My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3164: You are fighting eyeballs at this time, you have to be cured!


Seeing Su Jin getting up, Mo Hongyu was a little surprised. If Ye Di is really an avatar, how can he fight these two people only with his avatar?

"Are you caring about me? Are you afraid of my death?" Su Jin looked at Mo Hongyu as if he had discovered the New World.

"Then you go to die!" Mo Hongyu stomped faintly in the same place, and, for a moment, the whole person was already far away, she wanted to see how this guy who loves to do things has no real body against these two people!

Su Jin sighed lightly, looked at the Taihang **** son and Jun Wudao, and said lightly: "Are you coming together or fighting on wheels? My king, stay with him to the end--"

Bong to the end!

This is Su Jin's attitude!

Although Su Jin is only an incarnation, in addition to the lack of strength of the divine body, his divine treasure, Taoism, and everything are present, and his soul is now living in the incarnation, and he can also display its amazing power!

Although the Aotian Shenwu cannot be used, even if the real body is present, the stone axe cannot be born. After all, the power of the Aotian Shenwu was used to deal with the dragon demon and evil-hearted phoenix.

Therefore, Su Jin now means that he does not have a strong physical body and the nine powers in the divine body. He can only rely on the Origin Avenue to refine the nine powers on the spot and use it for the incarnation, and this is nothing for him!

"An incarnation, the **** child needs the help of Jun Wudao?" The **** son Taihang said coldly: "This king cuts your incarnation, and appears more than your real body!"


A mechanical sound began to revolve, and the **** son of Taihang whirled around the yin and yang, like gossip yin and yang, blooming in black and white Daoxia!

"Your eyes are half black and white, and the people who look at it are disgusting. In our hometown, you can be diagnosed as cross-eyed by the doctor. No wonder so many people look at you upset. You are definitely a cross-eyed. You must be cured!" Su Jin said lightly.

Mo Hongyu heard Su Jin say this from a distance, and only felt ashamed--

Not only is this Ye Di extremely strong, but he even harms people in one set! And all of this is based on strength and status! If you change to other ordinary divine cultivation, I am afraid that you will not even have the courage to look at the Taihang divine child!

"Your words make people very angry. They actually shaken the strong Taoist heart of the **** son, and today you won't be able to kill you--" the **** son Taixing looked at Su Jin with cold-blooded eyes.

"It shakes you to strengthen Daoism because you are not good at learning. Do you want me to teach you how to cultivate Dao?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"No one in the world is worthy to teach me!" The **** child Taixing was suddenly furious. He was superior, and he was always like this everywhere, but when he encountered this emperor, he was always suppressed, and all aspects were arranged to understand. Now the other party is even more rants. , Teach him monasticism!

"While you are free, this king will teach you both--" Su Jin smiled lightly.

The murderous intent on Wudao's face of the **** of law has not concealed it!

"God of Taihang, you and I, teach him how to be a man!" Jun Wudao said with a sneer.

In the first level of comprehension, both of them lost. It doesn't matter, after all, comprehension is not their current real strength. The same is true in the second level. I don't know how many people think that Su Jin depends on luck!

At the current Tiangu Festival, except for Di Qiubai who has been expelled, no one has ever fought Su Jin! Today, the two will join hands to kill the leader of the first two levels, Ye Di!

"Come, learn something." Su Jin stretched out his hand and motioned for the two of them to do it.

Atmosphere, tense!

On the Martial God Continent, Bai Fan used the spar screen to visualize the scene where Su Jin was located. Countless people saw the upcoming shopping battle by reflecting Zhou Tian!

"The **** son of Taihang came with the first goal. He was originally unstoppable. He didn't expect that there would be stronger existences in front of him, a Huangdi, a Yedi, and the inheritors of the Tianji Protoss. Difficult to deal with." Inside the imperial city, countless pairs of hot eyes were watching the battle, and there was no shortage of rumors.

"Although Ye Di won the first place in the two levels, how much power he really has is still unknown." Someone continued: "Understanding, fortune, and long years of tempering, understanding the Great Way, and cultivating Gods, can you be detached."

"That is the future **** of the Fa Shenzong, named Jun Wudao, very famous—"

"Ye Di is hanging. If he is intercepted in the third level, the consequences can be imagined. This means that he can't go to the end. He has no relationship with the bones of the sky and the princess!"

