My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3165: Mudras of Arogaya and Swastika

In the eyes of Mo Hongyu, Su Jin does not rely on his real body, but is able to—

We must know that the son of Taihang was in its heyday and had a boundless future. He was about to rise in this Tiangu event. The emperor blocked the way of the rise of the son of Taihang. How could he not cause the opponent to kill him?

Su Jin's face was calm.

He gently brushed his hand, and the eye-catching golden robe all over his body was hunting and agitating. At this moment, the surrounding Dao Yun seemed to thicken!

"Taoism?" Mo Hongyu had disbelief in his eyes. Su Jinfo prospered and reached a realm beyond the reach of many Buddhas. Who could have imagined that he should express Taoist rhyme and Taoxia scattered, as if an inexplicable mood was created out of thin air. !

A circle of yin and yang fish slowly swam over from all sides, converging into two wonderful pictures of gossip.

At this point, Su Jin didn't practice Taoist charm too much. He repeatedly brushed his hands, and the true meaning of Taoism seemed to be melted into his temperament——

"Regulate your breath, you must adjust your true breath. To refine a god, you need to practice a godless god."

Su Jin's mind and spirit are united, as if there is nothing else in his eyes except Daoyun rules, and then he silently said to himself: "The breath of true breath is also the one who breathes. The **** of the gods is also the **** of the gods. There must be no heart. , There is Dao Mind, and this Dao Mind is returned to nothingness, fainted and silently stored in the rules, it is the breath that can nourish the true breath and win the ungod."

At that moment, Su Jin's temperament really changed! It becomes more profound, and becomes more mysterious, without the depth of Taoism.

"The mind is tied to the rest, tactfully and melodiously in the sea of ​​air, and gathers but does not disperse, then the inner air and the external air are intertwined in the air." Su Jin is still thinking, thinking, and muttering.

"The sun fills the limbs, reaches the limbs, flows through the veins, hits the Jiaji pun, and the upper reaches of the mud pill, revolving and descending to the lower Jiangong, and down to the sea dantian. The spirit is guarded, the breath is dependent, and the river is connected. the road!"


Countless people have all seen that Su Jin is not only changing his aura, but his whole body is like Dao Fa, expressing Dao Fa's edge!

Mo Hongyu saw it, and it even felt suffocated!

There is a wonderful sight in her pupils. Every pore of Su Jin is in the respiratory tract. In every pore, there seems to be a microscopic "yin and yang Tao fish" formed. It is unpredictable and mysterious, as if making People can't help but sigh!

"Dao can be said, very Tao ~~~" Su Jin gently closed his hands, and gently shook the black and white dragon with the elbow of his right arm!

Click! Click!

The face of the **** of Taihang changed suddenly!

The two Daolongs transformed into black and white qi, seem to be bound by a circle of yin and yang and gossip diagrams, struggling for tens of meters in front of Su Jin, and the dragon screams uneasy!

"Unexpectedly, you really have a bit of strength--" the **** son of Taihang said coldly: "This **** son built "Yin and Yang fortune, no gods". These two qi incarnations are just a prelude. Can't compete with my avenue!"

With a sound of oppressive rumbling, Jun Wudao surrounded his body with two divine powers, the blood of his whole body seemed to be turned into a **** coat of arms, all over his body!

"The power of the Primordial Underworld, blessing the gods, the law of my king is the law of the magic underworld. To cut your incarnation today is an underachiever." Jun Wudao regrets that he did not see Su Jin's real body, otherwise he would be like this. Strike, enough to kill.

Su Jin looked at the two and thought about it.

"Desperate!" The **** of Taihang's face was ruthless, he stepped into the Xia array, with his arms in one move, he received the light of the great road of "Yin and Yang, Absolutely No God", for a while, the night seemed to be driven back by his edge!

"To the emptiness, keep quiet." Su Jin took a step and jumped into the void. Under his feet, Pisces met and gossip revolved. One hand stretched out towards the Taixing divine son, and the other pointed at Jun Wudao. !


The light of the majestic avenue of the **** of Taihang converged on Su Jin's right hand! Similarly, Jun Wudao’s magical powers of the magic underworld are gathered in his left hand!

This! What's happening here?

Jun Wudao and Taihang **** son were moved, showing surprise!

Mo Hongyu's eyes widened, as if seeing an impossible scene! Is Su Jin creating the magic? Still rely on other people's avenues to create amazing magical methods with monstrous insights!

"This night emperor, what kind of evildoer is it!" Many monks who watched the battle, no matter it was in the imperial city or in the gods, all did not know what to do!

