My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3155: Mo red fish

The whole country is boiling--

Even if Princess Wuyou is the most favored princess in the kingdom of God, she can't help but feel a little nervous at the moment when she participates in this test in her own home. This battle is too big, even if you look at the history of the kingdom of God, it is rare!

The noise, the sky was boiling, and Princess Wuyou looked around, she didn't see Su Jin!

Bai Fan, who looked like a scholar in white clothes, walked to the center of the void with a magic pen on his back, and said lightly: "Those who walk on this continent at this grand event are considered to have participated in the test. The test of the first level is'sense '."


Su Jin condensed a shadow incarnation and slowly appeared from the crowd. He felt that Princess Wuyou was provoking him last night. It seems that the princess not only knows that the first level is savvy, but I am afraid that everything is clear in the test.

Bai Fan paused, and continued: "When you Tianjiao step on this continent, the formation pattern on it will start to move, and then a complete divine method will emerge in the sea of ​​spirits, which is the "Dong Xuan Dao Zang Shen Dao" "Pian", this divine method, a total of 6,832 characters, all testers only need to remember the full text, or don’t remember, the first entry is counted as passing the test, and the time limit is half a stick of incense."

When these words came out, it was an uproar!

"So simple?" Someone in the imperial city became puzzled.

"Where is it simple! This "Dong Xuan Dao Hidden Divine Dao First Chapter", I am afraid that there is a shocking Taoist rhyme in it, more than 6,000 words, I am afraid that after emerging in the spirit sea, it will be forgotten in a flash!"

"Yes! Remember it is impossible to remember, just remember a short paragraph to get started!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple! Getting started, it's not a little understanding of the skin, but a real introduction, and the time is too short, only half the time."

"Is there a monster who can get started in Banzhuxiang? I don't believe it!"


Princess Wuyou was still looking around, and suddenly Su Jin's voice came from her ear.

"You should know "Dong Xuan Dao Hidden God Dao First Chapter", right?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked.

"Gun melons are so familiar!" Princess Wuyou said proudly: "Where are you, why can't I see you."

"You look to the left—"

"Wow, you are so shameless, you turned yourself so handsome!" Seeing Su Jin's familiar eyes, Princess Wuyou lashed out.

Su Jin is calm. Now this shadow incarnation is his truest appearance. I didn't expect to be praised by Princess Wuyou. Even if he said indifferently, "You can "Dao Xuan Dao Zang Shen Dao First Chapter", isn't this cheating? ?"

"I won't!" Princess Wuyou said in a voice transmission: "Although I am so familiar with me, I have to brand all the text down. I think about it. It may take about ten breaths. Don't lose to me. ~~~"

Su Jin:...

At this time, there was a movement of horse fleas among the crowd.

Su Jin looked over, and he saw a group of monks wearing Taoist robes, headed by a young man, his pupils were half white and half black!

"Yin and Yang pupil, he is the **** son of the Taihang Divine Realm." Princess Wuyou introduced voice transmission.

"Oh -" Su Jin seemed to be dismissive in his tone.

"Not to mention the long ugliness, he also gave birth to a pair of mandarin duck eyes, and he can brag about it. He preached to the outside that he would win the first prize in this event and propose marriage to his father." Princess Wuyou laughed and said with a voice: "See He, are you jealous?"

"It's the pupil of Yin and Yang--" Su Jin replied helplessly.

"It doesn't matter what his pupil is, it's ugly." The princess Wuyou looked more and more angry.

Su Jin quietly paid attention to this person, and then he frowned, feeling a touch of murderous aura around him, he looked sideways~~~

Di Qiubai.

This Di Zi was injured by Su Jin not long ago. I don't know what agreement he has reached with the evil sage in the ancient bronze coffin, so he is allowed to carry the coffin at this moment.

Upon closer inspection, the bronze coffin was tightly closed, and no evil sage's spirit was revealed.

Di Qiubai had a strong hatred of Su Jin. During the collision of his eyes, he made a gesture of wiping his neck with a knife, seeming to mock Su Jin's weakness——

Su Jin didn't take it seriously. It was already expected that the Di family came to fight for bones, but then he smelled a unique fragrance in his nose.

"It's you~~~" Su Jin said lightly.

The one who came by was the gray-robed nun who appeared in the graves of all sentient beings yesterday. Even in broad daylight, this nun was lighting a lantern, and the lights in the cage seemed to never go out.

"You are very strong, you have three kinds of secrets, and you have a top-grade bone in your body--" the female cultivator in gray robes responded coldly.

"You are not bad too, I am looking forward to what your secret is capable~~~" Su Jin said with a smile.

The gray-robed woman was silent and did not explain.

Princess Wuyou watched Su Jin talking to the gray-robed woman, and she couldn't get angry, but the gray-robed woman was too strong, she thought she was invincible, otherwise she would never be used to her!

Su Jin heard the voice and felt that this woman was very young. When he used the word "Tian Mi" in the Tomb of All Living Beings at that time, he felt that there was a breath of "Tian Mi" in her body. Naturally, there is no need to say more.

"Forgot to ask, what's your name?" Su Jin glanced at her lantern, and felt that it was not a lamp, but it had a breath of life, and he was not sure what it was.

"Mo Hongyu." The gray-robed woman said coldly.

Su Jin's heart was shocked. At this moment, at the Tongtian Temple, King Dayue was sitting on a golden dragon chair with the Queen of the Kingdom sitting next to him, with an expression of anticipation.

"Now... please, your Majesty the King announce the start of the test!" Bai Fan shouted.

King Otsuki was also unambiguous, and directly made the beginning will--

That moment! The monks all over the sky turned into divine rainbows, rushing straight into a continent opened up in the void!

Such a short distance, as long as a master is able to step on the first test at the same time!

Su Jin and Mo Hongyu stepped on together, and the **** pattern began to shine on the crystal ground under their feet! Everyone who sets foot on the mainland is the same, with strands of scripture running along the soles of their feet and surrounding the whole body!

Princess Wuyou glanced at Su Jin triumphantly, spreading her right hand forward, closing her eyes, and under her palm, a strand of writing quickly appeared!


Isn't this cheating? !

Many people in the imperial city, with their faces flushed, naturally paid attention to Princess Wuyou. This princess is now covered in white, showing her beautiful temperament! She obviously knows this!

"The princess cheated--" many people exclaimed.

"How about cheating? For her, the first level was hardly difficult, but it was the last one."

"Yes, the princess has the best celestial bones. If she can't make it to the end, who can make it to the end! It seems that the princess is the first in the first level."

"The monks who participated in the first stage, I am afraid that there will be no less than 8 million! Look at a barrier in that continent, which shows Princess Wuyou, which means that she is currently in the first position!"

"Wow, she turned out to be the second one! The mysterious strong man with a lantern in his hand, not long ago, she appeared in the grave of all beings and killed an invading Thunder-swallowing Sky Toad!"



There was a sudden sound on the whole barrier!

Princess Wuyou's face changed, who! Who won her first test!

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