My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3212: I have an appointment with Wu Shi!

Except for Su Jin, the women Mo Hongyu felt a huge amount of pressure in an instant. The pressure covered the sky and ran over them crazily. In an instant, their back shirts were all wet with sweat!

"Who!" Princess Wuyou screamed, trying to hit the dark shadow with the indefinite fly ring, but this person is not weak, the indefinite fly ring is mysterious, but she still rushed into the air.

"Don't move..." Su Jin spoke slowly.

"Who was the black shadow just now, actually wanting to harm this princess, these twelve corpse elves, the strength is too terrible, he clearly saw the arrival of the night emperor, the treasure is hopeless, and simply disturbed the corpses." Princess You said angrily.

"It's normal for someone here too—"

Su Jin continued: "Isn't there a tester's bone beside the tomb of the Demon Xian? This means that someone has walked the same path as us and is not alone."

"What should I do now? The twelve guardian corpse immortals are also too terrible. I feel that every corpse immortal is comparable to a great evil **** on my border!" Although the Yucha Demon Niang is a captive of Su Jin, she is absolutely Don't want to die, especially in such a place.

The commander was also a little uncomfortable, and said: "We really got lucky this time, but it's not troublesome to deal with, just don't go in."

"Don't go in?" Princess Wuyou asked in surprise.

"Yes, these are guardians, and they won't take half a step out of this island. Let's deal with it carefully, and we should be able to leave." The commander said.

"What kind of luck is this?"

"You little babies don't understand." The handsome said proudly: "The protector is the easiest to deal with. There are powerful martyrs in this land of no beginning sitting. If we meet, don't do anything, just Stand and wait for death—"

The marshal's pride hasn't passed yet, Princess Wuyou has a numb face, pointed at the floating island not far away, and said in a daze, "Didn't you say they can't take a half step out of the island?"


The commander looked intently, and all the twelve guardian corpses rose into the void! Just kill!

"Ah? The legends are all deceptive!" The commander was startled, "Don't you run?"

All the girls have the will to escape, but they all feel that there are bursts of dazzling brilliance around them!

It's Ye Di!

The Yucha Demon Girl was a little suffocated. She looked at Su Jin in disbelief. This person was really crazy. Is it necessary to use one person to fight the twelve guardian corpses?

"Can't escape, for here, they are far more familiar than us -" Su Jin said: "These corpse immortals seem to be born with spiritual wisdom, but they don't seem to be too smart. I will try to be fooled."

Muddle through?

Everyone understands Su Jin's meaning, but how can he be fooled?

Su Jin's face was calm and he waved his hand gently, shouting to the Twelve Guardians who had been killed: "Everyone, this Taoist God is here at the appointment of the Holy Emperor Without Beginning!"


Do you rely on nonsense?

Princess Wuyou covered her mouth and almost laughed, especially when all the twelve guardians stopped their bodies and looked confused.

"The beginning of no time has passed for many years, how can it be agreed?" Among the twelve protectors, a middle-aged man in a copper-green long coat looked at Su Jin and said.

Su Jin's heart sank, and he immediately pointed to the void, revealing the scene of the previous anti-void!

The handsome man is dumbfounded!

The Mo Hongyu girls were also stupid on the spot. Su Jin’s anti-virtual scene was exactly the scene when they were just outside the waterfall, but Ye Di’s perspective was very special. I don’t know how to do it, in that anti-virtual scene. , There was a figure, and gave him a deep look!

"Holy emperor--" The middle-aged man in the verdigris coat immediately worshipped, and the other eleven people also seemed to wake up in the dullness, and repeatedly bowed their heads.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, "I have an appointment with Wu Shi, you wait to welcome me in."


The twelve people who seemed to be ignorant immediately got up, lined up in two rows without hesitation, and opened the way for those strangulation areas.

Mo Hongyu and other women were almost in a daze, and walked in with Su Jin...

Only three words appeared in their minds...

This is also OK?

The commander thought as he walked: "Humans are indeed very cunning, but a cunning person like Brother Ye should be called a wise person, this is really his, he has entered the dojo of startless cultivation!"

Su Jin and the others didn't know that, in the distant void, a black shadow stopped immediately, his face was gloomy, and he was shocked when he saw Yedi and the others being greeted by the twelve corpse immortals! Even, my heart is still sour——

In the same place, the man in black crushed a communication charm!

