My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3153: Step on the imperial city under your feet!

"Brother Ye!"

Shi Ye heard this and blurted out directly, obviously shocked.

God Envoy Huo smiled and said, "Honorable friend, since you can directly call Ye... Master Ye’s name is naturally correct. Please come with me to the palace."

The Lord Dengtianbao, Shi Guxuan, and the people present at Banyinfang all looked dull--

Especially the two women who are the master of the banned voice and Shi Qiudi, the faces of these two women are hot, and they are not only shocked, but also as if they were silently slapped, very uncomfortable!

"The Kingdom of Gods event, there are many people called Ye, will it be possible--" Shi Shi looked at God Envoy Huo hesitantly, as if dreaming.

"No, when Master Ye explained, he made a special trip to give you the sight of the distinguished guests. You will definitely not be mistaken. You can go with me at ease." Huo Shenshi said with shame.


God Envoy Huo straightened his body, and with a light wave of one hand, from the void outside the east gate of the imperial city, a vast red carpet was directly condensed, and then everyone was invited to step on the void and head towards the palace in the city!

"Step on the imperial city under your feet--" Shi Guxuan knew this, and he was extremely unwilling to do this in his heart. It was terrible, as he said, compared with the power that could truly trample the imperial city under his feet. They are too ordinary and too ordinary.

The face of Dengtianbao master changed slightly, and he almost wanted to confirm it again. After all, if one made a mistake, their heads would be accounted for in the Great Moon God Kingdom! This is not a joke, it is really possible!

"Brother Shi, don't panic, just enter the city with him." Su Jin used a very helpless voice, transmitting the voice to Shi Shi. He really did not expect Huo Shenshi to make such a battle, which scared people very much. .

Shi is dumbfounded--

Even though it was ecstasy, he repeatedly said to the children around him: "That's right, Brother Ye has just transmitted to me, follow this adult into the city!"

grown ups? This is a big joke! You must know the existence of this man who dares to call the Buddha King!

God Envoy Huo was so frightened that he bowed again and again, and waved the perspiration on his forehead: "Don't dare not, please, honorable guests--"

The owner of the Banyin Workshop secretly gritted her teeth, and she glanced at Shi Qiudi and a group of disciples in the Banyin Workshop. All of them were flushed, and she had to follow behind the Shi family and step onto the red carpet in the void!

"Big Brother Ye is so amazing now." Shi Yuling was sweating with Tianya Bell in his hands.

"Don't talk--" Shi Guxuan whispered.

"Brother, Brother Ye really transmitted the voice to you." Shi Yuling asked with a grimace, sticking out his tongue.

"Yeah." Shi knew that other people were shocked just like dreaming, but this is the truth, he has accepted the reality!

A red carpet with a noble atmosphere is being watched by the monks in the city!

God Envoy Huo had never done this before, stepping on the imperial city under his feet, he was so bold!

The Prince's Mansion, because of its noisy appearance and even worse during the day, the people of the three sects including the Fengyu Pavilion at Yishan were all passively attracted and walked out——

"Among those people, there are only two ordinary Gods who were greeted in?" The Emperor Xingyue asked in surprise.

"What's so weird about this? There must be someone in the palace who is chanting, and one person has been able to ascend to the sky~~~" Madam Zong said sourly, and she was extremely unhappy in her heart.

"Father, the prince's fourth son is really annoying, I don't want to live here anymore." Ling Xia was irritated, pulling Liu Yun in anger.

If it were not for insisting on living with Liu Yun, Ling Xia would probably beat that ugly monster. The descendants of this prince’s family are the best ones longer than the other, and the fourth prince still wants to chase her! The stalking effort was used, which made her unbearable.

"This is also a kind of practice——" Ling Xuan is unable to change the status quo. If it is okay in normal times, he can leave with an excuse, but tomorrow will be the Tiangu event. Now leave here and go camping?

Mrs. Zong stared at the group of people, walked over the Prince's Mansion, and sneered: "As long as you wait for Jun Wudao to win the first prize, our God Sect will be able to be so beautiful!"

"Don't forget, Ye Di is comparable to Jun Wu Dao--" said the Emperor Xingyue.

"Hehe, Ye Di? He is worthy too! He is incomparable to Jun, what is he!" Madam Zong looked disdainful.

Ling Xuan frowned upon hearing this--

At this moment, on the red carpet, God Envoy Huo led people, and when he passed by Tongtian Temple, he began to get nervous.

Although the Tongtian Temple stood on the top of the imperial city, and the red carpet was still several miles away, God Envoy Huo didn't even dare to look up, because he knew that many people were watching at this time!

King Dayue, Queen of the Kingdom, Bai Fan, and even Princess Wuyou are here!

"According to His Majesty's will, God Envoy Huo will immediately rise to become the head of foreign affairs of the imperial city." Bai Fan said lightly: "Envoy Huo has placed all the distinguished guests in the Taihua Hall without error."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Huo Shenshi burst into gratitude, hurriedly knelt down, and worshipped at Tongtian Hall!

