My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3200: Ukiyo Yama


Su Jin responded to Huang Di said: "Nowadays, there are no good people in the world except for the border and wilderness. If God and Heaven fall, the flames of war will inevitably spread to the heavens. You and I need to do your best to stop it."

"The Devil God Era has been difficult to stop, when everyone is in danger, Brother Ye's children's love will become the biggest hidden danger of Brother Ye and need to be handled carefully." The young Huangdi couldn't help but persuade.

"Envy Brother Ji and Brother Huang, all alone~~~" Su Jin smiled.

Ji Tian arrogantly flushed his eyes and slapped his thigh, "Brother Huang, Brother Ye is mocking us for being single dogs. If it is not for the urgent moment, you and I will join forces and we must teach him a good lesson!"

Huangdi laughed dumbly and kept shaking his head——

The scarlet cloud cliff in the starry sky shimmered even more, and a large nebula began to slowly open, as if the starry sky opened its blood basin!

All the testers gathered, facing the direction of the wind, and the moment seemed to be the same, the atmosphere became especially tense!

"Be careful, everyone!" Bai Fan yelled, and the pressure began to increase sharply.

Originally, he should not intervene in the fifth stage, he should have his life and death, but according to the report, the borderline has already reached the tense moment of conquering the gods. Perhaps this is the beginning. If you don't give the opponent a head-on blow, all two thousand testers Will die here! The test is naturally meaningless!

The other testers around are eager to try. In this test of the bones, most of the scenery is occupied by the two emperors. Although there are 2,000 testers in the fifth level, if you can cut the edge and evil, Everyone will be the focus of the focus!

"Bianhuang, what level of demon **** will come?" Someone expected.

"No matter what, this time is a good opportunity to win honor for my family. It is the mission of the gods and the people to defend the homeland even if they sacrifice their lives!"

"Mr. Bai sits down here, we have the **** of the country behind us, there is no emperor, and all powerful heroes, how can you be afraid of it's endless waste! Today, the devil is going to be cut off!"



In the blood-red starry sky, several straight cloud blankets gradually rolled out. This cloud blanket made its way. There were actually several rare trolls behind them, pulling a luxurious crystal jade **** building to appear——

"The Tingxue Tower in the Eighteen Devil Towers." Xiexin Phoenix's eyes condensed, and his anxiety became more dramatic, and said solemnly.

"What is the Eighteen Devil's Tower?" Su Jin looked at the Evil Heart Phoenix and asked.

"The Eighteen Devil's Tower is also called Louwailou. Listening to the Xuelou is just one of them." Evil Heart Phoenix said calmly: "The Louwailou has a position in the endless wilderness. You'd better hope that no evil gods will appear, otherwise even you The Mr. Bai who shouted is far from being an opponent, even the host sitting in the listening snow building is very tricky for you."

Su Jin looked at the Listening Snow Tower with a calm expression.

"Yeah, all the little brothers and sisters are here--" A blood-mist bomb was in the starry sky, and a slender and slender woman appeared. She was dressed in bright red, painted purple lips, and Dan Feng opened her eyes outward. With wisps of purple eye patterns, it is very strange.

"Yusha Demon God, this is the powerful Demon God of Yucha Palace!" Xiexin Phoenix was slightly surprised. She settled her mind and said to Su Jin: "The strength of Yucha Demon Lady is still higher than mine! If you are against her , You need to be careful of her Fengchai, her devil bone charm is very difficult—"

After speaking, after listening to the snow tower and the Yusha Palace, as ice flowers slowly fall from the surroundings, there are formations in the sky condensing together!

"The Floating Hades, the Floating Heaven Palace! Your trouble is coming!" Evil Heart Phoenix's expression changed drastically, "You must not hand over Your Highness Frost later, you will die if you give it up!"

"Oh?" Su Jin frowned.

"Don't take it seriously! His Royal Highness Frost is a member of the Floating Heaven Palace, and the Floating Hell is her brother. This Frosting Hell loves his sister very much. You are in serious trouble!" Evil Heart Phoenix became anxious.


The eight wild starry sky trembled in the buzzing sound. After the arrival of several major forces, the western starry sky slowly condensed a huge alchemy furnace. The alchemy furnace seemed insoluble in the void, and there were two round colored magic mirrors manifested in it. On the furnace body, it seemed to be a world in the sky.

"The Great Evil God!" Evil Heart Phoenix's face whitened, "This furnace is called Jingyue Dongtian, one furnace and one world, and there is the Great Evil God Dongtian!"