According to this, in an abyss of millions of miles, no less than three hundred people such as Jun Wudao and Taihang gods are looking for them. According to reports, they were seriously injured in the battle without beginning to fight the devil, and they are very likely to fall in battle, but There are also rumors that God did not allow the world to have wise men, and he fell--

Suddenly, the face of God Child Taihang became nervous.

"You have no way!" The **** son Taihang suddenly took out a magic talisman, "You remember the Shao Zong Taixuan who we separated from that road before!"

"Well, what's the matter?" Jun Wudao asked solemnly.

"Emperor Ye and the others have found the Wushi Daochang, Tai Xuan Shaozong said that it is very possible that there is a Wushi Dao body inside! Even if it is not good, there is a feeling of Wushi!" The Taihang divine son's expression became excited.

"But Ye Di... extremely difficult to deal with." When Jun Wudao heard Ye Di, he immediately felt nothing.

"The inheritance and Taoism left behind by Wu Shi is owned by All Gods and Heavens! It is not his Yedi alone. We are searching hard, and it is impossible to treat Wu Shi Daochang as nothing, let's go!" The Taihang Godzi directly calmed his face Tao.

"Just let us go?" Jun Wudao asked.

"Of course it is to inform the colleagues present!" Taihang God Ziyin said with a smile.


On the vast waterfall, the island becomes more mysterious under the shining of the moon.

Su Jin stepped on the solid ground and scanned the surroundings. He relied on the previous reflexive scene and intuitively found the position where Wu Shi stood at the beginning. This is above the southwest corner of the island——

"Don't be so nervous." Su Jin sent a message to Princess Wuyou and other women.

"Of course you are not nervous, these twelve people, we are not enough to kill the other one by one, and the other party just said that he is dead without beginning, we can obviously leave, why should we risk landing on the island?" Princess Wuyou said.

"High risk and high return, forget it, you don't understand it." Su Jin sighed.

"Wuji has been sitting down, you came here with an excuse, and you have already lost the opportunity to enter the Hall of Wuji." Mo Hongyu said through voice transmission.

In fact, the greatest value of landing on the island is probably in the Palace of No Beginning! In this Temple of Wu Shi, I am afraid that there will be endless insights and divine methods, and it is even possible that there is a treasure of Wu Shi! What a pity--

Su Jin felt that what Mo Hongyu was talking about was indeed a problem, but it was all coming, so he couldn't leave empty-handed.

"Where is Taoist Wu Shi Sihua?" Su Jin turned around and asked the middle-aged man in the patina coat.

"This—" The middle-aged man hesitated.

The twelve guardians were afraid that this person was more intelligent, so Su Jin naturally knew that the other party would not speak easily, so he sighed leisurely and sat in the void.

Su Jin was feeling the Taoist rhyme around him. At that time, there was no beginning. Standing here, he should be comprehending a certain kind of Taoism. The wisps of Taoist rhyme are still strong in the void!

"Friends without beginning--" Su Jin deliberately sighed, paying close attention to the expression of the middle-aged man, and then said: "The magical method of fellow Daoists is lacking in the circle, is it waiting for me to make up for it? Huh?"

"My friend knows the divine method the Holy Emperor casts?" The middle-aged corpse fairy was stunned and asked.

"The one who hears the Tao will live and die at night. The seeker, forget life and die. The seeker, drunk life and dream of death. The enlightened person, there is no life or death." Su Jin sighed: "The Taoist friend without beginning understands it is the great art of stars. !"

After speaking, Su Jin picked it up in front of him with his fingertips——

The rich Dao marks in the emptiness were suddenly drawn out, and the fingers were soft.

Mo Hongyu, Princess Wuyou, Phoenix Phoenix and other women were all suppressed. Su Jin's remarks were almost flawless, but this method should be flawed, right? Unless this middle-aged protector doesn't know what kind of magic Wushi felt here back then!

The middle-aged Taoist protector in the patina long dress bowed deeply to Su Jin and said, "Yes, the Holy Emperor was here to understand the art of the extreme stars."


Princess Carefree was surprised--


It can't be such a coincidence, it can be right!

Mo Hongyu looked at Su Jin deeply. Sometimes when she thought about it alone, she felt that this person was really amazing, and she always felt an indescribable confidence in him.

"After reincarnation, there will be no more holy emperors in the world, nothing more, I will complete this technique for the sake of my old friends..." Su Jin said to the middle-aged guardian: "No matter who comes later, don't let them disturb me--"

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