My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3213: Extreme Stars

"Oh," the middle-aged protector immediately bowed his head to answer.

Su Jin will not aimlessly. The leader of the Taoist protector still disagrees with his group. At least he does not believe it completely. The scene just condensed can even be explained by mysterious techniques. This person is not convinced, and people like himself will not. Will be safe.

Facing the Jidao stars created by the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng, Su Jin was under pressure.

And the pressure is great.

Su Jin just curled up a ray of Dao Yun and found that his perception of heaven and earth is as vast as the ocean of stars. If this technique is a lost magic technique, he may use the enlightenment tree to use this half to obtain the following Dao Yun method. , But this is an unfinished technique, he has to make it up by himself!

It is extremely difficult to create!

"Everyone, I will let my subordinates gather the fruit, please don't disturb the adults--" The middle-aged guardian in the verdigris gown directly asked Mo Hongyu and other women to leave.

"Can it be done?" Mo Hongyu was very nervous, and transmitted his voice to Su Jin.

"Yeah, if you can't do it, we will all die here!" Princess Wuyou feels that Su Jin is very entrusted. This is an unfinished divine method of the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng, how can he be achieved in this state!

"I believe you--" When Evil Heart Phoenix transmitted the sound, the first one turned and fell to the ground.

"Come on."


Only the two women, Yucha Moniang and Tingxue, felt deep into the tiger's mouth and then into the wolf's den! Anyway, they felt that no matter how they died in the end, it was all related to the Ye Emperor! It is possible to be killed by him here!

Su Jin did not respond to them, because he also had no confidence!

Try it, after the test is successful, the Palace of Wushi is very likely to enter——

Su Jin sat alone in the void cast by Yuehua. He planned to use a handy way to make up for this work, otherwise he would never be able to do it in a short time!

This easy way is to take the risk to learn the first half of this extreme star! Try to use the insights that Wu Shi once created this divine method to create the second half!

Difficulty! Of course it is as difficult as reaching the sky-

If you ask, how does it feel to be surrounded by a dozen powerful corpses?

Mo Hongyu and other women may be able to give the answer! It's literally, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I mean to hold them hostage!

"The beginningless Jidao stars, is it easy to make up?" Princess Wuyou asked the middle-aged protector boldly.

"Maybe not." The middle-aged defender said with a stiff face: "The Holy Emperor's perception of heaven and earth can not be absorbed by ordinary people. If he can make it up, we can naturally believe that you are the distinguished guests of this temple."

"What do you mean--" Princess Wuyou asked, pulling her face down.

"Extreme Dao Star Art is not a complete divine method. Even the Holy Emperor Without Beginning does not know the power, because it has not yet been created, and the massive Dao rhyme alone can burst a sage, this friend, with low strength. , I’m afraid I also want to use this to prove that he is a reincarnation, once a friend of our holy emperor.” said the middle-aged protector.

Burst a sage!

Oh my god

The expressions of the women of Mo Hongyu were all hot and flushed!

Don't say they, even the generals have removed the Little Red Riding Hood from the top of their heads at this moment, and even fan the wind, although it does not feel hot, it is enough to represent that the current situation is very unoptimistic.


The face of the middle-aged protector changed, and like everyone else, he looked at Su Jin in unison—

At this moment, Su Jin's body was trembling slightly, and every pore of his was spewing out powerful and dazzling stars!

"Get started?" The middle-aged Taoist defender lost his voice.

Jidao Star Technique, the first half has reached the entry state! This talent, this kind of insight, can scare fools!

"If Ye Di is not in a state of full concentration now, if you ask him, guess what he will say?" Princess Wuyou relaxed and asked the middle-aged Taoist protector.

"Then what would he say?" the middle-aged guardian asked blankly.

"It's quite slow, it's just getting started--" Princess Wuyou was proud and responded with a smile.

Talking about it, smiling back to it, the atmosphere is still very solemn!

Su Jin closed his eyes tightly, and gradually began to guide those Dao Yun into his body. At the same time, the lightning mark on the center of his eyebrows slowly opened, and the golden pupils of the years spit out brilliance, turning into a wheel of years to envelop him.

Gradually, in Su Jin's golden pupils of those years, a faintly rotating golden "swastika" appeared, but soon the "swastika" disappeared and a sword embryo appeared!

After disappearing one after another, in Su Jin's golden pupil of years, a cloud of fairy aura loomed, in that fairy light, a miniature tree of enlightenment seemed to be condensed in the golden pupil——

As the middle-aged Taoist advocates said, normal people simply can't absorb so much Taoist rhyme! Especially this is the Jidao star created by the Holy Emperor Wu Shi!