The words of the evil heart phoenix fell, and the starry sky in the west seemed to be filled with red smoke, among which there were countless evil beasts, and the figure of the war demon could not be seen at a glance, all began to manifest!

Except for the limited existence such as Su Jin, almost all the people present changed their faces!

Those demons are more than ten million! There are only two thousand testers. How can these people be killed cleanly? What's more, there are still a few big powers who are in charge!

The King of the Floating Hades, covered in noble robes, he looks like a young man, but he has an unspeakable old-fashioned temperament.

"Among you, who is the emperor of the night——" The King of Floating World came to Shenlu Xukong in one step, swept all over with his staring eyes, and finally pointed to a few pale youths and said, "Are you? Or are you?"

"None of us..." A young man collapsed and said, the imposing manner of this floating world Hades is too great, and the pressure is simply unbearable!

The Jingyue Cave Heavenly God Furnace, slightly rippled, confronting the void between the two sides, as if a sacred mountain was rising out of thin air!

That sacred mountain is majestic, and the two lines above begin to manifest!

I don’t know where God is, but loneliness is in the world! ——Ye Di!

The words left by the emperor, the name left behind!

Wherever the world is, there is a wave of fanaticism!

"A good sentence! A good sentence from the ages! Yedi's characters are quite Confucian and Taoist! Although this is a fantasy scene, but it is obviously the background is in the border desert. After the Yedi has killed the enemy, he pulled the mountain and left the word, shocking the world! "There is a cultivator in the imperial city of Dayue enthusiastically said.

"Ye Di, dare to compare himself with God, how confident is this!"

"The first person in the first few levels can deserve the respect of Bianhuang! It's just that the floating world **** is really not a good mistake, so looking for the night emperor, I am afraid the two will fight!"

"Even if I didn't see anyone, the momentum of the Ye Emperor stayed in these short sentences, and the madness of this dancing dragon and snake stayed in the strokes. It's amazing! It's incredible!"

"Emperor Ye descended to Dayue Imperial City in the form of the Buddha King, his sharpness was instantaneous, and now he has become famous all over the world, and even the existence of the borderland knows Ye Emperor!"

"Faced with the provocation of the King of the Floating World, what will Ye Di do?"


This is the real roll call!

Nothing, wrong!

Everyone was looking at Ye Di, and even Bai Fan stared at Su Jin with an ugly face. This Umbral Hades had a terrifying cultivation base, and his fierce reputation was outside. The dragon demon and others who descended to the graves of all beings at the time of Yuan Sheng were in Bai From Fan's perspective, even though Ye Di has become a climate, there is still a big gap in strength.

"Floating World Temple, are you so arrogant now?" Bai Fan's face couldn't contain his anger.

"The Kingdom of God Bai Fan? Do you want to take action—" The Ukiyo Hell's face was full of murderous intent, and said with a grim face: "This is my personal grievance between the Ukiyo Temple and the Ye Emperor. You can fight with me again after I kill the Ye Emperor. World War I!"

"What kind of personal grievances does Ye Di have with you?" Bai Fan was shocked.

"He arrested my sister!" The Floating Hades roared.

The audience was dull, all stiff faces, including Princess Wuyou and Mo Hongyu!

This words from the mouth of the king of the floating world quickly caused a sensation throughout the gods!

Ye Di deserves to be Ye Di!

If you dare to catch the sister of the King of the Floating World, who would dare to have such courage? It's no wonder that the Floating Hades is so angry. In the entire heavenly palace, the Floating Hades treats his sister better than any relatives. It can be said that he has grown up in the palm of his hand. Now, how not to be angry!

"It seems that you people in the heavens, dare to do or not, that so-called Yedi is just a shit. Facing the king of Hades, he doesn't even have the courage to show up--" The Yucha Demon Girl smiled and played gracefully. There was a slowly charming air in the bones.

Evil-hearted Phoenix saw the golden light escaping in front of him, and instinctively reached out to stop it, but the palm of his hand caught a handful of golden light——

In everyone's field of vision, a huge golden sacred dragon, Long Xiao for nine days, slowly climbed into the sky above the clouds from the land of Shenlu.

"Are you looking for Your Highness Frost?" Su Jin stood on the dragon's head, asking in a faint voice.

"You are... the night emperor!" The Floating Hades appeared in the void parallel to Su Jin for an instant, with an angry expression on his face.

"Not bad." Su Jin nodded.

"Hand over my sister—"

The king of the floating world slowly suppressed his anger, his devil's heart calmed down, and he was looking at Su Jin with cold eyes.

Su Jin asked with a low voice, "Dead, do you want to?"

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