My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3156: The princess cheated, shame second!

how come--

The Great Moon Imperial City is almost like a pot fried. Countless people stared blankly, watching the person who appeared on the screen!

He has light hair, sword brows and star eyes, and a golden robe! Surrounded by the scriptures of "Dongxuan Dao Hidden Sacred Path First Chapter", these scriptures seem to have been controlled by him, constantly shuttled back and forth in the void of his body!

Bai Fan's admiration voice appeared in Su Jin's ear, and then, according to his request, he pointed to the void and wrote the name'Ye Di' on the screen!

"Ye Di!"

"Who is Ye Di!"

In the Imperial City of Big Moon, very few people knew this name, but those who knew it were already shocked to the point where it could not be added!

In the Beast Palace, the Emperor Xingyue is watching the battle!

Ling Xuan of the Wind and Rain Pavilion of Yishan, and Mrs. Zong of Shenzong were all in disbelief, that familiar face, at this moment, turned out to be so unbelievable.

"In the case of Princess Wuyou cheating, Ye Di can still get the first place, I don't know how many places your family can rank in the way--" Empress Xingyue said to Madam Zong sarcastically.

"Anyway, taller than the young man in your beast palace!" Madam Zong said with a blue face, gritted her teeth.

"Emperor Ye..." Ling Xia was also taken aback. This guy, who left the three of them and came to the Great Moon Imperial City alone at the time, gave them a great surprise at the beginning of the test.

Liu Yun also did not participate in this test. She knew that she was not capable enough. She had great expectations for Di Qiubai. Although he did not go to see him, his appearance on his back was also very handsome!

Ling Xuan admired and admired the five-body cast. He predicted earlier that Ye Di would definitely be in the top 50 in the vast tester lineup, but the first level of the "sense level" was directly ranked first, but he did not think!

I dare not think about it!


In second place, the figure of Princess Wuyou appeared on the screen, just below Su Jin!

"Shame second! Shame second! This princess cheats nothing better than..." Princess Wuyou concealed her face, and looked at Su Jin from time to time. Her heart was funny and angry, and she felt a strange feeling anyway.

This guy didn't show all the scriptures, but only took less than eight breaths to get the "Dong Xuan Dao Tibetan God Dao First Chapter" to the beginning!


The third sound sounded, which appeared during the twelfth breath!

Su Jin heard the sound and saw that it was a young man dressed in plain clothes. This young man seemed ordinary, but his body in "Dong Xuan Dao Hidden Shinto First Chapter" seemed more condensed, and he had reached the point of Xiao Cheng infinitely!

"You are really strong." The young man grinned and said to Su Jin with his neat white teeth.

"You can be number one, why not take it?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"No, I'm breathing half a bit slower than you. I didn't succeed in the first place, so I just practiced for a while." The boy has a good temper and doesn't seem to care about losing to Su Jin.

Su Jin saw that the name of the boy condensed on the screen was actually the word ‘wild’?

There are constant tinkling sounds coming out——

Su Jin glanced around and found that this test was really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, with several names he had never heard before, and Mo Hongyu ranked 18th!

Such a powerful female nun is only ranked eighteenth!

"Ninth, but I will catch up with you in the next level." The **** son of Taixing, who was born with Yin and Yang pupils, ignored Su Jin and slowly transmitted the sound to him. There seemed to be strong dissatisfaction in his words.

And the three words "Di Qiubai" on the screen are actually ranked sixth! This person is far less savvy. Su Jin squinted his eyes, and it seems that he guessed right. The Xie Xian in the coffin and Di Qiubai must have reached a cooperation——

With the help of evil sage corpses, the sixth is simply too simple.

Subsequently, one after another, people passed the first test one after another!

Fa Shenzong, Beast Palace, and Yishan Fengyu Pavilion, these three forces are outside the Prince's Mansion, with joy and worry on their faces.

The Xingyue Empress looked at Ling Xuan and said: "The first test is somewhat unfair to Yishan Fengyu Pavilion. After all, it is a six-born son of six gods. The low ranking of the six is ​​normal."

"Jun Wudao, eighty-sixth! Why is there only eighty-six!" Madame Zong was about to cry depressed.

"I'm sorry, my Beast Palace evildoer is fifteen places higher than your'Shenzhen Sect' Jun Wudao." Empress Xingyue said quietly, she was always aiming at this lady, despising her in her heart.

"The boy in the beast palace has a well-deserved reputation." Ling Xuan's face improved slightly, and he was full of emotions.

The six gods of Yishan Fengyu Pavilion are all bleakly ranked, and their rankings beyond 3,000 make it difficult for Pavilion Master Ling Xuan to accept.

"The young man named'Huang' is exactly the existence that crawled out of the graves of sentient beings back then -" The Empress Xingyue also knows the truth that people are more popular than dead people, but this existence is a little slower than Yedi, which is really surprising .

At this moment, the people who are still dumbfounded are the "Taihua Temple"!

Ban Yin Fang! Except for Ruo Han ranked 4th3,000th and Shi Qiudi ranked more than 80,000th, everything else was lost!

"Brother Ye took the first test in the first level! First!" Shi Shi jumped up in surprise, there are no words to describe his excitement!

"How did the emperor do it?" The Lord of Duntianbao was in a daze, feeling that seeing this scene was very dreamy, dizzy, like drinking too much wine.

"Although the first level won the first place, it can only prove that the emperor has amazing comprehension, and the later levels will only be more difficult." Shi Guxuan said.

"Brother Ye really became famous this time, and Princess Wuyou didn't even get the first place in cheating." Shi Ye felt very proud, and she was a little erratic in walking!

"Big Brother Ye is amazing." Shi Yuling gripped the'End of the World Bell' tightly, already so nervous that he couldn't get through the airway.


Tongtian Temple.

King Otsuki and Emperor Bengtian looked at each other, both grinning wryly—

Although Su Jin has changed a little, the golden robe on his body is full of the costume style of the Great Moon God Kingdom, and the Princess Wuyou treats him like a princess, how can the King of Great Moon and the Emperor Wutian not know his identity!

"It's terrible--" Emperor Wueng Tian sighed.

"The inheritor of the Tianji Protoss is ranked fourteenth. This is the grandson of the Tianji God's ancestor and only won this ranking." King Dayue could not imagine what would happen next.

"Your daughter's cheating can't compare to the King of Buddha, isn't your majesty sighed?" asked the Emperor Wang.

"Haha." King Dayue and the Queen all laughed.

Half a stick of incense time, over!

Bai Fan said indifferently: "The first pass, 94,033 people passed the test, and the second pass is the Martial God pass. You need to be careful."

Everyone heard that, dozens of murderous auras were directly on Su Jin!

Di Qiubai carried the ancient bronze coffin on his back, staring at Su Jin sideways, and said in a murderous voice: "Second level, your life is gone!"

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