This massive amount of Taoist rhyme is hard to pick up!

But Su Jin is different. Su Jin owns the Taoist Tree. He transfers ninety-nine percent of the Dao Yun and Dao marks to the Taoist Tree. This approach has great benefits!

First of all, the tree of comprehension can help him to realize, second, there is no need to explode, and third, he can perfectly cultivate this extremely Dao star! This also lays the foundation for the second half of the divine method-

Time, about half a stick of incense passed.

Outside the entire island, the uninvited guests should come!

Not one hundred, not three hundred, but almost all! Apart from the dead testers, there are more than 1,400 people left!

"Emperor Ye found the Temple of Wushi! There is a possibility that there is Dao Body of Wushi in the temple!" The tester's eyes were hot, and he wanted to enter the island immediately.

"How do you know? I have a friend's voice transmission. I heard that there was no beginning hall, and I rushed over immediately."

"Who dare to ignore the Temple of Wushi? We were told by the **** son of Taihang——"

"Look! That's Ye Di, Ye Di has begun to realize the endless inheritance? How can this be good! Let's enter immediately! Be fast!"

Someone looked at Su Jin with a surprised look and saw that Su Jin was comprehending the divine law. Wherever he could wait, dozens of people rushed over!


A terrifying scene appeared! When dozens of people approached the island, there were inexplicable Dao marks, which directly turned into dense linear streamers, and cut dozens of monks in an instant!

"There is a **** forbidden! No, it is not a **** forbidden! This is the ancient Dao mark, which can kill the people of the world!" A monk shuddered, and his life stopped thinking about rushing to the Wushi Temple.

The young Huangdi and Ji Tianao looked at each other, and both smiled helplessly.

"I had known that I would wait for Brother Ye outside. Brother Ye is really amazing, always one step ahead of us." Ji Tianao said annoyed.

"This is not a place where you can sit and transform without beginning." The young Huangdi frowned and said: "It's just a dojo, and the place of sitting and transform is elsewhere."

"How did Brother Huang see it?" Ji Tianao asked questioningly.

"These are the guardians, where there is no beginning sitting, there should be martyrs, and the strength is far greater than the twelve guardians. I originally found it a bit, but the testers went crazy and found no beginning sitting. I just rushed to the land," said the young Huangdi.

"The Wushi Daochang is also good, there should be many treasures in that Wushi Temple——" Ji Tian said proudly.

"Well, what's going on, Brother Buzhuo, Princess Wuyou seems to be protected by those Taoist guardians, and they don't worry about their lives." Huangdi said with a strange expression.


This unbelievable scene has become a shocking mystery in the testers, and even in the heavens as a whole!

In the Great Moon Imperial City, countless people are looking up, watching the condensed scene in the void, and there is a heated debate.

"Ye Di is safe and sound, protected by the guardian of Wu Shi! But everyone knows that Wu Shi has fallen a long time ago, how did he get into the island?" Someone was shocked and wondered.

"Yedi doesn't take an ordinary path, you all know, he is the noble Buddha King of our Great Moon Kingdom, and any situation can happen to him!"

"Hey, is Ye Di practicing the law without beginning? Is it inheritance without beginning?"

"Those people can only watch the Yedi practice, and can't enter. Remember to be like a monkey with a burnt hair, hahaha—"


No beginning dojo.

The middle-aged guardian, seeing a thousand people coming, immediately took the other eleven stupid corpses, strode to the edge of the island, and would not let any one come in!

"I don't care, leave here quickly." The middle-aged guardian in the verdigris coat said with a calm face.

"I'm not convinced!" One of the testers heard this and immediately blew the pot and said, "Why can the Ye Emperor enter and understand the Divine Law, I can't wait? Wu Shi is not his own Wu Shi, it belongs to our entire God and Heaven!"

At the same time, the **** son of Taihang also stood up and said with a black face: "Yes! No beginning falls, and the inheritance of the divine law he left behind, I also have the responsibility to carry forward, please also let me wait in—"

Jun Wudao waited for the Taihang divine son to finish speaking, and also echoed and shouted: "There is no beginning inheritance, everyone has a share, why is the Ye Emperor alone!"

"You are not worthy." The middle-aged protector said coldly: "The Saint Emperor has left a star and heavenly skill here, but the Saint Emperor has only created the upper half, and now... Ye Di is completing this skill, and he wants to create it. Are you also worthy of the second half of the Extreme Star Spell?"

Not worthy!

The emperor is walking on the road of no beginning, and he wants to make up for the second half of the ‘Zhu Dao Star Art’!

As soon as this remark comes out, the world is quiet!

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