"The light of the Great Way of the Taihang God Child was entangled in Yedi's right hand, swirling into two black and white yin and yang fish!" Someone was shocked, blushing, and said, "The power of the law of Jun Wudao is in Yedi's left hand. It was actually condensed into a fish of the devil, and it was also transformed into a bipolar gossip by the Dao."

"The gods of Taihang and Jun Wudao are at a loss! Who would dare to underestimate Yedi's multi-day good fortune!"

"A Dharma god, a Taixing **** son, can it be that these two people can't deal with the night emperor together?"

"Many people say that Yedi's comprehension is the first, but the second level is to get the Martial God Temple Pearl by luck, but now, his comprehension seems to have a great effect!"


Countless people were stunned, unable to calm the panic in their hearts for a long time--

Su Jin's two floating gossip brilliance with left and right hands were actually terrifying! He took the two people's ways and methods, closed his eyes and realized, as if he was about to evolve a worldless magic.

"Hands!" The **** son of Taihang was irritated with a crooked nose. He couldn't bear it, and quickly transmitted to Jun Wudao!


The void that Jun Wudao stepped on seemed to evolve into a treasure of the ancient underworld, and the entire **** city was crushed, silently shattering the void that did not know how far away.

The **** of Taihang is even more extraordinary. The "Yin and Yang Good Fortune There is No God" directly suppressed, turning the surrounding space into reincarnation, and a disk of reincarnation was condensed by the light of the avenue!

This disc of reincarnation seems to be extremely bright, dare to compare with the sharp edges of any road!

Mo Hongyu silently retreats again-

She discovered that Jun Wudao was so powerful. If she fights with this person, I am afraid that she will have to spell out the secret to steadily defeat him. Of course, the **** of Taihang is definitely better than her, there is no doubt about this!

Many people saw that Su Jin seemed to be in a precarious state, and could be killed by two Tianjiao towns at any time. This situation is too dangerous, and few people can calm down.


Su Jin opened the three pupils abruptly, and the three pupils vomited the golden brilliance of the Buddha, and then shook his feet, and a ‘swastika’ seal slowly merged between his hands and turned.

Boom boom boom, the huge pressure released by the gods of Taihang and Jun Wudao almost formed the substance, they wanted to compress the space in which Su Jin stood, but the two later discovered that no matter how they suppressed, the emperor of the night was still as a bell!

"This is my avenue!" The **** son Taihang noticed the new situation and couldn't help showing a shocked expression, blurting out in exclamation.

"Yin and Yang, Absolute No Divine Dao", evolved into gossip on Su Jin's right hand, while the "Magic Law and Power" on the left is even more unique. As the "Swastika" in the middle rotates, Su Jin's hands gradually merged——


A kind of avenue, a kind of law and supernatural power, is merging with the revolving "卍" character, and then it is actually centered on the Buddha, and the "卍" character surrounding the Buddha seal merges with two powers, forming a big mudra!

Su Jin faintly said: "To achieve the emptiness, keep quiet, and cure the other body by the way of the other. The name of this method is "Arogaya's "Swastika" Demon Handprints"."

Like a devil but not a devil, like a Tao but not a Tao, like a ghost but not a night, like a Buddha and not a Buddha!

Arogaya, the mudra of the'Swastika' Demon Great Underworld!

The **** son of Taihang and Jun Wudao roared again and again and rushed down frantically, even though they both felt something was wrong!

"go with--"

Su Jin made a handprint, and Jun Wudao realized that his power was unstoppable. The opponent's big handprint was like a broken bamboo. If he hadn't reacted to it, and fleeing frantically, I am afraid that as long as the side of the big handprint, he would be crushed to death in an instant.

Rao is a **** of Taihang who has a great way to protect him. In this "Arogaya Swastika Mudras", he trembled again and again, spitting nine mouthfuls of blood, almost dying!

Now the Taihang **** son is disheveled, his body is damaged, and his body is full of wounds! He underestimated the power of this handprint! Just now, all the light of his avenue burst out, and he tried his best to guarantee immortality!

Looking at the sky melted and a hole appeared in the sky, the **** of Taihang seemed to have broken his dream, and he couldn't accept this fact in his heart.

How could you lose!

Still in the case of Jun Wudao teaming up!

The Taoist injury of the God Child of Taihang can be healed in just half a day for him. His physique is extraordinary. This Taoist injury that is so taboo is not to be feared at all!

Su Jin said lightly: "Have you learned?"

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