My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3207: Before the monument without beginning

Yucha Moniang and Tingxue's host, both stared blankly at the boss——

In terms of appearance, the charm of Yucha Demon Girl and the high coldness of Tingxue's host are all at the top level. Even if compared with Her Royal Highness Frost, the performance of the two women in all aspects is not much better!

"This demon, I really want to tear its stinky mouth..." The Yucha Demon Lady dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, so she could only transmit the sound to the master of Tingxue.

"Originally, you and I laughed at Your Royal Highness Frost, now..." The host of Listening Xue asked when she looked at the Yucha Demon.

"Ye Di is also a man~~~ It's better than being driven by a woman~~" Yucha Demon Girl blinked at Su Jin, her whole body seemed to be loose, with a pitiful expression.

"Including food and housing, salary is negotiable, and soon I will let His Royal Highness Frost meet with you." Su Jin felt extremely comfortable, so he accepted two waitresses for nothing, and there was no loss in blood!

Su Jin was not afraid that the two women would not follow along. Together with the marshal, he turned into Changhong and appeared beside the young Huangdi and the others.

"Just come back." Huangdi nodded and said.

"Brother Ye really saw the Great Evil God?" Ji Tianao looked at Su Jin suspiciously.

"I saw it." Su Jin looked at the crowd and smiled bitterly: "It feels pretty weird. Forget it, let's find a place where there is no beginning to sit and transform——"

No one noticed, Mo Hongyu lowered his head sideways and remained silent all the time.

"Traitor." The host of Tingxue and Yucha Demon were forced to walk, and when they saw the Evil Heart Phoenix, they said through the voice.

"Aren't you too?" Evil-hearted Phoenix calmly treated the two women.

Princess Wuyou is simply an optimist. She was naturally happy when Su Jin returned. You must know that she was the most anxious to see Su Jin being swallowed by the Jingyue Cave **** deer at that time!

Bai Fan was greatly relieved--

The fifth level, two thousand testers, the injured are only single digits! They once again frustrated the frontiers, beheading no less than ten million demons! This is the most breathtaking experience after a few levels!

"Everyone, devil killers, retreat from powerful enemies, it is the luck of God and Heaven!" Bai Fan cleared his throat and said loudly, "His Royal Highness expresses his gratitude to you, and asks Bai to tell you where the Emperor Wu Shi sits! You are naturally There is no need to look for it anymore."

"Say Mr. Bai!" The tester immediately became ecstatic and shouted quickly.

"Yes, Mr. Bai, in a place where there is no beginning to sit and transform, everyone has the opportunity to tell us that it is better than clueless searching."

"Oh! Yedi has already won a few firsts. The place of no beginning sitting and transforming is the top priority of the fifth level. I wait, we must win the first! Win good luck and inheritance!"


The two thousand testers, except for Su Jin, almost all became enthusiastic--

Taihang Shenzi clenched his fists and looked at Su Jin's direction deeply!

"The beginningless inheritance belongs to the son of the god, and no one can take it away! You Ye Di cut such a multilateral demon demon, delusion to win by the number of demon heads, it is naive." The son of Taihang screamed frantically in his heart.

"Everyone, don't worry, just follow me--" Bai Fan held a magic pen and took a long bridge on the spot. At the end of the bridge is a place for no start!

As soon as Bai Fan's words fell, the whole person took the lead and quickly turned into a rainbow on the bridge, flying towards the distance.

After that, everyone, including Su Jin, all walked on the divine power long bridge, naturally not slack, and followed closely behind.

"I didn't expect to be so far away from the Three Corpses——" Ji Tianao rushed on the long bridge for four or five minutes, and found that he could not see the end, he was a little surprised.

"The place where no beginning sits, I know, you said it earlier~~~" The boss feels that the human race is very stupid, and there are problems with IQ and aesthetics. He will not ask if there is a boss who has seen no beginning. It's almost impossible to make an exception by relying on charity.

"Damn, you know, you know why you didn't say it?" Ji Tianao almost pulled out his ‘Ba Yue Kaitian Sword’ to make this handsome, really speechless.

"You didn't ask either, but the ugly words are at the front. The place where there is no beginning sitting is not as simple as you think. These people are at least half dead." The handsome said with a curled mouth.

Half dead?

So cruel?

"Have you been there?" Ji Tianao asked questioningly.

"I have been, every time I have been struck by lightning." The handsome man took the Red Riding Hood off his head and fanned himself as a fan: "It's hard to look back at the past, it's not a place for people."

"How do you say?" Su Jin looked at the handsome with a strange look.

"Anyway, it's very troublesome. You'll know when you go. Remember, no matter what the time comes, don't tell the truth. The Emperor Wu Shi was too strong back then, and some of the flesh became spirits. If you don't pay attention, you will have big problems. "The commander thinks about that year, a little shuddering.

"Back then, you wouldn't have the idea of ​​beginningless flesh?" Su Jin thought about it, the more something was wrong, and asked the handsome.

Ji Tianao, Huangdi, Mo Hongyu and other women are all suddenly, want to know how this big handsome came out? It has been fishing for sage corpses in the three corpses field. Who believes that this demon has never made a startless idea?

The handsome man gave a dry cough, looked at it, and laughed, not explaining.

Time, one minute and one second is passing by——

It took about half an hour to finally reach the center of this land of Shenlu. Just now, Su Jin and others saw a terrible sight. If it weren’t for Baifan’s bridge, if you just want to walk from Shenlu, it’s Can't get through.

The sky gradually changes.

The starry sky at the end of the bridge is no longer red, but a very normal black starry sky. Looking up, the stars are full of stars, and the breeze on the face makes people feel the refreshing coolness.

"Now, you are in front of you without beginning monument. If you pass the test of the beginningless monument, you can walk into the core area and feel the inheritance of the unstarted saint emperor. Bai has never tried the test of the beginningless monument. , But it must be extremely dangerous. If you don't want to enter, you can wait here." Bai Fan said loudly.

Su Jin looked at the Stele without Beginning, feeling very ordinary, like a small hill in the dark night, and there was no magical place on the stele.

Seeing many people with firm expressions and no words, Bai Fan couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart. Then he shook his hands and dropped a few ignited incense sticks, placed them in front of the'No Beginning Monument', bowed and said, "Today, Bai Someone brought his younger generation to worship Lord Wushi Shengdi, Wangdi Ling appeared, and gave a test question—"

Strangely speaking, the Wushibei began to tremble slightly.

A line of dazzling golden handwriting began to appear on it!

"Introduce yourself in one sentence, it's best to get out of the sky, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure and be punished by the gods of heaven and thunder."

"Marshal, go!" Ji Tianao urged quickly.

"I... I will teach you juniors!" The handsome man gritted his teeth and walked to the monument of Wu Shi, raising the straw right arm, and swearing: "Swear by the way of heaven, I am not handsome at all. !"

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