My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3177: The two powers compete for the top!

The Ba Yue Kaitian Sword is too eye-catching. For someone like Ji Tianao who loves to show off, if he had it, he would have taken it out long ago. It is impossible to wait until now!

In other words, this knife came from Yanlou!

Shi Yi's face was slightly solemn, "Just now we six brothers and sisters were eager to climb to the top, but we forgot to check the entire Yanlou, that magic sword, faintly showing virtuous intentions!"

"Sage soldiers?" Shi Hongxue was startled secretly, she couldn't believe it.

"Emperor Ye and Emperor Huang, if you don't provoke us, let them go for the time being." Shi Yi took a deep breath and continued: "But if they want to attack, naturally they can't be used to them!"

"yes, Sir!"

"Big brother is right! We have tolerated these years, what we lack is a complete fame, it is better to kill the second emperor today!"


Outside the Yanlou--

The young Huangdi stood in the void with his hand in his hand, and said lightly: "The few bugs on the top of the building are talking about **** you and me. According to Brother Ye, how should I fight?"

"Beat them! What are you waiting for!" Ji Tianao got the magic sword for the first time, and he was immediately itch. He didn't want to punish the gods of Taixing and Jun Wudao. The two of them had no courage to face him.

"Wait—" Su Jin raised his hand and said lightly: "There is still more time, we can wait, but some people are afraid that we can't."

"The **** son of Taihang and Jun Wudao are finally angry." Mo Hongyu whispered: "These two people, I wonder if they can compete with the six inheritors of Sea King Jiyou."

"Difficult." Huangdi shook his head without explaining.

However, the opinion of the young Emperor Huang could not be listened to. The **** son of Taihang didn't even look at this side, and directly put his fingers together, before his eyes!


The sky in the Yanlou seemed to begin to gather dark clouds, and there was a hum of thunder from far to near, and lightning struck down from the distant clouds.

"Brother Wudao, protect the law for me!" The **** son of Taihang drank low, his eyes seemed to be one yin and one yang, and he began to change his color. His one eye seemed to be life, and the other eye was like death. The whole body is in all directions, the gossip is hanging in the air, and Taoist scriptures constantly appear around the Yanlou!

"it is good!"

Jun Wudao has expectations in his heart——

The strongest thing of the God Child of Suwen Taixing is the Yin and Yang pupil technique. This pair of pupils reverses the sun and the moon and condenses the power of time and space. This blow, in order to compete for the first place, he is completely planning to fight!

"80 million li to ask the venerable Taoism, bless the Taoist god!" The **** son of Taihang drank lightly, and the dark clouds dispersed for a long time. Among them, there were countless ways and magical phantoms of Taoism and began to gather!

Su Jin's face was as usual, while Mo Hongyu was a little surprised. After all, the Taixing **** child kept his hands until now, and this power is enough to shock people——

For the monks in the Great Moon Imperial City, the self-proclaimed Taoist skill of the God Son of Taihang is naturally more surprising!

"Sure enough, the **** of Taihang has left behind. The six people on the Yanlou, from the perspective of their clothing, have absolutely amazing origins. I don't know if these six people can bear the blow of the **** of Taihang!" Someone saw the appearance of the **** of Taihang crying out. , Was amazed.

"Trident sign? This is the person from Sea King Jiyou——"

"Break through Huo Mei's obstacles early, climb to the top first, and occupy the first position. Looking at this posture, I am afraid that the second emperor will make a move, and they will never let it!"

"Jun Wudao protects the law? The Taihang **** son alone is enough to look down upon the heroes!"


Prince's Mansion.

Mrs. Zong of Shenzong, her face was full of excitement!

"For the Taihang **** son to protect the law, Jun Wudao wants to stand on the top of the Yanlou with the Taihang **** son!" Madame Zong was a little hard to control her emotions, and even showed a little gaffe.

"The **** of Taihang actually has such a strong power--" Ling Xuan somewhat underestimated the person's abilities, and then said: "When fighting against the emperor, neither he nor Jun Wudao performed this technique. I'm afraid it is now. ."

"In order to reach the top--" The Xingyue Empress frowned, "But the second emperor hasn't taken any action yet. Who will be the real winner? The first one is still unknown."

"If this technique comes down, the six people will definitely die! If the divine power continues for a while, the Ye Emperor and Huang Emperor will not be able to break through!" Madam Zong smiled with teardrops in her eyes, "Everyone is miscalculating, the strongest is Jun Wudao and Taihang **** son!"

"Haha." The female emperor Xingyue said lightly: "She really puts gold on the face of God Fasect——"

"I'm lazily arguing with you, until Jun Wudao and Taihang Shenzi are tied for first place, I will humiliate you a lot!" Madam Zong tilted her head over, looking at the horrible scene, she was very satisfied.

Ling Xia whispered: "It seems like you are not doing it."


The gathering of wind and clouds in the sky, coupled with the path opened by the **** of the sky, the six people on the top of the Yanlou, all frowned——

"Big Brother, this Taixing **** son really has no scruples, should we use that trick?" Shi Hongxue said in a hurry.

"That trick is to deal with the second emperor! You must never use it first!" Shi Yi's expression was gloomy, "I will pick up this trick with my little sister!"

Shi Hongxue and the other four looked at each other, and after thinking about it, they felt the same. They nodded and said, "Okay! Everything listens to Big Brother!"

Immediately, Shi Yi stretched out his hand and waved, dark blue runes began to appear in the void. On the center of his eyebrows, the faint ‘Trident’ mark lit up!

In the high sky, in addition to the pupil technique used by the gods of Taihang, there was an azure blue void sea! Although this sea is condensed, it seems to be close to the truth--

Not only that, as a beautiful singer-songwriter voice sang, the boundless sea above the sky raised a full height several times!

The beautiful woman's voice was extremely ethereal, as if there was an elegant mood facing the sea and blowing conch shells. Shi Hongxue looked at the last sister, a chill flashed in his eyes——

Shi Mengling!

The youngest granddaughter in the lineage of the Sea King, who has only been in her career for 15 years, has already possessed a power that is difficult for anyone to achieve in a lifetime!

The beautiful singing voice seems to bring the melancholy and joy of the girl to the fullest!

"Looking for death!" The **** son Taihang noticed it, and said in a crazy tone.


The two super visions are so exciting and start to collide!

"This Taixing **** son, so powerful!" Shi Hongxue said in surprise.

Shi Mengling girl catkins her five fingers, the palms of her left and right hands all have trident marks lit up!

"Neptune Star!" Shi Hongxue felt a little horrified. Looking at the sky over the sea of ​​vision, a blue-blue star slowly appeared!

The young Huangdi and Su Jin were watching the battle, and some recognized: "This female talent is rare--"

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