My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3193: This king holds the law to bury God!

The Da Ri Golden Crow and the Burning World Golden Crow began to rush toward the evil Phoenix!

Su Jin stared at him, Evil Heart Phoenix saw that the two golden crows did not dodge or hide, and chose to sneer and stare at him——

"Don't look at me so affectionately? This king is panicked--" Su Jin said calmly.

"Phoenix body, your two golden crow fires are useless to me." Xiexin Phoenix said with a cold face.

Sure enough, the two kinds of golden crows kept besieging the evil heart phoenix, but the high temperature in the whole body of the demon girl couldn't even break the two kinds of golden crows, as if the claws were caught in the lava, unable to touch!

Palace Master Ice Profound Really feels very tricky. Although Ye Di is strong, it seems that there is no good way to deal with this woman——

"It's just warming up, are you serious?" Su Jin looked up and thought for a while: "I have no more than five ways to cure you. Let me try you with the magical method I just learned--"

The divine method you just understood?

The master of the Ice Profound Palace exclaimed in exclamation. Could the colorful handwriting that Su Jin practiced just now be used? That was Luohou's divine method. At that time, the emperor said that he would improve him!

Su Jin's face was calm, raising his hand as if to condense a group of colored clouds, lightly one, densely colored scriptures, quickly condensed not far away.

"The stele?" The Bingxuan Palace master's mind was trembling, which is very different from Luohou's use of Sutra culture as a compass!

A giant stone stele surrounded by gods and flowers was condensed out of thin air by Su Jin, with colorful scriptures imprinted on it, and each of them was dazzling!

"This monument is a monument to the burial of the world. This king has left over 23,400 words. I will borrow you to burn your body today to create this king's second Aotian Shenwu!"

Only when Su Jin spoke, the three temples of Daxiong Hall, Daleiyin Temple, and Sumi Bodhi Hall appeared in the distance, shining the Buddha's glow, and then a crazy golden sacred dragon exposed its head from the vast golden clouds. Tengyun is in all directions!

At this moment, Su Jin's temperament seemed to have changed--

A touch of mysterious golden light and divine intent, lingering around Su Jin, Thaksin fingered the sky and cut off a corner of Senluo's plane, and the entire Senluo Avenue seemed to be violent!

The surrounding starry sky collapsed piece by piece, this is the collapse of space visible to the naked eye, the scene is not terrible, suffocating!

Quietly, the mysterious golden light and divine intent began to entangle with the Aotian divine intent!

"Impossible!" Evil Heart Phoenix exclaimed in disbelief!

Last time the tomb of the sentient beings, Su Jin’s Aotian divine intent merged with the divine intent of Princess Wuyou. She could clearly feel it. At that time, she underestimated the strength of the other party. But this time, there is no Princess Wuyou. Where did the two gods come from!

"In time, this king will bury God with the law, not to mention that your little endless famine, even the entire heavens, will be trampled by this king!"

Su Jinmo flew wildly and waved his hand. On the'burial monument', nine terrifying auras suddenly appeared!

"Nine Dao Xiu! You are a heaven-defying person!" Evil Heart Phoenix glared again and again!

Su Jin's golden robe was hunting and hunting in the wind. As soon as he pointed out that a space-time sword domain was opened out of thin air, it seemed to memorialize the vicissitudes of life that passed away——

The second finger, on the three temples, there is an eight-armed Buddha golden body in the golden Buddha cloud, slowly standing up, the eight-armed Buddha, holding eight Buddha treasures, the Buddha in the cloud is similar to the'Da Leiyin Temple' Fit, there are countless Buddha shadows!

The third finger, a guillotine standing in the sky, appeared bloody, and the sky was full of **** barb chains, each of which was as thick as a mountain, creating a spectacular scene of the ghost king's dominance!

The fourth finger, the rushing snow-colored waves, sent in the wind, on the shore of the Jade Lake, a silver-green Taoist tree stretches its branches, and there are countless scars of horror!

The fifth finger...

The seventh finger...

Ninth finger!

Xiexin Phoenix swallowed fiercely, what kind of existence did she provoke! Does this person leave his hands in the graves of sentient beings? !

"This divine intent is taken from Luohou, and it is impossible to know its name." Su Jin said with cold eyes: "Swing up to ninety thousand miles, even if it is against the sky! This divine intent, I call it "no heaven divine intent"!"

The mysterious golden light seemed to be joyful, and the speed when intertwined with the Aotian Divine Will seemed to be faster!

Su Jin gently brushed his sleeves, and said lightly again: "Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Hall of Longevity, in front of my Hall, transforming into a fish and dragon Tianchi, transforming an endless road, transforming a life of nine deaths, a golden bridge of heaven and earth, you can enter my Hall of Longevity!"

Practice in the world, ask about longevity!

The Palace of Longevity, it’s not that you want to enter, you can enter!

The Bing Profound Palace Master was stunned as soon as she heard it. When she saw a vaguely indistinct longevity hall, the impact on her heart was beyond description!

If you want to enter the Palace of Longevity, you will have to jump over the Dragon Gate after passing the Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds. It is naturally obvious that the dragons and insects are the dragons and the insects, and you will have to pass the endless road of nine deaths and the golden bridge. The difficulty can be imagined!

"You heaven-defying person! Go against the heavens, you must know that even the sages in my devil land don't dare to do this--" Evil Heart Phoenix looked a little flustered, and she felt a little bit if she was too impulsive, and rushed to kill her. come!

Su Jin paid attention to her lazily, two intertwined divine intents condensed on his fingers, and he pointed directly at Evil Phoenix!

Qiang Qiang--

I don’t know how many chains of the guillotine, like a dragon, surround the Evil-hearted Phoenix. Evil-hearted Phoenix wants to break, but these chains are not refining materials, and she cannot burn them!

A group of golden and dark blue spirits appeared around her, and her terrifying heat suddenly formed several terrifying whirlpools, and lightning and lightning were constantly intertwined in that whirlpool!

"What did you do!" Evilhearted Phoenix felt like she was being attacked by a big wave, and there were constant whirlpools trying to get her in, and she could only fight with her full force of divine power!

"Didn't you just say that? Borrow your body to train my magical weapon." Su Jin said.

"Stop! Otherwise don't blame me for being polite!" Evil-hearted Phoenix was panicked. Now Su Jin is pressing the unsure of the true or false'Palace of Longevity' over her head, and it may descend at any time. In this case, no one Know the consequences-

so horrible!

It turns out that this is the true strength of Ye Di!

Now there are more and more whirlpools around the Evil Heart Phoenix, and in each whirlpool there is a mysterious golden thunder flashing, and the Bingxuan Palace Master also knows that the night emperor has realized another divine will from Luohou!

That **** will not lose to Aotian!

"Don't worry, you can't die." Seeing Xiexin Phoenix's face getting paler and paler, Su Jin said with a calming expression: "But if you keep your mouth hard, you will definitely suffer a bit."

"I'm telling you a place where there is no beginning to sit and transform, you let me go!" Evil-hearted Phoenix wants to escape, but it seems to hit a wall every time, let alone the vortex pulling her!

Su Jin smiled and said, "Hey~~~ I want you and you in the place of no beginning to sit and change--"

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