My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3202: For the first, do whatever it takes!

The star sky painted a halberd, blooming and clearing everything that had been passed, even the starry sky was shattered to a terrible degree, and the stars were not visible!

When the star painting halberd was about to touch Su Jin's heart, Su Jin's star eyes opened!

From the bottom to the top, the whole person suddenly freed up a column of sword light!

"You—" The Ugly King felt that the sword light was detached and sublimated to another level. When his star-painted halberd touched the sword light, the whole person was directly shot and flew!

"Time and space are time and space. There is no time, no years, no era, no prehistoric, no ancient times, and everything is not included. Time and space are eternal!"

Su Jin raised his arm and pointed at the sky. In the sword light that rushed into the sky, a virtual sword with a handle was like an ups and down fish sea. At that moment, that second, suddenly formed a very majestic sword rainbow. , Falling since nine days!


Why suddenly become so strong!

The King of the Floating World supported a great power. He looked at the falling sword rainbow with difficulty. The whole person wanted to resist, but no matter what he tried, he was declining!

Boom boom boom!

The Floating Hell seems to have been crushed by the Nine Heavens Sword Rainbow, the rainbow glow is like a sword, and the sword's edge is like a heavy sky, pressing down the Floating Hell!


The Floating Hades was suppressed by Jianhong on Shenlu!

"I can't lose, absolutely impossible!" Both of the feet of the king of the world fell into the ground, and the hard and indestructible stone ground had a deep footprint!

Su Jin took a step and walked into Jianhong, his whole body carrying his clothes, the burst of power all over his body made people frightened!

"Ah--" The eyes of the King of the Floating World are scarlet, and the war demon body is bursting with blood, what a proud man he is, how can he be willing to fail!


From the beginning of the body of the King of the Floating World, the earth began to turn into fly ash, and a huge pit nearly a hundred li appeared!

When the hustle and bustle dissipated, in the center of the circular huge pit, the floating world Hades shaved his head, the gorgeous robes were shattered, and the magic blood was flowing out of the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose! The appearance of the Xingtian painted halberd is even more shocking. This divine treasure is already riddled with defects, and it has been scrapped by an inexplicable Dao Mark——

Su Jin stepped on the side face of the King of the Floating World, looked at him like a dead dog, and said lightly: "Are you taking it?"

"Ye Di! Shi can be killed but not insulted! You give me a happy one!" The king of the floating world has a heart of life and death, "I am not as good as a brother. I have the face to survive in the world, you kill me!"

Su Jin moved his feet away, turned around and walked for two steps, and said lightly: "You are a good brother, just because of your feelings, this king won't kill you, get out!"

The Floating Hades stunned--

Bian Huang and Shentian were old enemies, why would Ye Di give up this great opportunity?

"You look down on me!" The Floating Hades slammed his fist to the ground, glaring at Su Jin's back.

"Your sister lacks a man to discipline her. This king is trying his best to influence her. During the period, she will inevitably let her do some rough work of pouring tea and water. Are you okay?" Su Jin stepped towards the void, not caring how the King of the Floating World responded, that Frost Your Highness, it is absolutely impossible for him to hand it over. No way, when he encounters a woman with a bad temper, he wants to get the other party to correct evil and return to righteousness——

not dead……

My sister is not dead...

The King of the Floating World calmed down, silently got up, put away the remnant weapon Xingtian painted halberd, and took a deep look at Su Jin, "One day, I will challenge you again and take my sister back from you!"

"I'm waiting--" Su Jin said quietly.

The Floating Hades turned into a **** shadow and walked towards the starry sky. He passed by the Yucha Demon Girl, his face extremely firm.

"Yan Wang~~~" Yucha Demon Lady wanted to say some comforting words, but found that she could not say anything.

"Floating World Palace, withdraw from this hunt!" The King of Floating World waved his hand, there was already a goal in his heart that he wanted to surpass, and then he left without looking back.

Yucha Demon Girl tilted her head and looked at Su Jin, her charming face was full of pity and tenderness, but then she pointed out a phoenix hairpin on her hair, the tip of her tongue seemed to be licking blood, in that blood Fengchai is hovering on the edge~~~

"Ye Di, Ye Di, you are really a big disaster..." The Yucha Demon Girl walked towards Su Jin with her legs interlaced.

