My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3152: The face!

The long lonely night came quietly——

In the past two days, Princess Wuyou was mostly alone in a daze. She ran to the Tongtian Temple five or six times a day, but the news from Xiaoxianman was... the night was in retreat, and she didn't know how she was going.

Every time she came back, Princess Wuyou would lie in a daze at the window, staying for a long time.

As the saying goes: Buddhism is hard and hard to cultivate. Princess Wuyou almost persuaded Su Jin to abandon Buddhism and go back to the secular world to achieve the same beautiful things as the Great Moon God Kingdom, but what she never expected was...

On the graves of sentient beings, he...he actually proved with practical actions that he still has a stunning road to the gods of fire!

Or inherit the saints!

"Princess—" In the ear, a court lady yelled several times before interrupting Princess Wuyou's thoughts.

"Huh?" Princess Wuyou looked at her personal court lady.

"Let's have a meal~~~" the palace lady Xiaoyu said listlessly. She had never seen a princess like this before, and was in a daze for two days!

"Go and ask Princess Xianman." Princess Wuyou said.

"Then you eat well, okay?" Xiaoyu looked at Princess Wuyou with weird eyes.

Princess Wuyou nodded lightly, watched Xiaoyu leave, and sighed faintly~~~


Outside the imperial city, the sky full of stars, bathed in the magnificent Buddha light, does not look dim. There are countless fires lit by spar--

Shi is a family, and I have not been in a good mood these few days.

The owner of the Banyin Workshop and the owner of Dengtianbao went with them, and all set up camp outside the imperial city with Shi Guxuan's family! They took the teleportation array to reach the Great Moon Imperial City in the afternoon, but every restaurant and inn in the city was full, and they had to camp outside the city!

"Brother Ye arrives a few days early, so I should be able to live in the restaurant room, hey! Envy! I am really a little uncomfortable after leaving the bed at home -" Shi Shi is resting his head on the ground, looking at Buddha Guang The bathing sky full of stars said.

The owner of the banned sound is still used to it.

Although she was in the early days of Shangshen, she is now at the feet of the emperor. Naturally, she has to compromise a lot. When she walks out of the teleportation formation in the afternoon, she is mostly the strong of Shangshen, so she is nothing here.

Shi Qiodi looked at her sister Yu Ling who was playing with "Tianya Ling", and was silent for a long time——

"Tomorrow will be the Tiangu Festival. Among you, Ruohan this kid can barely participate, but don't think about the top ten, the top one thousand, there will be a lot of rewards." Deng Tianbao said.

"The number of evildoers this time is beyond imagination. A thousand...maybe it's hard to squeeze in." The owner of the Banyin Workshop was telling the truth.

"Senior, do you want to give us more encouragement to Brother Ruohan." The female disciple of the Ban Yin Fang laughed.

"It's not bad that Ye Di didn't beat you Brother Ruohan. Only with an existence like Ye Di can enter the top ten." The Lord of Duntianbao hesitated and said.

"Is it just possible?" Shi Shi turned to look at the Lord of Duntianbao and asked.

"In the first fifty, as far as I know, this time the Tianjiao that can be compared to the Ye Emperor is no less than three hundred, or even more." The Lord of Dengtianbao said: "After all, this Tiangu event has spread all over The whole god."

"How powerful are the bones of the tomb of all beings?"

"The best heaven bones are undoubtedly, it is rumored that the whole body of the best heaven bones of the Princess of the Great Moon God Kingdom Wuyou can not radiate divine will in front of it——"

"Uh, let's put it this way, Brother Ye is suspended this time?" Shi Ye was a little unbelievable.

"It's difficult. Someone said just now that the wheel of life and death and the Buddha King Tushe Gudi Fengtian will also participate in the test of this event. He is also a great power with the best celestial bone." Shi Guxuan said solemnly.


Tongtian Temple.

Su Jin finally opened his eyes from sitting cross-legged. He came back from the grave of sentient beings in a daze. He has not fully recovered yet. His strength has only recovered about 70%, and Aotian's divine will is so weak that he can only escape a few. thread--

"Xiao Xianman?" Su Jin walked out of the room and walked straight to Xiao Xianman's position.

"Brother Ye--" Xiaoxian ran over with joy.

"Who was that just now?" Su Jin asked in confusion.

"Sister Wuyou's personal servant girl, are you healed?" Xiaoxian asked, looking up.

"It's almost there." Su Jin and Xiao Xianman walked out of the Tongtian Temple slowly, thinking to themselves: "I don't know where Brother Shi is, I'll look for it first."

