My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3175: Godblade Bayue

"Brother Ye said yes, so naturally. Besides, it is easy to open it. I'll help you—" Ji Tianao heard Mo Hongyu's suspicion, so he rubbed his hands and wanted to give it a try.

The red skirt flashed, Mo Hongyu shook his head and said, "I will do it myself."

Mo Hongyu turned his hand, and there was a carving knife in his hand. This carving knife looked like silver, but it was actually Secret Star Silver, one of the best materials for making a carving knife.

Soon, as Mo Hongyu poured power into the carving knife, the carving knife suddenly glowed with a unique secret light color!

Including the young Huangdi, everyone was watching the huge stone cut out by Su Jin!

One by one, with Mo Hongyu using a carving knife, they were directly and effortlessly chipped off——

"Why is it getting hotter and hotter?" Mo Hongyu murmured, "Can there be a vital medicine in it? Ghosts believe."

"There is no treasure medicine, there are living creatures." Su Jin is also a little uncertain, but his feeling is not wrong, plus his own perception of the'big life technique', the vitality of this is always in his sense.

As the outermost layer of the stone shell was untied, the stone actually took on an oval shape, and the color of the surface changed, showing a bright crystal red.

"Even if there is nothing in it, this stone is very valuable--" Ji Tianao's eyes lit up, and he even wanted to reach out and touch it, but when he thought of not belonging to him, he had to forget it.

Mo Hongyu faintly began to feel extraordinary--

The stone shell just outside was very easy for her to untie, but the oval crystal red strange stone that was half a meter long in front of her was difficult to peel off with a carving knife.

"What a strong heat--" Princess Wuyou looked at the fiery red brilliance, as the crystal red stone chips peeled off and began to spread.

"No matter how bad the environment is, there may be life, I am afraid there are real creatures in it." Huang Di couldn't help but look at it a few more times, smelling rich vitality from the heat wave.

"It's the best medicine." Su Jin nodded and confirmed.

"What medicine?"

"Branches are like crystal red, leaves are like cockscombs, and flowers are like scorching sun." Su Jin said to Mo Hongyu: "You can't untie the carving knife, put it away—"

When Ji Tianao heard Su Jin's words, he quickly said, "I can break it open with the heart of Falling Chen, and I promise not to hurt the precious medicine!"

Mo Hongyu hurriedly put away the crystal red stone eggs, and said: "I will find someone to untie it after the test is over. You don't need your help."

"Brother Ye said that the branches are like red crystals, the leaves are like cockscombs, and the flowers are like scorching sun. This fits the characteristics of a superb medicine." Huang Di slowly said: "Phoenix cockscomb, mature cockscomb, wings spread. It can fly away, no one can stop it, and naturally it cannot be untied."

"How do you know it is mature?" Princess Wuyou asked curiously.

"The flower is like the scorching sun, and it is naturally mature. I didn't expect that Jedi such as Yanlou could nurture such a treasure." Huang Di said with some emotion.

He is the only person who is not tempted.

Ji Tianao and Princess Wuyou both regret it very much. They knew that Mo Hongyu was so ignorant before, so it's better to lay down the stone first.

"Brother Ye, find a worthy weapon for my little brother~~~" Ji Tianao looked at Su Jin expectantly. What he admired most is the monk with heavenly eyes, who can see beautiful women from far away and can find them near. Qizhen, of course, just forget the cross-eyed man like Taihang Shenzi.

"There really is one, but it's not on this floor." Su Jin shook slightly, and the brilliance of the Great Ascension Technique instantly enveloped a few people and appeared directly on the 513th floor.

Princess Wuyou was very surprised. As far as she knew, Yanlou’s reappearance was due to the godly formation monk invited by the emperor. Normally, Yanlou was sunk in a sea of ​​magma. Can't stand the tempering of years.

Ji Tianao was puzzled, looking at this layer almost the same as the previous one, except for the stone wall or the stone wall, an empty piece of——

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised, and the whole person turned into a divine rainbow, raising his fist and blasting fiercely on the western cliff!


The stone wall was violently shattered, and pieces of rubble fell, and a complete and fierce ancient knife was embedded in the huge cracked wall!

"Baby, I'm here!" Ji Tianao's eyes lighted, lest other people do the same as him, and rushed directly to the wall. He hugged the handle of the two-meter-wide knife with his arms, blushing, just not. Shake an inch!

Good weight--

There is another reason why Ji Tianao blushed, and that is shame~~~

Thinking about holding the heart of the meteor, as if holding a pill, he didn't expect to ask for a heavy weapon now, but he couldn't hold it up, which inevitably made him feel uncomfortable.

"Ba Yue, such a powerful name." Huang Di said in surprise.

In fact, not only the name is overbearing, this ancient knife is fierce with a dark purple scarlet, and the shape is very violent. The ancient text is engraved on the handle, and there is a skull that does not know how old it is before the handle.

"After countless years of smelting, even if this treasure is sealed in the stone wall, it should be lost and become a waste treasure. How can it still emit a fierce light now?" Mo Hongyu was startled by this bayue. However, she thinks about it carefully, even the'Phoenix Cockscomb' that she just obtained can absorb the essence from the magma and grow to maturity. It is not surprising that there is such a murderous soldier.

"Brother Ye, the younger brother can't surrender--" Ji Tianao was like hanging on an ancient sword, helplessly asking for help.

"Why don't you let Brother Huang try." Su Jin said slowly.

"No!" Ji Tianao trembled in his heart, and then said, "Good fellow! It seems that I am going to take the risk of using my soul to enter this knife, otherwise I can't conquer it, let alone pick it up."

Almost involuntarily, Ji Tianao reluctantly vomited a drop of blood, then closed his eyes and swam out several strands of the soul——

If it weren't for loving this sword, he wouldn't force the soul out of anything! At the moment when he is going through the barrier, if the soul is injured, it will be a nightmare for the monk!

"Wait for him." Su Jin said lightly.

"Me too." Princess Wuyou's eyes warmed.

"What kind of bicycle do you want? There is no divine treasure that fits your temperament." Su Jin glanced at her, feeling that she was hugging her shoulders tightly with her arms, and she would not stop looking for it.

"Since Brother Ye is in a dilemma, I have a treasure that is useless. Let me give it to the princess." Huang Di thought for a while, and a golden kit suddenly floated in his palm.

Princess Wuyou still wants to refuse. After all, the gift from Brother Ye is the same as the one you gave——

But this kit seemed to have a great attraction, and she was very moved by it.

"What's inside?" Princess Wuyou asked curiously.

"Three lives." Huangdi nodded, "A strange scripture and three lives, it seems that the strange scriptures are very helpful for you to practice heavenly law and divine will."

"With this kit, the princess will have three chances to make a living change?" Mo Hongyu couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hmm -" Huang Emperor confirmed.

Such an invincible kit, Huang Di actually said it was useless to him, is this too confident in his own strength, or thinks that he will have no life worry in the future?

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