My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3216: Jai Zhi! Starry Sky Dragon!

Who says Jidao stars, only twelve galaxies can be considered great!

Now, the sky full of stars, Ruobai!

The starry sky seems to have a long dragon dancing, beautiful, and the coercion that suppresses the soul almost hurt the testers outside! With this technique, the result of the first half of the practice, Su Jin is almost blue!

The expressions of the women of Mo Hongyu had no idea how to describe them. They felt like they were dreaming, even that dream was extremely real!

"He... succeeded!" Mo Hongyu was the first to react, smiling like a flower, as if he was alive, and he would never regret after seeing this scene.

"How did Ye Di do it?" Princess Wuyou couldn't believe her eyes. This kind of visual impact was more shocking and stronger than ever!

"The Lilun behind Yedi definitely contains an unimaginable big secret——" Evil Heart Phoenix's eyes were shocked, and then again with a trembling voice, "Now that the sky is full of stars, it is this Lilun that draws out. of!"

Yucha Demon's face was also solemn, "Yedi has already learned the upper half of the extreme star technique, but this does not mean that he can create the lower half."

Everyone wakes up like a dream!

Yes, the first half of "Zhu Dao Star Art" created by Su Jin Xuexue Wu Shi, can only be regarded as his talent shocking the sky. I have realized the way that Wu Shi Sheng Emperor created this technique, but learning is different from Chuang , The second half, how to proceed, how to make a perfect connection, or two!

Outside the suspended island--

The feelings of the gods of Taihang and Jun Wudao at this moment are not as simple as panic. The talent displayed by Ye Di is undoubtedly the strongest existence among them! This technique is too difficult. It is not only as simple as comprehension, but also can absorb a large amount of Dao Mark Dao Yun. If there is any difference, it is impossible to cultivate!

"What to do! Ye Di cultivated a world-shattering star art without beginning, if he walks out of the island, he will definitely not let me two!" Jun Wudao worried about revenge, and hurriedly transmitted the sound to the **** of Taihang.

"How easy is it! Anyone can do it if you learn how others have paved the way for him!" The **** son Taihang sneered: "This divine method needs to be completed and created by him in the second half, otherwise the protectors I won't let him go, let's just wait and see the joke!"

"Well, it's impossible to create the second half. How can the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng emperor compare it to Ye Di?" After hearing this, Jun Wudao immediately settled his mind.

Faced with the noisy situation, the middle-aged protector hurriedly shouted: "Quiet everyone! Yedi has initially reached the conditions, and later is the time to complete the second half of the wound. If it is noisy, the protector I will not forgive!"

Taihang **** son, Jun Wudao, all of them kept silent--

No one doubts the middle-aged guardian, this person led eleven guardians, if they violated his words, I am afraid they will be able to kill all of them more than a thousand in an instant!

Under the attention of everyone, Su Jin's face gradually returned to normal--

One finger, the stars are scattered, and the second finger disappears.

Su Jin sat in the starry sky, listening to the sound of Song Tao, a strange feeling came to his mind.

If there is no lower part of the "Zhu Dao Star Art" that can lead to galaxy, the power is just to grab the galaxy. This kind of attack may seem appalling, but in fact the power is not as difficult to contend with as imagined, and It's too loose, but anyone who is strong can easily escape it.

How to create the second half?

How to make up——

Su Jin understood that the Emperor Wu Shi was not incapable of creating a complete "Extreme Dao Star Art" at the time, but I was afraid that he felt the terrifying effect of this technique and damaged the balance of the heavens, so he created half of it.

"If I use the Aotian Divine Intent to fuse, the power will be multiplied, and all the galaxies can be connected, but a little bit of mystery is missing." Su Jin thought to himself, and he felt that it was not easy to merge-

If you want a perfect connection, the difficulty is even more difficult than the first half of this technique just completed, or even impossible!

In Su Jin's mind, it seemed as if a piece of the original Dao Mark of the Extreme Dao Star Art was branded. This upper half could be easily made by him, but the huge amount of Dao Marks in it had to be connected one by one in order to extend. Possibility of the lower half.


Su Jin has the experience of creating magical techniques. For example, the "Nine Songs of the Yellow River" he used before was a magical technique he created before, but the difficulty is not a level of magnitude compared with the present.

Soon, Su Jin stretched out his palm, and a group of Dao Marks from the origin of "Apocalypse Star Technique" quickly condensed into a group of starlight.

First of all, Su Jin knows that this technique is terrifying, and even has the power to destroy the earth. He wants to drive these original Dao Marks. It is not difficult to make quality changes. It is just how to achieve the unexpected step. ?