The prison eyes of Maha Town quietly opened. With the help of Buddha's light, he can overlook the whole city! Mohe Town's prison eye swept lightly, and he discovered the situation outside the city.

Shi Shi and others are at a spar fire place——

Seeing this situation, Su Jin frowned slightly. There were people from Banyinfang. He naturally had some prejudices about Banyinfang, but when he thought about it, he was relieved. He was not a careless person.

A few days ago, after leaving Shicheng, Su Jin changed his appearance a lot. Not to mention that it caused a sensation, I am afraid that he will reveal the secret of possessing the Dead Man Sutra and the Ghost King Body. After all, he felt a few familiar breaths through the eyes of God——

Some of the Di Family, Animal Palace, Fa Shenzong, and Yishan Fengyu Pavilion are all in the imperial city.

With a thought, Su Jin gently raised his hand, condensing a shadow avatar not far away, his shadow avatar flashed away!

At night, the wind was a bit strong, and it was rare for God Envoy Huo to be idle tonight. After all, tomorrow morning is the Tiangu Festival, and all the ones that should be attracted are also attracted. I have to say that he was almost too busy these few days!

Huo Shenshi leisurely set up a table of food in a room in the "Xia San Gong", warmed a pot of divine brew, and drank a lot of it-

"Who?" Huo Shenshi looked at a dark shadow outside the door, and quickly stood up and shouted vigilantly.


The door has been pushed open, and Huo Shenshi just wanted to get angry, but when he looked at the incoming person, his face screamed and turned pale!

"Buddha, Lord Buddha!" ​​God Envoy Huo directly knelt down, "At that time, it was a villain who had eyes and no beads and didn't know the Lord Buddha! Arranging the Lord Buddha in such a filthy and remote place, the villain... is guilty!"

The coming person is naturally the incarnation of Su Jin!

"Since you are guilty, you can make up for it." Su Jin said lightly: "Your Majesty the King will see your performance in a while, go, pick up these people from outside the city and tell them that a existence called Ye asked you to pick it up. , Don’t reveal my identity, make arrangements for my life, and don’t neglect."

After all, the image of Su Jin Jiangshi is the image of others reflected in Huo Shenshi's eyes, and then his shadow incarnation gradually disappeared——

"Yes!" The God Envoy Huo gave a shock, and hurried forward.

Su Jin was outside the Tongtian Temple and sent someone to inform King Dayue~~~

Outside the city, God Envoy Huo led eight thousand envoys, among them four thousand male envoys and four thousand female envoys. Such a large battle directly caused an extremely sensational effect inside and outside the imperial city!

Who on earth did this God envoy lead so many people!

Shi Ye and others have also noticed this situation. If the people around him were whispering, saying that the other party was a messenger, he might be mistaken for the arrest!

"Wow, the lineup of the Great Moon God Kingdom is really gorgeous." Shi Yuling looked at it again and again with the mood of watching the show.

"I'm not here to pick you up, what's the excitement--" Shi Qiudi gave his sister a white look.

"Eldest sister, it's not okay to watch the excitement, and there will be super powers coming later, otherwise there will be no such battles." Shi Yuling said with a smile.

The owner of the Banyin Workshop glanced, and gradually felt something was wrong.

The divine envoy was full of red light, carrying a lineup of eight thousand people, wherever he went, the monks retreated. According to this direction, I was afraid that they would walk through the camp where they were stationed!

"Brother, get up!" Shi Yuling held Shi Ye's arm and pulled him up.

The lord of Dengtianbao and Shi Guxuan, the lord of Shicheng, were all a little surprised, secretly transmitting the sound to their side, pay attention to avoid——

I never thought, Huo Shenshi didn't know intentionally, or it was a coincidence, he would go this way!

The owner of the Ban Yin Workshop was somewhat eclipsed, it was almost two big!

"Everyone, the villain is the **** ambassador of the imperial city Huo, who is responsible for attracting distinguished guests from all walks of life, and please follow me into the palace." The **** huo's eyes swept from Shi Shi and others' faces, and he directly confirmed in his heart that he was correct. It is these people that the adults are asking for arrangements!

"Uncle, you made a mistake--" Shi Yuling shouted boldly.

"The Envoy Huo must have made a mistake, we...we are really ordinary! It must not be the person that the Envoy Huo wants to attract." Shi Guxuan lowered the shelf and said with bows.

Shi Guxuan admitted that although there are two gods in his lineup, the master of the ban Yinfang and the master of Dengtianbao, there are many gods in the imperial city. They are not a card face at all, let alone noble!

"Nothing is wrong—"

God Envoy Huo politely kept bowing and said: "Dare to ask your respected guests, do you know a strong man named Ye?"

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