My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3214: Point to the Galaxy

Ye Di, is creating Ji Dao Star Technique!

Taihang **** son, Jun Wudao, and everyone present had their eyes dull and didn't say a word. This statement from the protector must be true, but—

But why?

"Senior, if you say I am not worthy of waiting, then he is worthy of Ye Di? The Ji Dao stars left by the Emperor Wu Shi, I cannot wait. I am also in the ranks of Tianjiao, and I am equally qualified to create Dao!" .

"That's right! Everyone can make up for the power of heaven and carry forward the beginningless inheritance——" Jun Wudao said with an ugly face.

The middle-aged man in the patina gown glanced coldly, and said indifferently: "The Saint Emperor's extreme star technique, only the Dao marks in the first half, can burst the sages. Whoever is willing to try, I can put it in, but if you come in If you find it difficult or unable to do it later, don't blame the old man for being cruel, just kill him!"


The scene was full of chills--

Burst the saints!

Everyone knows that if you take the endless road, you must learn the first half of this extreme star technique, otherwise there will be no chance to create the second half. This protector is already the strongest on the scene, and his words are natural. No one doesn't believe it--

"God of Taihang, your mana is boundless, and your enlightenment is amazing, and you can do it! Why don't you go and try it, you will be able to join Yedi immediately and become an existence with the same reputation as Yedi!" Among the testers, many retreated immediately. , Directly encourage it.

"Yeah, God Child of Taihang, didn't you always want to compare with Ye Di? Now this is a great opportunity. If you create the Extreme Star Art before Ye Di, then the whole God and Heaven will be proud of you, for You are the true Taoist God!"

"God of Taihang, now that things are unbearable, there is no need to bear it anymore. There is no other person besides you, who are you not going to? Don't let the endless inheritance fall into the hands of others!"

"Jun Wudao, you can also give it a try—"


Hearing the words of those around him, the **** child of Taihang suddenly felt his ears become hot and his face flushed. He really wanted to try, but...but...if it doesn't work, the post-fruits are unimaginable!

Jun Wudao's face changed again and again, "Brother Taihang Dao, would you like to try?"

"Huh!" The Taihang **** son sternly brushed his sleeves and stopped talking.

This scene is a disappointment!

Many people want to see who can create this technique with God Child Taihang or Emperor Ye, but now the God Child Taihang has obviously retreated, and he doesn't even have the courage to take a step. At this point, he can't compare to Ye Emperor!

In all directions, there is an inexplicable atmosphere everywhere——

If anyone is most concerned about the situation of the night emperor this time, there is no one in the Great Moon Imperial City, the Great Moon King!

King Dayue saw his daughter, Princess Wuyou, who was held hostage by the protectors in the Wushi Dojo, and couldn't help but slam his heart for his daughter——

"Lao Yun, what do you think of King Buddha's creation this time?" King Dayue looked at the old Yun who had arrived outside the Tongtian Temple for a long time, and asked in a respectful voice.

"It's not that easy." Old Yun shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "The half divine method of the Holy Emperor Wu Shi is enough to shock the sky, and the traces of Taoism contained in it are as many as the dust of a world, so many. The mark, if it is a person's spiritual sea, it can't be contained at all, these are the sentiments of the holy emperor without beginning.

"If Mr. Yun makes a move, how sure is it to complete that magic?" King Dayue asked.


Yun Lao was stunned, and said: "Your Majesty is too dear to old age, not to mention it is me, no one in the entire gods can connect the lower half of the magic, even the newcomer in the endless wilderness. It’s impossible for all of the magicians to do it."

"This--" King Dayue's face turned pale suddenly, "As the protector said, can the beginningless half-divine technique burst a sage?"

"This is still a bit conservative." Old Yun sighed heavily.


At this moment, Su Jin didn't know how sensation the outside was. He only opened his eyebrows and his pupils and was immersed in this half of the magic of Wushi. He even forgot himself, forgot everything, and regarded it as nothing around him!

In the golden pupils of the years, the phantom of the Taoist tree is trembling slowly, and its silver-green branches and leaves are spreading out slightly, as if every leaf is pulsating, madly absorbing the Taoist rhyme of the surrounding "stars of the extreme". trace--

No beginning, what kind of existence is it?

Su Jin had just started the Ji Dao Star Art, but he sincerely admired this person. Throughout the ages, he admired the achievements of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors who stepped out of the heavens. Apart from these sages, he rarely admired him.

