My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3206: You have to be proud

When he stopped, the rain demon's head was still shaking back and forth, he was really fainted!

Su Jin glanced at Miss Mo, then looked up at the sky, and then stepped on the fairy formation, and the whole person was wrapped in a wolf whale phantom. This wolf whale had a pair of white wings, which turned into a white light. Soaring to the sky

Yu was trembling with devilish air. Regardless of the pain on her face, she looked at Miss Mo with a bit of bitterness, gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Miss, let go of an enemy from my side, and the elder, how can I explain it well? "

"Taifeng, I will explain it..." Girl Mo said indifferently.

"If you miss such a great opportunity, if you let him get that piece of sky bone, the frontier will be robbed!" Yu Mo hoped that Miss Mo would change her mind, but from the current point of view, she can't persuade her, which has no effect.

"I'm the only one, and I may not be able to keep him. In the future, if this girl acts, you don't have to take care of it—" Miss Mo turned and disappeared. Her words caused a great shock to Rain Demon.

Ye Di... doesn't even Miss Mo have the confidence to stay?

Just now in Jingyue Cave Sky, it was clear that Ye Di had already been swallowed in. Rain Demon felt a bit weird. In his opinion, Miss Mo had a 99% chance of winning here!

Outside, Dashuai was quite nervous——

Because of the existence of Yan Feng Wanling Body, all its spells will not work. As long as this person is blocked from the furnace, he has no chance to get close to Jingyue Cave!

Just in the midst of a dilemma, the entire Jingyue Cave Tianshen Furnace began to tremble, Baoguang was on the furnace tripod, and Su Jin's figure stood above the light!

"Brother Ye!" The handsome man widened his eyes and watched Su Jin flashing to his side. It said hurriedly: "It's probably going crazy outside now. Those little children say that there is a vicious and evil **** in this stove. The evil **** didn't do anything to you, right?"

"Do you think I'm like someone in trouble?" Su Jin looked at Marshal, then at Yan Feng, frowning slightly.

"Uh, what does the evil **** look like? What's his strength?" The commander asked again.

"Extremely vicious, looks...looks..." Su Jin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He never expected to have such an adventure~~~

It is not even an adventure, but a strange one! He just wrote an adverb, talked for a while, and left chicly. Except for the rain demon, there was no obstacle in the whole Jingyue Cave!

Seeing that Su Jin was observing himself, Yan Feng had a strong sense of war in his eyes. He just glanced at the tester who was beheading the devil, and none of them caught him!

Among the two thousand testers, only a few can barely arouse his interest, and Su Jin ranks first!

The appearance of the night emperor also caused a great sensation! At least at the scene, some people are happy and some are worried!

The gods of Taihang and Jun Wudao had blue faces and bloodstained hands, but they couldn't stop the disappointment in their eyes!

"Emperor Ye was taken, it is very possible to see the great evil **** among them, but... but why did he not die?" Jun Wudao said unwillingly.

"When did the great evil **** of the borderland become so kind-hearted, if he catches the night emperor, he will not kill him. If this person is not eliminated, the two of me will never be in the beginning." A shadow has been formed in the heart of the **** son Taihang, and he can't guess. Can't figure out why Su Jin can come back alive.

As for the distant Great Moon Kingdom, all parts of the gods and heavens were filled with excitement!

"Emperor Ye left in the hands of the Great Evil God, who can withstand this——" Someone sighed.

"Mr. Bai's face turned black just now. Ye Di is the best in the entire tester lineup. Although the others have brilliant performances, they can be compared with Ye Di, and they are all desolate. The young Huangdi can see."

"Don't say that, these two thousand testers have not lost any of them so far, they are all super enchanting levels, and there may even be cultivators who deliberately hide their strength."

"Hey, what do you think is the best celestial bone in the tomb of sentient beings? Why are the demon gods in the wilderness afraid of it being acquired?"


At this moment, Yan Feng's blood seemed to be mobilized, and his fighting spirit was soaring to the sky. He wanted to know who was the one who fell in the battle with Ye Di!

"Yan Feng...go--" A cold voice came out in the Jingyue Cave sky.

"Don't try again?" Yan Feng was stunned and asked.

"A few days later, sentient beings see the truth in their graves."

"Yes." Yan Feng calmed down, took a look at Su Jin more, turned around to make seals with both hands, turned the Jingyue Cave Celestial Furnace into the size of a palm, held it in his hand, and turned and sank into the starry red cliff——

Yucha Moniang and Tingxue Louzhu are fleeing in the distance. The strength of her two is like a long river bursting a bank. It is not easy to float in the air. Up to now, it has not traveled far, but fortunately, it is no longer visible. The handsome demon.

With a playful smile at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, he and Marshal appeared together not far from the two girls!

"Ye Di, you're not dead--" Yucha Demon Lady forced her composure, and then she glanced at the boss, as if she had seen a ghost, her face couldn't hide her jealousy.

"Both of them are important leaders of Frontier Desolation, but this is not the place where you want to come and leave." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Want to fight?" Yucha Mo Niang bluffed.

"No, I want to hire workers."

Su Jin's expression was very strange, and then he said: "You two have good features, and your temperament has met the requirements of this king. Come to me to do miscellaneous things—"


Many people almost laughed when they saw this scene!

Yucha Demon Girl stared: "Emperor Ye! Although your strength is strong, don't bully others! I, the Lord of the Yusha Palace, she heard that the host of Xue Xue is one of the eighteen demon buildings. Are you messing up?"

"Any comments?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"There are opinions! There are opinions in my heart! You—"

"Stop it." Su Jin raised his hand and said, "Even the sister of the Floating World Hades, His Royal Highness Frost, is in the house. Isn't her status lower than yours? You must be proud of it. You need to know that you have made a mistake to make up for it. Don't return home. Yes, you have lost the battle, it is better to work here."

"Bah, baah, why don't you die! If you want to tie it up, why not humiliate both of us." Yucha Mo Niang refused.

Su Jin flashed in front of the two of them in one step, and easily imprinted the candle dragon **** poison on them, and said lightly: "Take a job for 10,000 years. After 10,000 years, you will be free."

"This is..." The Yucha Demon Lady touched the jade neck, her fingertips suddenly dissipated a ray of blood, "This is the candle dragon **** poison? The **** poison king!"

"Hey~~~ Accept the king's probation education, and strive for the opportunity to be a new man. Maybe someday this king will be in a good mood and pardon the two of you?" Su Jin smiled.

"You--" The Louzhu Tingxue was already desperate, and they were now prisoners. This was something they had never expected before!

The commander was somewhat contented, and then used his aesthetics to express his opinion, giving Su Jin a thumbs up and said: "Brother Ye has such a great taste, he dares to invite such an ugly woman to stay by his side, I admire it!"

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