Huo Divine Envoy is not timid. Prince Tang drew close.

"Then ask, does he dare?" Prince Dongtang pointed at Su Jin coldly and said to God Envoy Huo.

Su Jin felt inexplicable, why did this start to threaten?

"Let's go--" Su Jin said to God Envoy Huo.

The surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and Prince Dongtang's face suddenly changed to look hard. He naturally knew everything about the border, and it could even be said that everything was under his nose! Although he wanted to win over Su Jin, he was not as strong as God Envoy Huo——

"Please." Huo Shen made a smile.

"Cut his head!" The Prince Dongtang wanted to tremble with anger, and when he said in a cold voice, with one hand, a stone monument to the sky was condensed in the mountains behind! In front of the stone monument, there were more than twenty gods sitting cross-legged, and they had to resort to methods on the spot!

God Envoy Huo gently stepped on the void, a piece of void fragments actually burned, and a golden jade bridge appeared in it, and an unimaginable aura faintly poured out!

Su Jin's heart shook--

That's not supernatural!

The face of the Prince Dongtang changed drastically, and his face was somber that he did not dare to attack. He watched Huo Shen make an invitation gesture expressingly, and asked Su Jin to walk in!

Don't be too shocked, Xiaoxianman--

Brother Ye is too mysterious, so mysterious that there are two super kingdoms vying for him, and it was Prince Dongtang just now, even if it was threatened by the prince, Brother Ye would not buy it!

When the void closed, Prince Dongtang stared at him, unwilling to move his eyes for a long time.

"His Royal Highness, you shouldn't have acted like this just now." An old man said lightly at the end of the stone monument.

"The Taifu's lesson is reasonable, but it's nothing more than a soil bun. This prince really disdains to win him. Besides, you don't know the situation of that celestial bone. No one can let him recognize the lord! Let him go! Of course, he It's better not to fall into the hands of the prince." Prince Dongtang snorted heavily, turned around and walked up to the stone monument, but his expression of anger did not diminish at all.


The majestic golden imperial capital is filled with palaces. Those palaces are like mountains lit with golden lanterns, and their majestic aura directly presses the state of mind.

This is the capital of the "Great Moon Kingdom"!

Although there are still four days to go before the ‘Tian Bone Festival’, the entire emperor is already very lively. There are no fewer than 80 million people who have entered the city today, but this is just the beginning!

God Envoy Huo arranged Su and Jin to a manor in the city, which was far away from the king's palace, and it was still a small attic room in the corner.

After doing this, Huo Shenshi left with excuses, and Su Jin didn't care about anything except sneer in return—

No matter what, the world speaks by strength! Although thousands of promises are good, they still depend on strength.

"Feng Wanghou... arrange for Brother Ye to live in such a small place." Xiaoxianman is no problem, just looking at Brother Ye aggrieved.

"It would be nice to have a place to live. Now that this trend continues, I am afraid it will be hard to find a room in the imperial capital." Su Jin said with a smile.

"I'm going to help Brother Ye fetch water and bathe." Xiao Xianman yawned, and immediately got to life.

Su Jin liked to see her diligent and cute, and did not refuse. When Xiao Xianman picked up the tub and walked out, he came to the window and looked at the golden palace in the distance, with emotion in his heart.

He has seen all kinds of palaces--

But there has never been a palace that can be as magnificent as the Great Moon Kingdom!

Xiao Xianman walked to the man-made stream outside the building to fetch water. In fact, although it was late at night, there was no difference between the surroundings and the day. The reason was that at the foot of the palace, the entire palace was lit up in exclamation.

"Look, it's the poor fellow who was fooled by God's Envoy Huo." A few men and women dressed as servants walked by the side of the road, glanced at Xiao Xianman and said sarcastically.

"Shenzhen Huo brought a lot of monks who participated in the test, and he clearly promised that he would be honoring the ministers, but there are so many princes to be honored! All those who can really benefit are invited into the palace." Someone lowered his voice. Say.

"It is said that not long ago, two thousand envoys went to the Taihang Divine Realm of the Eastern Tang Divine Kingdom and greeted a powerful evildoer with a natural yin and yang pupil. He was placed in the Palace Qinglong Hall with a boundless future."

"What's this? There is a descendant of the Northeast royal family who was invited by the prince himself. Even the king has received him."

"Look at that soil bun. She is still carrying water. Her master is too useless. He doesn't even know how to divert water?"

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