My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3178: Unprecedented arrogance!

At this moment, even though Jun Wudao was protecting the Taihang divine son, the collision of visions in the sky made him a little guilty!

Who could have imagined that the descendants of Sea King Jiyou were so powerful that they could shake the Taoism of the God Son of Taihang only with two shots.

The **** of Taihang's face turned blue, and his heart was madly crying that he would never lose!

Among the majestic trails, there are more than the grandeur of the great road floating out of the world. When the Taihang Godzi did everything, in the 80 million li vision, an extremely terrifying mountain range loomed up!

"Big Brother——" Shi Mengling suddenly whispered, and beads of sweat began to pour on his forehead.

"This person is really hard to deal with!" Shi Yi's face became cold, and he stretched forward with one hand, actually holding a handful of azure and golden trident divine treasure from the void.

Immediately, Shi Yi confessed and flew down the Yanlou!

"Brother Wudao!" Taihang's face flushed, he knew what Shi Yi wanted to do! At this moment, he is blessing the Dao Fa, and he must not be distracted at all, let alone fight with others shirtlessly, otherwise he will definitely not escape!

"Your opponent is me--" Jun Wudao shook his body and strode towards Shi Yi.

"Sister, let's start!" Shi Yi quietly transmitted to Shi Mengling.

The face of the **** of Taihang changed slightly!

Is this intentional? Want to cause his distraction?

Now it seems that although the slight distraction just reduced the power of the vision path, the overall effect is not big, so what exactly does Shi Yi want to do? Think you can defeat Jun Wudao in a short time?

Shi Mengling's hands were in front of him, slowly condensing a dreamlike snail, and then the cherry's mouth lightly touched it, and it turned out to be a melodious movement!

"It's now!" The **** of Taihang was all over his body, blessed with all his strength, and wanted to break the sea of ​​stars, but the next scene was beyond his imagination!

This girl--

The Taihang **** child shook his heart violently. With all his strength like this, the momentum of the waves rose instead, and the Neptune star seemed to be swirling gently!


Jun Wu Dao Mo Ming divine power blessing, his hands lifted the sky, abruptly carrying Shi Yi's trident slash!

The **** of Taihang squirted blood from his mouth, and all the signs and visions he displayed, after the Neptune star circled once, crashed to pieces, that kind of power he could not stop!

"Get out!" Shi Yi wandered around the dragon with supernatural power, and the trident seemed to be transformed into a living thing, full of vitality, this time under the heavy pressure, Jun Wudao was almost knocked down by Yan Hai!

"Brother Wudao! We won't fight for this number one!" The face of the **** son Taihang was full of unwillingness!

"Jiyou Chuan, this Liangzi, I and Taihang Shenzi will write down all of them, and I will definitely repay them in the future!" Jun Wudao is now weak, and if he had not blessed the divine body with his own strength, I am afraid that the trident could defeat his body, this Shi Yi, The strength will never lose anyone!

"You should have known the current affairs a long time ago, otherwise there will be no such physical suffering." Shi Yi said, turning to look at Su Jin and the others, full of provocation.

Anyone can hear it--

When Shi Yi said this, he was not only speaking to the two gods of Taihang, but also warning Su Jin and others!

"Haha, it's pretty crazy." The young Huangdi seemed to have some interest, and said lightly: "Brother Ye come first, or should I come first?"

"Brother Huang hasn't fought so much, you and Brother Ji will be together--" Su Jin's mouth has a strange touch.

"I'll do it all by myself!" Ji Tianao was a little anxious. He wanted to single-handedly challenge Shi Yi and would not allow anyone to intervene, otherwise the people outside would make irresponsible remarks. If it were passed on to grandpa, it would not sound good!

Su Jin looked at Ji Tianao with a very different look, and then said: "You are not this person's opponent. Besides, you and Brother Huang are testing first. I always feel that these people have problems."

"What's the problem?" Ji Tianao's face finally calmed down.

"God of Taihang and Jun Wudao, these two are not weak, but the six are only two of them. If you are you, do you think there is no problem?" Su Jin asked back.

Mo Hongyu secretly praised Su Jin in his heart. If he is a reckless person, he may not be careful at all, and he will attack him directly. Now some people seem to want to irritate themselves, I am afraid they really have a back hand.

The young Huangdi and Ji Tianao looked at each other silently, nodded in unison, and strode towards the void——

Second emperor, it's time to shoot!

This scene inspired countless monks who were watching the battle!

"Sea King Jiyou, in fact, has the strength of sages, but because of Tian Tiao, he dare not join the sages! His inheritors can easily defeat the gods of Taihang. If there are no people to hide their strengths, I am afraid there are only Ye Emperor and Huang Emperor. Can contend." Someone exchanged opinions secretly.

"Jun Wudao is indeed too weak, even Shi Yi's attack can't be taken down, in the final analysis, he has only accepted Shi Yi's two moves."

"I'm afraid these six people are truly comparable to the two emperors, don't you see it, Shi Yi just provoked the Yedi——"

"I am a little confident, but if I can beat it, I know if I can beat it. I believe that they are holding Yanlou to the top. They will not give up easily. They will definitely fight again!"

"That girl is really only fifteen years old? What a terrible talent, which one of us has not cultivated for thousands or tens of thousands of years?"


It was bustling and hot outside, but Mrs. Zong looked desperate in the Prince's Mansion——


The combination of Jun Wudao and Taihang Shenzi was completely defeated! The opponent seemed to defeat them easily, and there was no hope of winning in the fourth level.

What's more, if these six people keep pressing, even if they are pressed against Ye Di, it will be extremely difficult to get the top ten rankings. Moreover, this is still the case without secretly hiding the strong——

Six people, six! With the cheating of Princess Wuyou, the top ten has gone to seven! Also, Ye Di and Huang Di, who said that no one would believe they could not go to the end!

How does this make Mrs. Zong not desperate!

"It's difficult." Ling Xuan sighed heavily, "Yishan Fengyu Pavilion is not good, Beast Palace is not good, Fa Shenzong is not good, our hope of entering the top ten is simply slim."

"It's okay to let my clan genius experience it. Anyway, I will give up when I see Empress Ye." Empress Xingyue glanced at Madam Zong and said calmly.

"The six inheritors of Jiyou have inherited his bloodline perfectly, especially the young girl, who is as amazing as when I first saw Yedi——" Ling Xuan said with emotion.

After the **** son of Taihang and Jun Wudao retreated far, Shi Yi seemed to be waiting for Su Jin and his party, standing in the void, without the intention of leaving half an inch.

"Come on together!" Ji Tianao carried the Ba Yue Kaitian Divine Sword and yelled to Shi Yi in a bluff.

Shi Yidan said, "You two are not our opponents, plus Ye Di, can barely compete with us—"

This attitude of calling! This arrogant tone! It's unprecedented!

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