My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3215: Dragon in the starry sky!


The explosive body among the monks is no less than a soldier's solution! With better luck, the spirit may still fall into reincarnation and go to life!

The middle-aged guardian wearing a patina gown is full of regrets. This little guy named Ye Di, in his opinion, is really talented. Although he has a high evaluation, it is far from the original Emperor Wu Shi. It's not a star.

Jidao Star Technique, pointing to the two rivers, is the ultimate in Su Jin——

Of course, the middle-aged protector thinks so, he is now considering whether to let the night emperor or not, after all, such a talented evildoer is rare in the world.


Su Jin burst out again, his eyes opened impressively, and a circle of dark blue black holes suddenly appeared in the high altitude of Yuehua's condensed sky, which suddenly opened up. This is the combination of his Senluo plane and the'Aotian Divine Will'. The same is the starry sky!

Kai Kai Kai Kai...

Su Jin kept shouting violently, and in an instant, including the previous two galaxies, there were a total of eight galaxies, brightly juxtaposed in the sky!

Those eight galaxies are not just as simple as bright, the kind of suffocating coercion like the collapse of the sky, people just feel that it is difficult to breathe, majestic and magnificent are not enough to describe the magnificence of the eight galaxies at this moment!


When the eight galaxies stretch to the end, they don't know how far they are, as if the distance is endless. Who can survive this? Even the opening of eight galaxies has not been burst!

The face of the **** son of Taihang suddenly froze——

"Impossible, he can't do it!" The Taihang **** son's sentiment is naturally far better than the majority of the people present. Su Jin pointed out the eight galaxies, and the sentimental rhyme contained in each galaxy is beyond his ability!

Obviously, this is Su Jin's insight into "Extreme Dao Star Technique", and then used the Ji Dao stars he cultivated to develop it!

"Give up--" the middle-aged guardian said slowly: "Eight galaxies are already your limit. The first half of the big success requires twelve galaxies, and they need to be merged into a starry sky, so that all power is in your control. In the hands, you can't do it at all. Of course, even if you did it, the Holy Emperor Wu Shi didn't leave any traces of sentiment in the lower half, and it was impossible for you to create it."

"You said it's impossible, I want to find the possibility out of the impossible!"

Su Jin heard the middle-aged guardian say so, and a rare stubbornness appeared in his heart. He got up from a cross-sitting state, climbed into the sky with his hands and walked into the eight galaxies!

"Stubbornness is the root cause of human inferiority." The middle-aged protector said coldly.

Su Jin no longer paid any attention. Indeed, just as the middle-aged protector said, he even used the Aotian divine will, pointing out that the eight galaxies were indeed the limit.

"Stars, life, time and space--" Su Jin looked at the dazzling galaxy. In his eyes, everything seemed to be connected. He tried to use the time and space kendo and the wheel of time, but he could no longer open up the galaxy.

Of the twelve galaxies, only four remained uncondensed, but even if there was only one galaxy left, he felt a little too vast, too far away, and even had self-doubt in his heart, feeling that he would never be able to do it.

"Where is the problem--" Su Jin asked himself.

The monk, asked, aspired, one flower and one grass, one year old and one withered, Su Jin's thoughts were endless, as if he had seized some opportunity and agility, but the inspiration, as if it was quicksand, could not be gathered together.

Su Jinhong looked at him. The thinking running in his mind had surpassed that of ordinary people by many times. The tree of enlightenment was madly blessing him, and all the possibilities poured into his heart!

"It's alright, he wants to try--" Princess Wuyou's face was pale, she could hardly imagine that if she changed to Su Jin, she would have been driven crazy by the mass of sentimental information, and she would practice this magical technique. It is simply an inhuman torture!

"If he gives up, we will all die." Mo Hongyu said in a voice transmission: "Believe him, he has already opened eight galaxies, he may not be unable to do it."

"But even the Emperor Wu Shi didn't create the second half of this technique..." The Bing Profound Palace Master said with a blow.

Rainbow Dragon King, Yucha Demon Girl, and Tingxue Louzhu all dimmed, even if they had confidence in Su Jin, but in the face of reality, everyone had to admit that Su Jin’s current situation is already difficult—


Su Jin's mind flashed, his red eyes gradually calmed down. Often the most complicated things can be handled in the simplest way. This technique is called "Zhu Dao Star Art". Xinghe has developed eight articles, except for the word "Ji Dao".