When the owner of the Banyin Workshop and the others heard that there was a king above them, where could they be calm, they hurriedly bowed down on the red carpet——

As if dreaming, God Envoy Huo got up and continued to lead the way. The Taihua Hall was extraordinary. It used to be a place for the king to retreat. He didn't expect to arrange the palace here!

Shi Shi's face was full of tension--

Brother Ye! Brother Ye! What was the situation that even alarmed His Majesty the King? This change in status is simply confusing!

Everything is proceeding tremblingly. Before setting off, God Envoy Huo had already embezzled the'Shang San Gong' from a few rooms through his relationship. Who knows that the whole province is now, and His Majesty the King will arrange to live in the Taihua Hall. !

It wasn't until the Taihua Hall came into view that God Envoy Huo dared to let out a sigh of relief, and his heart was already extremely happy, hahaha! He... finally got promoted! Director of Foreign Affairs, promoted to Director of Foreign Affairs!

Outside the Tongtian Temple.

Su Jin slowly said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, these benefactors are the friends I met during the period--"

"The friend of the Buddha King is our friend of the Great Moon God Kingdom!" The Great Moon King asked with concern: "The battle for the grave of all living beings, thanks to the great effort of the Buddha King."

"It's a small matter." Su Jin nodded and said, "When I rushed to the tomb of the sentient beings, I saw Lao Yun and Emperor Wu Tian leave. I don't know why?"

King Dayue’s expression immediately became solemn, and he glanced at the others, and said to Su Jin, “The reason why the old Yun Lao and Emperor Wu Tian have left is precisely because there are wise men in the crack that unfolds in the endless borders of wasteland. Breath, but we were not sure at the time. It was only later that the dragon demon threatened to have a demon break through to become a sage, and I realized that Shentian might be in serious trouble."


Could it be that bronze coffin?

After Su Jin thought about it, he thought it was not. The evil sage in the bronze coffin was just a corpse. At that time, Di Qiubai used the evil method and passed on one after another to start the bronze coffin. Yun Lao wouldn't be able to tell!

Could it be--

In the endless wilderness, there is really a demon to become a sage! Su Jin feels numb in his scalp!

"Have you forgotten that this princess is also credited with resisting the endless demon gods?" Princess Wuyou pouted, her arms akimbo.

The Great Moon King:...

Wuyou did a very good job this time, but this is her own daughter, who can no longer be rewarded, she can only praise it verbally.

Of course, Su Jin is the person who recognizes the worry-free princess the most! There is no one, if it is not for Princess Wuyou's heavenly law and divine intent, she will help her with all her strength, and with his strength, it is far from being able to compete with the dragon demon and evil heart phoenix! Those are two existences in the same realm as the Great Perfection of the Human Race God!

"Full of top quality celestial bones, this king is looking forward to your appearance in the starry sky in the future." Su Jin praised.

"Huh~~~" Princess Wuyou pouted Lao Gao, and after hearing some laughter, she asked, "Tomorrow you have to participate in the Tiangu test?"

"Participate, I will use my avatar to participate, no need for Buddhism--" Su Jin thought for a while and nodded.

King Dayue was shocked in his heart, the Buddha King is making himself more difficult! Just use the avatar to participate in the test, and you don't need the original Buddhism! This is simply not too scary!

After another quarter of an hour of greeting, Su Jin watched the king and others leave.

"Are you still going?" Su Jin glanced at Princess Wuyou and asked.

"The emperor father told me that you want you to point me, why... hate this princess?" Princess Wuyou's expression changed accordingly, and she was about to go crazy.

"If you point you once, there is a problem. Come again, I'm afraid something big will happen--" Su Jin whispered.

Princess Wuyou's face was flushed, and she said with no anger: "Then come again! Who is afraid of whom!"

Xiaoxianman looked at Su Jin from the left and Princess Wuyou from the right, not daring to persuade him.

"Xianman, come with us too—" Su Jin said lightly.

"Ah? She wants to be together~~~" Princess Wuyou was stunned.

"Xianman has a supreme fairy posture. Today I will build a fairy foundation for her. As for you... better familiarize yourself with the indefinite flying ring. You can only master one of the strange ways of using it." Su Jin said.

"Oh—" Princess Wuyou nodded.

Step into the hall, the room.

Su Jin flipped through his hands and took out a piece of enlightenment stick that he had prepared earlier.

"Xianman, you sit down cross-legged, put it on your lap, and meditate carefully for a while to see how it feels." Su Jin handed the enlightened branch to Xiao Xianman.

This enlightenment Dao branch is very short, just like a wicker that has just sprouted, but Mich, but in the eyes of Princess Wuyou, it is shocked!

"Enlightenment Tree, you have seen the Enlightenment Tree!" Princess Wuyou shouted in surprise.

"Give you a little, give me an insight into the indeterminate flying ring. After I come, it depends on you to use the second attack form--" Su Jin has a big head and quickly gave the second stage of enlightenment to Princess Wuyou.

Immediately, Su Jin walked to the "Taihua Hall".

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