"My nine realms, plus two divine intents, will all continue this technique." Su Jin's eyes were bright, "If the powerless Holy Emperor expects, wait until the first half of the divine technique is used. , And then transition to the lower half of the magic arts, the previous work will inevitably collapse."


These two words came to Su Jin's mind.

With the carrier, it may be able to perfectly enhance the power of this technique, and even have power beyond imagination!

Su Jin is surrounded by the wheel of years, and he has been thinking about it for several days. Outside the wheel of years, it is naturally very short-

"It feels a little difficult." Princess Wuyou murmured.

"Nonsense, it must be difficult." Mo Hongyu said: "Even if it is the lowest level of cultivation technique, if it is incomplete, the power will be greatly reduced. For an existence like the Emperor Wu Shi, if it is the rhyme of the divine law and Taoism below, it will not continue. It is complete, and it may even be harmed by it. There is nothing to control the galaxy, it wastes divine power, and its power cannot be used."

"What are you worried about? Everything is difficult at the beginning. The Emperor Wu Shi has already created the first half of the magic. For him to continue, he only needs to consider power." The handsome looked at the nervous expressions of the other girls. He said with a curled mouth.

"Ah? Is it as simple as you said?" Princess Wuyou asked with wide eyes.

"Of course! No one can do this for us, or the people outside, but Brother Ye, sprinkle water--" said the handsome.

"How to tell?" The Bing Profound Palace Lord didn't believe it.

The handsome man looked at them with eyes like he had seen a ghost, and whispered quietly: "Actually, I will tell you one of the biggest secrets of Brother Ye——"

"What's the secret?" Princess Wuyou asked.

"Brother Ye, I have a tree of enlightenment--" The handsome man had a weird expression when he snickered, and then said through the voice: "Did you not pay attention to his pupils? The fairy tree inside is the tree of enlightenment."


Mo Hongyu, Yucha Moniang and others all had their brains white and temporarily lost their ability to think!

The tree of enlightenment, one of the two trees of the ages, is no wonder that the emperor Ye has such a powerful luck! This sacred tree only exists in legends, it is rarer than anything in the heavens, because it is only the only one!

"Impossible--" The Bing Profound Palace Master said with horrified eyes.

"The tree of enlightenment is a legend, and it does not exist in the world. You can definitely say that he has the tree of enlightenment, and I am afraid that it is not a mistake." said Yucha Mo Niang.

Evil Heart Phoenix and the other girls, although shocked, shook their heads in an instant.

There was only one girl who was dumbfounded, and that was Princess Wuyou!

"It's the tree of enlightenment--" Princess Wuyou made a very strange expression and said: "That day, my father asked me to study with Ye Di, and he gave me an enlightenment stick. Now I want to come. It is enlightenment. The tree is undoubtedly."

Everyone was shocked!

Su Jin naturally didn't know what was happening outside, his mind became more and more cheerful, his thoughts were more and more open, his eyes were extremely bright!

During this period, when it was only half a stick of incense outside, Su Jin dissipated the wheel of time, his body shook, and the golden dragon appeared!

The carrier is the unparalleled golden sacred dragon——

In everyone's eyes, the golden sacred dragon is simply unparalleled. Every golden scale is as large as a lake. At this moment, the dragon's body is in the void, as if within reach, it is terrible!

Everyone, even Evil Phoenix saw Su Jin's posture not long ago, his eyes couldn't help but shine again!

There are two six-fingered dragon claws in front of the golden holy dragon, the backs of the claws each carry three temples, and the back of the other claws holds the demon tower and the imprisoned devil mountain!

On the dragon's head, there is a dim ‘Eternal Life Hall’ on the back of the godless seat!

In an instant, under the influence of the Golden Sacred Dragon, the earth shattered! The waterfall rolls back for nine days!

"Zhu Dao Star Art, if it is connected to my Nine Paths, the carrier is my golden sacred dragon body! I use the origin of the whole body Dao Mark to continue the origin of the Dao Star Art, and I will have a lifelong comprehension, which is the same as this divine art. , Including all things, condensing this technique, and all my origins, into a golden holy dragon ball!" Su Jin was very excited.

Rainbow Dragon King feels the most. Although she doesn't know what Su Jin thinks, as a dragon, at this moment, she seems to realize what Su Jin is going to do——

"Do you want to become the golden sacred dragon that rules the starry sky?" Rainbow Dragon King thought blankly.

"It's a big deal--" The commander was a little uneasy. He helped Little Red Riding Hood on his head and muttered: "Starry Sky Dragon, but it's worth it..."

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