My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3201: Jianao Time and Space

Frozen, countless people's faces froze——

Yucha Demon Girl smiled, and looked at Su Jin in disbelief. This Yedi not only dared to confront the King of the Floating World like this, but also threatened to ask his dead sister if he wanted it. This courage, too fat!

The Floating Hades stunned, for a long time, who would dare to kill his sister? This is like an unreal dream, how could his sister die!

"Brother Ye is dangerous--" Ji Tian arrogantly took a breath after a daze.

"This is what makes Brother Ye smart. You have to learn his way of speaking." The young Huangdi praised.

"Where is smart? Isn't this looking for death?" Ji Tianao said unclearly.

"You are the Ye Emperor, what would you say just now?" Huang Emperor raised his eyebrows and asked.

Ji Tianao thought about it for a while, and finally scratched his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be either, nor is it not. Thinking about it this way, it seems that Brother Ye is indeed a bit domineering!"

"Yes, in the face of the people of the world, Brother Ye will naturally not show weakness. If you have a relationship, it will affect your momentum, and if you don't have a relationship, you will be unreasonable. After all, this is someone's sister, a **** or a devil, and his own words are the first. Brother said this sentence, simple and clear, separate the enemy from us, without losing domineering, perfect." Huang Di said.

Alas, Ji Tianao is downcast, this is the advantage of being able to talk.

Mo Hongyu agreed: "Furthermore, the King of the Floating World will be jealous. There is a high probability that Su Jin has not cut off His Royal Highness Frost. If this happens, he will be restrained and look forward and backward."

"Smart——" Huangdi said, looking at Mo Hongyu.

"Where is it so troublesome, just fight him! Cut him off!" Princess Wuyou said with an upset look at the floating world king.

The King of the Floating World began to stare at Su Jin, no longer suppressing his anger, and said: "Just rely on this sentence of you to die, I will chase you down for thousands of years, you and I... never die!"

Qiang Qiang!

The King of the Floating World condensed with one hand, and he grabbed an unusually gorgeous star painting halberd in his hand. He pointed at Su Jin heavily and shouted again: "You dare to fight!"

"Why don't you dare?!" Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows, and walked out of the golden holy dragon's head.

"Where's your weapon?" The Floating World Hell King raised his head and said.

Su Jin crossed his arms, grabbed his five fingers, and held the sword in the void directly--

"Arrogant!" Feeling insulted, the Ugly King Hades dragged the painting halberd and ran directly towards Su Jin. The painting halberd rubbed a burst of divine power in the void.

And when the short-term soldiers met, the King of the Floating World, like a **** of war, jumped up, fiercely raised the painted halberd of the star sky, and smashed down at Su Jin!

Su Jin held the sword elegantly, and when the sword body touched the painted halberd, he slightly deflected, unloading the huge supernatural power, the whole person floated, and the sword light took the world!

The King of the Floating World Hades didn't persuade him at all, the painted halberd stood in front of him, and the sword and painted halberd touched fiercely. The divine power between the two seemed extremely dazzling, and the two pairs of sharp eyes seemed to collide with a powerful fighting spirit!

"You are very strong--" The King of the Floating World was shocked. Few people could fight head-on, not inferior to him. In my opinion, this person's strength is slightly weaker, but this person's kendo is too mysterious. .

"You are not bad too." After Su Jin finished speaking, the two broke out almost at the same time, each stepped back, all retreating a hundred meters away!

The face of the king of the floating world became more and more ferocious, and he fiercely inserted the star-painted halberd in the void beside him, a trace of blood brilliance, drenched under the star-painted halberd.

For a time, heaven seemed to have changed!

The **** magic cloud is flooding the battlefield! Around that star painting halberd, there are extremely cruel beasts faintly, condensed from blood, the entire battlefield seems to be forbidden, and the breath of ancient prehistoric emerges from time to time!

"Ye Di! Although your strength is not small, you are far from being an opponent of this king! When I start the war with the demon body and hold the star painting halberd, I will dance with one hand, how can you defeat me!" One, with his hands claws into claws, and on his back there seemed to be a scarlet behemoth phantom. The behemoth is just the head, which accounts for most of the whole body!

