My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3192: Need a man to take care of you


What Su Jin wanted was the evil-hearted Phoenix to chase and kill him, otherwise he would not reveal any flaws just now. He spoke with his own voice. He held the Rainbow Dragon King and turned into a divine rainbow, and shouted to the Ice Profound Palace Master: "Follow me!"

The lord of Bingxuan Palace saw that his scalp was numb, there was no other way but to follow!

The Rainbow Dragon King was in Su Jin’s arms, staring at this man blankly. Just now, she thought she was going to die, and it was this person who turned into a golden holy dragon, as if a **** descended from the earth, frustrating the golden back mantis, and rescued her——

"Go to the Sky Dragon Cave -" Rainbow Dragon King said hard.

"Can't make it." Su Jin shook his head.

The Rainbow Dragon King was seriously injured, she could only raise her arm, gently facing the void in front of her and circling her fingers~~~

Immediately, a rainbow dragon swarmed past Su Jin from behind! Although these rainbow dragons only have a ruler, they still have more than half of them, and the number is still terrifying!

The colorful rainbow dragons quickly formed a formation in front, and a curved rainbow bridge was erected. At the end of the rainbow bridge, there was a circle of dragons flying in a circle. The hazy scene was actually the dragon's nest area of ​​the rainbow dragon. !

The Bing Profound Palace Master smiled and nodded at Su Jin, and the two quickly rushed in together——

Evil-hearted Phoenix knows no traps, and is as stubborn as she is. Su Jin is the target of her trip. If she meets this way, how can she give up easily!

Countless rainbow dragons quickly flew into the dragon cave, and the entire void returned to silence as if nothing had happened!

The witch high priest, the golden back mantis, and His Royal Highness Frost appeared in the void--

"Master Phoenix will hunt down that person?" The witch high priest asked very puzzled.

"This human race is very scary. My demon body is almost half disabled. I don't know how long it will take to recover!" The Golden Back Mantis was cast a shadow in his heart, and his voice was still a little trembling.

"She will handle it by herself, and we can do our own thing." His Royal Highness Frost was still puzzled at first, but the strong man pursued by the evil Phoenix is ​​obviously a tester, but she is still doing the task. She is not worried about the evil spirit. The strength of the Phoenix.

Sky Dragon Cave!

In an enveloping colored nebula, one after another like dragon eggs wrapped in silk, floating in the starry sky like the fruit of a sacred tree——

Su Jin put down the Rainbow Dragon King and turned around to meet the Evil Heart Phoenix. This scene seemed to be slow motion, passing slowly in the eyes of the Rainbow Dragon King~~~

"Boom--" Su Jin rushed over, raised his palm, and suddenly a giant palm in the void lifted up, squeezing it to Evil Phoenix!

"You have killed me so badly! Today, I will behead you, and carry the corpse to ask the devil!" Evil Phoenix hated Su Jin, and easily avoided Su Jin's blow.

At that time, in the mission of the Tomb of All Living Beings, the Dragon Demon and other mighty powers were all dead, and the mission fell short. The Evil Heart Phoenix was cut off with two lives, and his status was affected when he returned!

Originally, Evil Heart Phoenix was at the same level as His Highness Frost, and even concealed the other side, but this time, she could only listen to Frost's dispatch! All this is thanks to Su Jin!

"Not to mention whether you can kill me, even if it really makes me fall, it will be difficult for you to get out—"

Su Jin laughed, "I said you are not bad, if I knew you were so beautiful at that time, I would never beat you and let you go."

The evil phoenix is ​​truly beautiful.

The black is like a demon, and the black clothes all over her body seem to have an unconcealable charm. With her beautiful face, she can't find any problems with her figure. This beauty is no longer inferior to the lord of the Ice Profound Palace, and can even match the Princess Wuyou Compete.

"Ye Di! No matter how clever your tongue is, you won't be able to change my destiny to kill you today!" Evil Heart Phoenix looked around for a while, suspicious in his heart, but put down all doubts and prepared to kill Su Jin first!

"What you want is me, no matter if I die or I lose, please don't involve other people." Su Jin said lightly, and took a step directly, appearing in the starry sky 100,000 miles away, far away from the dragon egg. The Dragon Cave area.

"No wonder women love to revolve around you! It's a pity that rhetoric is of no use to me, kill you, destroy the dragon's cave, kill them!" Evil-hearted Phoenix appeared opposite Su Jin in a flash.

"It seems that you are quite ignorant, and you especially need a man to take care of--"

"Who needs you to control!"

Evil-hearted Phoenix exudes a terrifying heat wave, and the whole person is like a black sun, burning the surrounding space--

"This king gives you a chance to name the place where there is no beginning to sit and transform, and I am willing to let you go." Su Jin calmly looked at the evil heart Phoenix.

"Give me a chance? If the princess is still there, I might still consider it, but since she is not here, now you are asking me!"

Evil-hearted Phoenix knew that Su Jin would not dare to approach her, otherwise her special blood could burn this fellow into powder, and at this point, she had already established herself in an invincible position.

"If you don't leave, just stay under this throne and treat me piously!" Su Jin said tit-for-tat, intending not to give in. Anyway, he couldn't listen to what he said now.

"You deliberately wanted to die!" Evil Heart Phoenix's body shape kept changing positions, and finally she stretched out her right hand, and there was a strange colored'giant sickle' on her palm. The secret color giant sickle was indistinguishable from her size. How many.

Whoosh whoosh——

Three sickle shadows cut through the void where Su Jin stood, and he avoided him!

"A beauty with a magic weapon is more beautiful than I thought!" Su Jin glanced at the giant sickle held by the evil heart Phoenix, and continued: "But it's useless for me, you can manifest the demon body!"

"Are you worthy?" Evil Heart Phoenix felt that Su Jin's words were a trap. Not long ago, she manifested herself as a phoenix and was cut off by the opponent for two lives, which was a huge loss.

Su Jin spread out his hands and looked helpless, then narcissistically picked the bangs on his forehead, and smiled: "You have no choice, let's warm up first--"

Evil-hearted Phoenix Silver Teeth bit secretly, she most did not hear Su Jin speaking in this tone, always feeling frivolous!

Soon, Su Jin gently lifted his right hand and drove the Eastern Emperor Zhong-

Above the starry sky, ten more suns suddenly appeared!

"Da Ri Golden Crow, Burning World Golden Crow, catch this girl for me to live~~~" Su Jin sat under the Eastern Emperor Bell, driving the spirit of the sky full of Golden Crow, and directly saw the three Burning Golden Crows and one big head. Rijinwu manifested!

The horrible heat of Evil Heart Phoenix's body rose to a terrifying height. She was a little lost. This guy has this kind of ability. Why didn't she show it in the graves of sentient beings at that time? !

"East Emperor Bell?" The Bing Profound Palace Master was dumbfounded and said in disbelief.

"In ancient times, was the Eastern Emperor Bell lost from the heavens?" Rainbow Dragon King was also surprised, she was still healing her wounds, and she was surprised when she heard it.

The evil heart phoenix gritted his teeth, a black phoenix slowly rose above his head behind his back!

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