My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3157: Kill you before leaving?

In the face of dozens of top murderous intents, Su Jin just smiled indifferently——

Di Qiubai leaned against the evil sage coffin, and Su Jin naturally needed to beware.

For some reason, Su Jin felt that Di Qiubai seemed to have changed. As for what went wrong, he still needs to fight against him to know.

"Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it. Now I don't know how many people want to kill you to make you famous." Mo Hongyu glanced at Su Jin. The storm that had just condensed murderously almost affected her, if not for Bai Fan Being present, I am afraid this place will be overwhelmed by murderous intent.

"Get used to it." Su Jin simply said three words.

"Second level, protect your little girlfriend, her celestial bones are better than those in the graves of sentient beings." Mo Hongyu turned his face to the side, quietly watching the formations in front of him begin to condense into acceleration channels——

Su Jingang wanted to explain, who knows that Bai Fan announced at this time: "War God Pass, you testers need to find the artifacts that were lost in the Martial God Hall on the entire continent, whether they are divine treasures or architectural fragments. It is the Martial God Continent. Just remind you that if you can find the relics of the Martial God Temple that contains supernatural power, it will affect your ranking! Go!

Mo Hongyu was stunned for a moment, feeling that this level was very unfavorable to Su Jin, and it was very likely that this guy was about to suffer!

Looking for the remains of the Martial God Temple, there will definitely be cases of murder and treasure, even if it is not, Su Jin as the leader of the first level, after all, has attracted the targeting of most Tianjiao!


A piece of divine light, on the entire starting line, quickly traversed layers of restrictions in the acceleration channel!

Mo Hongyu didn't start fast, but when she turned her head slightly, she saw that Su Jin had been left behind!

"What the **** is this guy doing?" Princess Wuyou knew that from now on, all her advantages were gone, and she knew that Su Jin hadn't moved yet!

"Looking for the remains of the Martial God Temple, why do you want to set up an acceleration array?" Su Jin felt that the person who set the acceleration array was a bit stupid, and besides him, there were still people who didn't move.

That yin and yang pupil **** child of the Taihang God Realm!


The divine child of Taihang had black and white pupils in his eyes, and the entire Martial God Continent seemed to be in sight. He glanced around, glanced at Su Jin, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and then ran directly east!

"Look! All the people are running towards the center. Only the **** son of Taixing went to the east. This person is really amazing. He is born with a yin and yang pupil. In terms of the ability to find artifacts, he is definitely one of the best! "Some spectators watched astonished the Taihang Godzi running to the east, and couldn't help but let out an emotional voice.

"Yedi, who just won the first place, is still standing still. If this continues, his second level will be very difficult—"

"Perhaps he hasn't understood the true purpose of this level? This level is very practical, and it is clearly said to be the Martial God Pass. In fact, on this unknowingly long continent, artifacts that can retain divine power are extremely difficult to find. This tests the perception of the players and prepares for the final realization of Tiangu and its approval."

"Twenty breaths have passed, Ye Di hasn't moved yet—"

"Wow, Ye Di is really amazing, and there is a divine pupil on his forehead!"



On the imprint of lightning, Su Jin’s Mohezhen Prison Eye, Fire Eye Golden Eye, and direct pupil technique are combined into one!

Suddenly, Su Jin moved!

This movement almost suffocated people to death——

Su Jin just raised his foot and walked normally like a normal person! That's right! Just a small step!

In the remote center of the continent, someone has found the ruins of the Martial God Temple! Sovereign of Fa Shenzong was innocent, he shot to suppress, and immediately killed dozens of masters!

A pillar made of ancient wood rose directly from the ground. Jun Wudao wanted to store it, but found it impossible!


Jun Wudao looked helpless and had to stand on it! In fact, he knew very well in his heart that during the long years, the Martial God Temple had been moved to a flat ground, and there was nothing else to find except for some tiny ruins. Although this pillar did not contain divine power, it was better than a large enough one. !

"Go!" A young man of the Tianji Protoss, a heart of falling stars blasted down, Jun Wudao shocked with one arm, and a picture of yin and yang fish road condensed all over his body!


Jun Wudao's face turned blue and he was directly shocked! He glanced at this person deeply, knowing he was invincible, and left without saying a word!

Too overbearing!

In the Great Moon Kingdom, in the Prince's Mansion, Mrs. Zong shook her hand fiercely, shattering a ten-thousand-year-old tree, as if she had been slapped in the face!

"This time the top ten, you and my sect, all of them are difficult to enter—" The Xingyue Empress sighed.

"Jun Wudao has a back hand, but it's not time yet!" Madame Zong calmed down indifferently, "If you desperately fight with the youth of the Tianji Protoss, he has a chance of winning!"

"Take your mouth to win?" The Emperor Xingyue asked back.

"Bitch! You Shaoyinyang talk to this lady weirdly!" Madam Zong had already endured to the extreme, staring at the Emperor Xingyue and shouted.

"Well, this level is not the last one, you just need to make sure you pass it." Ling Xuan frowned, "Remember, this is not your Fa Shenzong!"

The Empress Xingyue snorted and looked at again—

Suddenly screamed ‘Huh’!

In the picture, Su Jin seemed to be wandering around very unconsciously. The path he chose was different from that of the Taihang Godzi, but he went west!

This continent is really big, so big that it makes people walk on it a little lonely. Su Jin just used the "Maha Town Prison Eye" and the fiery eyes to reverse the destruction of the Martial God Temple in that era.

That Martial God Hall, standing on the top of the Martial God Continent, is extremely majestic. It is just a palace, bigger than the entire Great Moon Imperial City, and on top of that Martial God Hall, there is an everlasting Martial God Orb, when the Martial God Hall collapsed. , Faintly flew to the southwest.

Su Jin is not sure yet--

Divine treasures of that level are extremely likely to break time and space.

No one noticed that every time Su Jin took a step, a trace of Ghost King's power penetrated the ground!

Underground, petrified bones buzzed and trembled, and some eye sockets began to light up with scarlet flames, and they began to worship Lord Ghost King!

"In the age of the **** of war, the entire temple of **** of war dominates the mainland, and we are all the gods of the temple of **** of war.

"The ghost king will last forever! The Martial God Palace Pearl seems to have flown to the mysterious realm of Wu, not here!"

"Ah, you are Lord You! Lord You used to protect the Martial God Temple and guard the South Gate World of the mainland. You must know where the mysterious realm of Wu is!"

"Master Ghost King——" Master You shook the waves and the ghost flames, and roared underground: "The temple beads of the **** of war, you only need to practice the "Divine Tome", you can use its mysterious power to call the temple beads."

Su Jin's mouth just raised a smile, even if his face became cold!

A thousand meters away on the ground, an ancient bronze coffin slowly rose, and Di Qiubai’s coffin rushed out of the ground! Layers of demonic energy swirled around his body, and he brazenly slapped the evil sage's coffin behind!

"So you haven't left." Su Jin said flatly.

Di Qiubai's eyes were full of strong killing intent, and he shouted wildly: "Kill you before leaving!"

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