Su Jin stood in the void and his body was extremely straight. He expected that the King of the Floating World was very strong, but he was still within the acceptable range, and even slightly overestimated the other party——

Just two hard fights, although there is no bells and whistles, but the danger is hidden, this is especially manifested in the eyes of many spectators, after all, from the confrontation just now, you can see how powerful the two are!

"With the battle demon body of the Floating Hades, coupled with this majestic power, Ye Di is afraid that it will be in danger." The tester's face flushed.

"There are thousands of people in the world, but Ye Di can't see through it. Except for a limited number of people such as Huang Di, Ye Di is almost the strongest among the testers."

"The Floating Hades moved true, will Ye Di keep his hands? This Hades is not like the dragon demon at that time, he can crush everything instantly, including Ye Di!"

"Dare to catch the sister of the Floating World Hades. That woman is backed by the entire floating world palace. Few people in the gods dare to provoke me. I am afraid that among us, only Ye Di dares to do this."

"Emperor Ye said earlier that he had captured one person, which means that the sister of the Floating Hades has not died, and she has just scared the Floating Hades. Then, who will die between the two?"


The prehistoric storm seemed to obliterate the battlefield, and many people were watching intently, whether Yedi was the enemy or the invincible!

In everyone’s field of vision, Su Jin felt like a small tree dangling in a storm. Although it was covered by that terrifying divine power, it had not been knocked down yet——

And no one knew that the scene Su Jin saw was different from the others. He seemed to be bathed in a blood-colored world, and the people who suppressed him were almost out of breath with the wild atmosphere around him!

The evil beasts swimming around include many prehistoric and ancient existences, sword tigers covered with inverse scales, giant spirits that can walk through sacred mountains, and moon **** beasts that can swallow the moon with breath. Su Jin even saw a terrifying elephant, facing the stars, he could pick the stars with his nose bent!

Su Jin closed his eyes lightly, the lightning mark on the center of his eyebrows was slowly unfolding, and in his divine pupil, a mark of the ‘wheel of years’ slowly rotated.

In an instant, Su Jin's temperament seemed to change!

"Years, time and space, my time and space swordsmanship, seem to have sublimated--" Su Jin is still in the storm like a bell, he hunts in his clothes and exudes the void, the whole person seems to be integrated into the years, the prehistoric, and the time and space!

The King of the Floating World was slightly surprised. If Su Jin retaliated, he was not worried yet, but at this moment there was a mysterious atmosphere inside and outside of this person, and the Taoist body seemed to merge with the surrounding environment!

Everything in the world, the living are silent, but the dead seem to be alive——

There is no shortage of sword repairs among those who are being tested. Every sword repairer regards the sword as life, but in all the sword repairs, everyone's complexion changes suddenly. The sword is trembling, and the sword is swallowed, as if to cater to some kind of weird Like the situation, this scene is terrifying!

The Ugly Hades holds the ‘Star-Heaven Painting Halberd’ and paints the halberd in one fell swoop, and the world will change! He seemed to have formed a huge vortex, condensing endless divine power, and all kinds of terrifying visions were released.

"Yedi is fighting back!" Princess Wuyou almost shot the Wuding Feihuan out. She never thought that the King of Floating World was so terrible!

"Time and space, years, prehistoric times, swordsmanship." Huang Di focused his eyes on Su Jin, "taking everything as a body, taking time and space as a body, taking the void as a body, Ye Emperor's trick is not simple."

"Can my handsome brother be easy?" Scarecrow was proud to help the Red Riding Hood on his head.

"Hey, this blow of the Floating Hades can destroy the starry sky on the battlefield. As his brothers, don't you help?" Princess Wuyou anxiously.

"What's the urgency? What does the little girl know in film." The handsome glanced at Princess Wuyou.

"Little Red Riding Hood! Hurry up and let this princess see how good you are--" Princess Wuyou wanted to encourage the handsome, staring.

Little... Little Red Riding Hood?

The handsome man slowly raised his head, his expression a little unkind——

"She is complimenting you. Little Red Riding Hood is usually a complimentary word, which means very beautiful and powerful." Ji Tianao said quickly.

"It turned out to be praise me, it is right to praise..." The handsome man turned around, looking lonely and cold, and became intoxicated.

On the battlefield, the Ugly Hells curled up the monstrous power and used the star painting halberd to the extreme. His divine power expanded and he couldn't help but roared: "Ye Di! Die to me!!"

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