"It shouldn't be so bad, after all, it is the first of the two levels, and the true power is unlikely to be weaker than these two--"


The tense atmosphere spread to the Prince's Mansion!

"Jun Wu Dao, join hands with the Taihang God Son..." In the Prince's Mansion, Mrs. Zong comforted herself again and again, "Fortunately, the Taihang God Son has deep power and no luck on his back, so he and Jun Wu Dao dealt with a night emperor. , It shouldn't be difficult."

"Not difficult? Who told you?" Ling Xuan glanced at Madam Zong.

"It is indeed the number of five to five." The Emperor Xingyue nodded.

Mrs. Zong looked at the Xingyue Empress in amazement. This **** had been antagonizing her all the time, but she did not expect to give such a guess about the odds now. In normal times, she might belittle Jun Wudao to a scum.

"Why?" Ling Xuan became curious and looked at the Xingyue Empress.

The Xingyue Empress smiled coldly: "Isn't it too bad to deal with an incarnation, no more than five to five?"

"Incarnation--" Ling Xuan sensed Madam Zong's sharp gaze, and immediately moved back a few steps in fright, "You mean, Ye Di... Ye Di is related to that person?"

"Which person?" Ling Xia also stared blankly.

"You and Miss Liu Yun go back to the room and stay." Ling Xuan glared at his daughter and snarled.

"Come on, Ye Di is just an incarnation now?" Ling Xia looked at the screen again in disbelief, and couldn't see it.

The female emperor Xingyue didn’t sell Guanzi, and said quietly: “According to legend, the Buddha king who showed great power in the graves of sentient beings a few days ago will participate in this test with an avatar. That Buddha king is currently in the highest palace in the palace. Tongtian Hall!"

Mrs. Zong's mind was suddenly struck by thunderbolt, and stood on the spot blankly!

"The wheel of life and death, the ancient truth of the Buddha, and the king of Buddha!" ​​Ling Xuan's face flushed, "Emperor Ye has several Dao, and the Buddha Dao is also strong. Now the Tian Bone Test is going to the third level, the Buddha King is always incarnate It hasn’t been seen yet, and there is a ninety-nine chance that the current Ye Emperor is the Buddha King!!"

"He threatened to use only the avatar to test! Then you can only use the avatar!" Madame Zong went mad and said madly: "He can't use the real body. I don't believe that the gods of Taixing and Jun Wudao can't even cut an avatar. Drop!"

Liu Yun also stayed in place for a long time--

In the general ancient land, Ye Di exhibited a kind of monstrous wisdom, entrapped Di Qiubai, and robbed the coffin in full view.

In the ancient **** city, the Ye Emperor stepped onto the coffin. Before the **** city fell, the Ye Emperor was not as powerful as that. In just a few days, he became the supreme guest of the Great Moon God Kingdom and His Majesty the King!

This situation is so uncomfortable, Liu Yun never thought that a person could be so terrible——

The female emperor Xingyue sneered at Mrs. Zong and stopped arguing with her. After all, Jun Wudao's ranking has been so miserable, and she is still facing the Ye Emperor without knowing it!

On the battlefield!

The **** son of Taihang, bathed in the two colors of Yin and Yang, and between his hands, there seemed to be several reincarnation killing techniques. No one knew that his strongest was actually the pair of Yin and Yang pupils!

Jun Wudao shook his whole body, a scene of ancient relics manifested behind his feet, the majestic road relics of the ages were engulfed from the ruins, and his divine body was lightened to the brightness, with infinite brilliance!

"Look at your Yin and Yang Daoxia, this king has forgotten that I am also a Taoist god——" Su Jin smiled and immediately sat down, "This king will teach you... Tao, how to cultivate!"

"Arrogant!" The **** son of Taihang bathed Daoxia, waving his hands, black and white Daoxia, turned into a black and white, two dragons, coiled and resonated, the dragon yin **** heaven!

Mo Hongyu's face hesitated, he lifted his robe and cap a little, his gaze seemed to be a little more worried, looked at Ye Di, and thought to himself: "This Taixing God Child is even more terrifying than I thought!"

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