However, although this Ji Dao Star Art is only half of it, the Dao Yun Qi Machine contained in it is all-encompassing. The elaboration, understanding, and insight of the stars and the starry sky has completely refreshed Su Jin's view of the starry sky!

"The starry sky can be a kind of avenue, but I still disagree with it." Su Jin thought silently in his heart.

In the perception of the Emperor Wu Shi, everything is Tao, even the fragile grass, dust, and even breath are all out of the scope of the Three Thousand Dao——

Su Jin thought for a while, with a deep understanding, he gently raised his hand and listened carefully—


All kinds of voices seem to come into my ears. Those are the voices of different stars. In the eyes of the Emperor Wu Shi, the stars also have life, have their own tracks, and can even nurture life, supreme!

Su Jin's finger, he didn't know what shock it caused!

On the island, Mo Hongyu and others tensed their nerves and did not dare to relax at all. They saw Ye Di close their eyes, and raised their hands to the starry sky. The starry sky seemed to have a profound energy drawn out——

Above the sky, Xingyue flashed slightly, as if in response!

"Did you see it just now? The entire starry sky was shining brightly in an instant!" Princess Wuyou was surprised.

"It's normal. After all, what Yedi is practicing now is the divine method of creation without beginning." Mo Hongyu said slowly with a lot of pressure.

"But Wu Shi's Ji Dao Star Art is not in the second half yet, how can Ye Di attract the stars?"

"Why can't you? You practice a technique, don't you start from the beginning? But Wu Shi really has the power to shake the sun, moon, and the sea. The cultivation talent of the emperor of the night is also the most terrifying existence in Tianjiao I have seen. One." Evil Heart Phoenix raised his brow and said.

"I hope Ye Di can do what he wants--" said the Bingxuan Palace Master.

"For us, let alone getting started, I am afraid that I will feel a little bit, the whole person will be obliterated by the scars of the extreme stars. If we can go to the present, I am afraid that Ye Di can really create miracles!"


create a miracle!

Su Jin seemed to be instinctive, finger Xinghai, slowly flicking——

The entire magnificent galaxy is dazzling! Under Su Jin's finger strokes, a bright star-blue galaxy emerged from the starry sky!

Take the starry sky as the paper and the stars as the map, pointing to the galaxy!

"Ah -" Su Jin growled suddenly.

The face of the **** of Taihang was happy.

"Emperor Ye will do it!" Jun Wudao was overjoyed.

"Haha, the achievements of the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng in Shen Tian, ​​unparalleled in the world, are people like you delusional to imitate?" The **** son of Taihang only felt comfortable all over, and laughed: "The delusion of the Emperor Wu Shi continues the second half of the magic Yedi, it’s hard to escape death after all!"

"A world-shattering magical technique that even sages can explode, the original intention of the emperor without beginning may not allow it to appear in the world, and if you want to break the original intention of the emperor, you will eventually receive retribution!" Jun Wudao smiled, as if very cool Said the same.

Huangdi's expression quietly changed.

"Brother Ye is dangerous." Young Emperor Huang frowned.

"Brother Ye was too careless to realize the star technique of the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng, I hope he is all right." Ji Tianao really doesn't want Su Jin to have an accident, but the current situation is not optimistic!

"Brother Ye should be fine, but this star technique is more dangerous than he thought." The young Huangdi observed: "Look at him, he doesn't look like he was tortured by Dao marks. There is no risk of exploding his body for the time being- "

"Looking at that mandarin duck-eyed Taihang divine son, I'll be angry--" Ji Tianao glanced at Taihang divine son and Jun Wudao, a little puzzled.


Su Jin’s Taoist body was in the void, swaying constantly. The phantom of the "Enlightenment Tree" in his eyebrows was spinning frantically, refining the Dao marks on the first half of the Extreme Dao Star Technique, and the stars on his body seemed to have reached it. Uncontrollable state!

"Open!" Su Jin's face was firm, and with a fierce stroke of his finger, he opened up a galaxy in the void again, and the violent Dao Mark seemed to exceed his limit!


Su Jin pointed out that in opening the galaxy, he can only open up two galaxies so far, but in the first half, he has only just stepped into Xiaocheng so far!

Point out the twelve galaxies, and you will be great! This is the technique of attracting the stars, it is a veritable starry sky power! But the process is too painful, as an ordinary person, I dare not try at all, and I can't try to this step!

The God Child of Taihang was extremely excited, and said excitedly: "Ye Di is about to explode!"

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