What is pole, what is pole!

The extreme is the extreme, how does Tao explain it?

Su Jin lowered his head and looked at his hands. He wondered how he would get out of the predicament if he was a mortal and encountered an unstoppable disaster!

"Extremely extreme, Tao is faith! Believe it!" Su Jin's body was trembling, and a touch of Ming Wu appeared in his eyes. Fear of everything!"

Su Jin stood in the void like a big mountain, and soon, under the pressure of the eight galaxies, he raised his hand with difficulty and pointed to the east! !


A nine-curved yellow river, with a strong atmosphere of tragic and grandeur, is rolling forward in the void, unstoppable! The torrent of the Yellow River, at the front end like a majestic dragon head, swept across the starfields, rushed into the depths of the starry sky, forcibly containing the stars!

This is equivalent to driving another river!

Su Jin's figure seems to be imprisoned in place. Except for the'Nine Curves of the Yellow River', which is a magical technique he once created, these eight galaxies have not yet formed the power of their own star technique, and he cannot control them at all. That kind of power, even if it's him, is as if his legs are tied to the mountains, it is difficult to advance!

Is it the ultimate?

Su Jin even asked himself like this in his heart--

Do not! This is not the extreme of oneself, and it is far from reaching the extreme!

Su Jin's whole body began to shine with nine colors, and the monstrous divine power burst out!

At the same time, his eyes, the three-colored sky secrets of gray blue, azure blue, and blood blue, all shone!

"Give it to me!" Su Jin pointed at the distant starry sky, raised his arms fiercely, his five fingers turned into claws!

In the distant starry sky, suddenly there was a giant blue hand that could cover the sky, and he brazenly grabbed a sky crack, and countless starlights were plundered in. That galaxy was done!

Ten galaxies!

Su Jin's eyes were dim, and the primordial spirit Guanghua all over his body seemed to be converging, his body in the Tongtian Hall, unknowingly, the corners of his mouth were overflowing with golden Buddha blood!

Stubbornness, even reaching the point of paranoia!

The middle-aged guardian saw this situation, even a little unbelievable, forcibly opened two galaxies, and now has reached ten galaxies, which is unimaginable-

"Ye Di is a real evildoer! I can't wait for this method!" From time to time, among the testers, there were exclamation voices, and it was obvious that this step was very difficult.

"So what? Even Tian Mi has used it. The two galaxies behind him can't condense at all. This is his limit, and it is also a limit. If this continues, he will undoubtedly die."

"If you are you and me, can you condense a galaxy? The Holy Emperor Without Beginning is really terrible. It is just an unfinished divine art that is so difficult, and the difficulty of his inheritance can be imagined."

"Inheritance is a mantle. Although it is difficult, it cannot be compared with this level of difficulty. If Yedi succeeds, he will be in the heavens, with talent comparable to the existence of no beginning! Of course, this is only about talent, not strength!"

"It's terrible. He knows that he will die if he doesn't finish it. Ye Di has to fight. Just now, the **** of Taihang didn't dare to take a step, hey——"


Su Jin looked around blankly.

Starry sky, Fengyue, he smelled a breath of death——

Is this fate? Su Jin admitted that he had underestimated this divine method of the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng. He has almost exhausted everything now, but so far, the remaining two galaxies are difficult to condense again.

"I'm not convinced! I'm not satisfied!" Su Jin roared at the starry sky in all directions!

When Su Jin roared angrily, he leaned back slightly and stretched out his hands!


A wheel of the secret of heaven, like a rainbow from the world, is reflected from the nine heavens and ten earth. In the wheel of secret of the heaven, there are great roads and verticals. Su Jin has no enemies now. He is fighting against the sky and the beginning. , Fight yourself! Fight out a sea of ​​stars!

Buzzing, the entire Sky Secret Wheel seemed to feel Su Jin's will, trembling constantly!

"My wheel of the sky, I can take in the stars!" Su Jin pointed at the ten galaxies and shouted: "Come!"

The ten galaxies all swayed abruptly, like a long starry sky, bursting into rhythm, but a few breaths, a world-wide magnificent scene, appeared from the wheel of the secret of heaven!

In the wheel of a day, the ten galaxies are collected!

At that moment, Su Jin's aura grew several times, he didn't even use his fingers! The whole sky is loud and loud! !

Bang bang bang bang~~~~

One after another, the galaxies are extremely bright, as if...the starry sky is roaming the dragon!

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