My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3176: Give them a lesson!

Not everyone has the courage to give such a treasure

Mo Hongyu suddenly felt that Huangdi was very mysterious, so mysterious that people could not imagine!

Vaguely, Mo Hongyu remembered the legend about Huangdi. This person was first discovered by a tomb of all beings named'Wang Gu' three thousand years ago. He was not born with a stone birth but was in' After the mortal monument of Wanggu People’s Tomb was smashed, it crawled out of the monument, and when it crawled out, it was filled with the blood of the creatures——

If the record is correct, the sky bone under the tomb of the ancient sentient beings seems to have evaporated, and no one has seen the true face of that sky bone.

"The Wanggu Tiangu is still there, don't think too much." The young Huangdi glanced at Mo Hongyu and interrupted her thoughts.

"Can you see what I'm thinking?" Mo Hongyu chuckled, his face slightly changed.

"It's not watching, it's listening--" the young Emperor Huang said with a smile.

Princess Wuyou was a little embarrassed, could it be heard by him just as she thought? This guy's abilities are really weird. If so, where is the secret of the world in front of him?

The young Huangdi threw the kit to Princess Wuyou, and then said: "Brother Ye has Bodhicitta, and my ability is useless to him, understand?"

"Understood!" Princess Wuyou clutched the tips tightly, knowing that Emperor Huang was explaining to her.

"Don't thank Huang Di." Su Jin said to Princess Wuyou.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Princess Wuyou hurriedly thanked her. In terms of preciousness, this kit has surpassed everything, including the anchovy cockscomb that Mo Hongyu had just acquired!

At this time, in Ji Tianao's perception--

The entire'Ba Yue' interior seems to be an endless black space, with countless heads of idols faintly condensed and turned into smoke, but these idol expressions of hatred, joy, or disgust seem to contain an extremely cautious test .

"Ba Yue opened the Heavenly Sword, it was a sage that made a divine weapon, you are a little sacred monk, get out quickly--" Numerous expressions are like facial makeup, constantly blocking the invasion of Ji Tianao's soul.

"What is Xian! My Tianji bloodline, Sheng Xian!" Ji Tianao also said angrily.

"So confident? Then I'll give you a chance~~~" The wisps of facial makeup turned into white smoke, unfolding the sword shadow pattern that is hard to see forever. At this moment, in Ji Tianao's perception, among the countless sword shadows, every sword shadow It's all a year, very profound!

"What opportunity?" Ji Tianao became nervous.

"If your primordial spirit can resist the power of thousands of swords and slashes, I will recognize you as the master—"


Although Ji Tianao was just a few strands of Yuanshen entering the master, but at the sound of a thousand swords, the divine body outside couldn't help but shiver!

Not refundable? Ji Tianao was hesitating, this is not a joke. He is now holding'Ba Yue' with a divine body, so many sword shadow marks, I am afraid that he can be traced back to his original spirit sea, and even cut off his everything. Just leave the corpse out!

"Come!" Ji Tian haughty and cruel.

"You have to think clearly—"

"Think about it clearly! What are you awkward, you are not a man if you don't fight!"


The infinite knife shadows and trail marks suddenly began to overlap each knife shadow. In the end, it was just a breath of time, and it turned into an extremely domineering light sword!


Ji Tianao gathered the wisps of primordial spirits together and stared at the sharp light of the sword. At that moment, he regretted a little! How can this be blocked!

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Huh?

Ji Tianao suddenly discovered the light and shadow of the magic sword, and when he was about to touch his soul, it directly turned into countless Dao marks, madly flooding into his spiritual sea and the Zhoutian meridians!

"If you have the courage of the world, you can subdue me. You passed the test of acknowledging the Lord."

The voice coming from the emptiness surprised Ji Tianao inexplicably. At the same time, the true message of ‘Ba Yue’ rang in his mind!

Weight: 196,666 catties!

Damn! Heavy equipment, it really is heavy equipment——

Ji Tianao took almost no effort to comprehend all the basic knife marks. After a while, he returned to his body and woke up!

The entire stone wall was shaking and cracking, and Ji Tianao yelled in excitement, directly reducing the size of'Ba Yue' and turning it into a two-meter heavy knife!

"Ba Yue Kaitian Sword! Sure enough, it fits the super invincible temperament of the Lord!" Ji Tianao couldn't wait, hungry and thirsty, and wanted to use this sword to show off his glory!

"This knife is really good--" Huangdi nodded gently.

"Shen Wu, how can it be worse!" Ji Tianao carried the Ba Yue divine sword on his shoulders and said to Su Jin: "Boss Ye! From now on, you will be my boss. If you can help me, just speak! "

"Those people outside, please practice knives." Su Jin said calmly.

"That's what I meant!"

Ji Tianao patted his thigh with his left hand, "Go! Give a lesson to those little boys! We are the first!"

Su Jin watched for a long time, and deliberately looked at the bottom of Yanlou with his eyes for a while, where magma was flowing, filled with unimaginable high temperature——

But it is also under the pedestal of the Yanlou, there is a black stone shadow, and his hands are raised high--

"The stone monk can't move." The young Huangdi followed Su Jin's gaze, naturally aware of his thoughts, and gently shook his head.

"Let's go."

Su Jin was tempted because of the black stone monk's neck with a circle of rosary beads. The rosary beads are still in circulation and are as strong as ever. In terms of value alone, I am afraid that they are not lost to the Ming Dynasty he once obtained. ruler!

There are some divine treasures that Su Jin knows he can’t take, like that rosary. If you take it off, the entire Yanlou will probably collapse instantly, so forget it—

Several people walked out of the Yanlou together-

Taihang Shenzi’s face is not good now. His team has been attacking the top of the tower. However, the six inheritors of Sea King Jiyou, for unknown reasons, activated the six-pointed flame star formation on the roof, the attackers. No one was blocked and suffered a lot of trauma!

"Brother, the second emperor walked out of the Yanlou--"

Shi Hongxue, wearing a blue and white female skirt with a trident logo embroidered on it, quietly informed the leader.

"The old man is in a bad mood recently. If our brothers and sisters can't win the first place and break into the top ten, I'm afraid the old man will be even more depressed. You pay close attention to the actions of the second emperor. You still have to use that trick at a critical juncture." Glancing at his younger brother and sister, his eyes were not too solemn.

"Don't worry, big brother! As long as Ye Di and Huang Di dare to make a move, I will wait for six people, and 60% of them will kill him!"

"Don't be careless." Shi Yi frowned and said.

"The gods of Taihang and Jun Wudao are eager, like them, and want to become famous in a battle? The pupils and physique of the gods of Taihang are amazing, but compared with the big brother, they are not worth mentioning."

"Huh? The inheritor of Ji Protoss came out with a magic sword from the Yanlou that day!"

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