"You alone are not enough--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Plus me, is it enough?"

In the distance, listen to the sound from the snow building.

The Yucha Demon Girl laughed and said, "Is that enough with those millions of demons?"

"Just barely." Su Jin said calmly.

The Yucha Demon Girl stopped her steps, her eyes were a little more solemn. Although the King of the Floating World Hades was completely defeated by Su Jin just now, she was eager to save her sister and didn’t know the way.

Of course, the loser does not deserve sympathy!

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" Thousands of demons, although far away, but when the momentum comes, it is enough to change the color!

The host of Tingxue turned into a white rainbow and flew out from that building. She was wearing plain clothes and white gauze, her arm sleeves were like butterflies with open butterfly wings, and her left hand was wrapped around Xue Ling.

In the face of the host of Tingxue, the Demon Empress of Yucha, and the tens of millions of demons who are coming in step by step, Su Jin did not change his face, he just stretched his hands forward, a golden light emerged, and the huge golden holy dragon not far behind, Long Xiaojian swallowed him in one mouthful, and the terrifying dragon body stretched up and down nine days, which was thrilling!

Yucha Mo Niang's five fingers are flexible, Feng Chai turned her fingertips, and her whole person disappeared in an instant, and she began to attack towards the golden dragon!

"Go--" The host of Tingxue throws out the white silk, his hands keep making seals in front of him, the white silk divine treasure, flying up and down, almost wanting to catch the crazy dragon to shake the world!

The golden sacred dragon turned into by Su Jin, the dragon head looked down, and his dragon claws holding the two demon mountains of ‘from the past to the present’, brazenly grabbed the Yucha Devil Lady!

"What the hell?" Yucha Demon Girl only felt suppressed by the enormous coercion, her speed was greatly reduced, as if an apostle walked along the road, and a baby staggered, almost unable to escape the arm of the dragon!

"Tear Xue Louzhu! Help me--" Yucha Mo Niang was horrified. She had seen the horror of Su Jin just now, but she never expected that she would take the action personally and feel the situation so terrifying!

The sky full of white silk is directly wrapped around Su Jin's golden sacred dragon body!

So simple?

Listening to the host of Xuexue and the Yucha Demon Girl, they are slightly happy, this white Ling is made from an extraordinary god, and few people dare to be so entangled!

Hu Hu Hu-

A powerful and bright ring of fire appeared on the dragon body of the golden sacred dragon. The ring of fire was so mysterious and dazzling, as if it were nested in the vast dragon body!

"Not good!" The host of Listening Xue fell silent.

Pieces of white silk began to burn swiftly, Su Jin's other dragon arm carried three temples, and the dragon claws smashed a piece of white silk, all the white silk turned into a fireball, rendering it into the void of the battlefield!

Taking advantage of the weakening of the coercion, the Yucha Demon Girl directly escaped from the enveloped area. During this period, it only took ten breaths of time, and the clothes on the back were soaked in cold sweat!

The worse, the worse will be shattered to death by this terrifying Ye Di!

"The fifth level of our Heavenly Bone Festival is based on the demon head. Compared to you, I care more about the number." Su Jin is like a mad dragon going out to sea, directly turning the target of the attack, his golden sacred dragon body, charging With those tens of millions of demons killed!

This night emperor!

The other testers are all anxious! This Ye Di is really a rascal! To be the first is simply unscrupulous!

When the terrifying golden holy dragon killed thousands of demons, the ancient mountain, the modern mountain, and the town's demon tower all trembled on the dragon claws. This dragon claw killed tens of thousands of demons!

The breath of demon blood makes people extremely restless!


The golden sacred dragon was roaring, claw after claw, sweeping away, many half-human half-beast demons, flying with weapons and slashing on the golden scales, wanted to smash Su Jin's golden dragon body!

But things backfired, as the fire and golden brilliance shone on the dragon body, Su Jin once again killed hundreds of thousands of monsters!

The Lou Zhu and Yucha Mo Niang glanced at each other, and they all began to raise a lotus arm, and a series of arcane totems condensed by divine power appeared around Su Jin's golden sacred dragon body.

Yucha Mo Niang smiled and said, "I am trapped by the Heavenly Dao enchantment, let's see how your little brother runs wild--"

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