My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3219: Scarlet Altar

Following the scream of Princess Wuyou, the women looked over with their gazes—

Amidst the weeds and rocks, there is a hill that is not too short. On that hill, there are three tall black shadows, as if they were splashed with ink.

Su Jin walked over first.

Everyone followed Su Jin all the way to the bottom of the hill. The three black figures were extremely strange, but Su Jin keenly saw that the whole hill was surrounded by a chain, which was tied to the hill until the chain stretched. In the eyes of a spring on the ground--

"Do you want to cut it?" Ji Tianao was eager to try, and wanted to cut the chain with the Kaitianshen knife.

"It keeps cutting, it can't be split." The young Huangdi frowned, "The chain goes deep into the spring. What is the secret under this spring?"

Su Jin silently observed that this spit was about the diameter of Mich, and there were scattered rocks and leaves around it, and it would be difficult to spot it unless you look closely.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult to pull it up, right? Or... pull it up and take a look?" Princess Wuyou was itchy, she looked at Su Jin as she spoke.

Su Jin squinted, looked at the crowd, and said quietly: "Go--"

"Don't you pull it up? What if there is a heavy treasure sunk in it?" Princess Wuyou asked hurriedly.

"If you don't want to die, just pull it out..." Su Jin looked at Princess Wuyou coldly.

"What did Brother Ye see?" The young Huang Emperor just saw the divine pupils on Su Jin's eyebrows, constantly circulating the divine glory, and asked curiously.

"Before the night comes, you must find the beginningless inheritance." Su Jinxin was worried and did not explain, stepped forward, and continued to head towards the mountain range.

Princess Wuyou narrowed her mouth, stomped her feet lightly, and watched everyone following Su Jin. She didn't dare to stay here any longer, and immediately followed——

A breeze blew across the hills, vaguely as if to blow the three shadows a little, and the chains on the ground seemed to tremble slightly invisible~~~

God is shining brightly.

Su Jin and his party, under the scorching sun, walked all the way along the ridge——

This mountain range seemed to stretch endlessly. Wonderland appeared in the distance from time to time, and even Princess Wuyou saw a fruit forest, all bearing pumpkin-sized snow-white fruits, which seemed to be salivating, but Su Jin did not Let her go!

"I definitely haven't eaten that kind of fairy fruit--" Princess Wuyou wondered.

"You seem to be depressed all the time?" Su Jin transmitted to Mo Hongyu. From the beginning, he felt that Mo Hongyu was in a wrong state and couldn't help asking.

"No." Mo Hongyu responded, she seemed to try to divert the subject, and asked: "In the eyes of Shan Gangquan, what do you see with the pupil?"

Su Jin hesitated and said, "Have you noticed that the sun is setting very fast here?"

"The answer is not what you asked." Mo Hongyu looked depressed and seemed a little dissatisfied.

"It's related, it's not what you think--" Su Jin said helplessly.

"Could it be that the deep spring of the chain can still be related to the sun in the sky?" Mo Hongyu asked Su Jin with a glance.

"Of course." Su Jin said: "Look at the weather, we can't find the endless inheritance today. When camping to sleep at night, if you are afraid, come closer to me."

Mo Hongyu's heart jumped suddenly, staring at Su Jin in a daze.

Walking along the ridge, I did not encounter any danger, but facing the endless mountains, Su Jin and the others really had no good way, but they intuitively felt that the place of sitting and turning was very close.

The sky is dimming--

The mountain ridge in the evening was a bit cold in the sweeping mountain wind, and even half a moment before the brilliance faded, heavy snow began to fall on the east side of the mountain.

Unfortunately, Su Jin and the others moved several places to the west, and the heavy snow still came.

"Set an enchantment, but I am afraid that the brilliance of the enchantment will attract martyrs--" The words of Princess Wuyou instantly made everyone give up their ideas.

Ji Tianao and Huangdi, apart from anything else, a cave was red on the side of the ridge and entered directly into it.

"I have a tent, but it's not enough. Let's live in a cave." Princess Wuyou said with a wink.

Su Jin did not speak, and blasted open a cliff.

Seeing that he had hidden far away, he looked at the girls around Ye Di, and began to give him thumbs up from time to time.

Inside the cave...

Su Jinpan sat down, looked outside from here, and could see the blizzard that was raging outside, and the wind was crying like a ghost!

"When you find the beginningless inheritance, leave this **** place." Princess Wuyou said, sitting on the rock, hugging her legs together.

Su Jin cut the stone beds of several women beforehand, and should be able to sleep peacefully at night——

Mo Hongyu squatted his lips, ignoring other people's gazes, lying calmly on a stone bed to the left of Su Jin, in the cave, the fire was bright and the atmosphere was quiet.

"Aren't you sleeping?" Princess Wuyou yawned and looked at Su Jin and asked.

Su Jin shook his head, "You sleep, I want to ensure your safety."

"There is so much snow outside, what can be dangerous?" Princess Wuyou lay down and mumbled.

In an unfamiliar environment, the cold night is getting deeper——

A pile of burning spar, the heat just right, Su Jin frowned slightly, stretched his arms, but his eyes were filled with incomprehensible doubts.

"Is it because I feel wrong?" Su Jin asked himself in his mind.

Su Jin finally smiled helplessly, shook his head, closed his eyes, and was slowly in a state of concentration——

An hour later.

On the mountain wall outside the cave, three black shadows slowly appeared! Then, a mist of mist grew from the cave and rolled out a layer of laminar smoke!

When the mist shrouded all the girls' stone beds, none of the girls noticed something strange!

Even Evil Phoenix, Yucha Demon Girl and Tingxue Lou Zhu were all fascinated and fell asleep!


As if the sound of the chain shaking appeared, the sound was extremely small, and it was almost hard to detect under the cover of the snowstorm!

On the mountain wall outside the cave, three dark shadows slowly congealed, a circle of crimson Dao formations, suspended at the entrance of the cave, and one of the scarlet altars made of fleshy flesh rose up. This altar is no more than Michel!

In the distance, the young Huangdi and Ji Tianao quietly poked their heads out——

"Brother Huang, there really is a problem with the hills during the day." Ji Tian said without a trace, his tone was very tense.

"The smoke just now almost touched me." Huang Di's eyes were solemn, "Since Brother Ye knows that the hill is a fierce land during the day, I don't know if he is sober--"

"Ah ah, you are here too." The commander appeared tiptoedly.

"Can you stop being scared--" Ji Tianao's face was green, Haoxuan was not scared to death by the commander.

The young Emperor Huang held his breath, and the voice transmission asked the commander: "You come from the Three Corpses, and you know more about Wu Shi than we do. Do you know what they are doing?"

"That altar is a bit familiar." The commander breathed heavily, staring at the bright red altar outside Su Jin's cave.

"look familiar?"

"It's too long, let me think about it." The handsome man tapped his head with his hand. It was indeed familiar, but he couldn't remember what the altar was.

The bright red altar, in a **** color, gradually shining blood in a rhythm——

Then, three mud bowls were held out by three black shadows, which were actually full of crimson blood!

I saw strands of mystical blood pattern, piercing into the void from the altar, the bright red altar seemed to be getting stronger and stronger and more eye-catching!

Young Emperor Huang felt a little bad, and secretly communicated: "Brother Ye's cultivation base is no less than me. Is it because my physique is special to wake up so quickly?"

"Dead Red Riding Hood! Think about it quickly--" Ji Tian said anxiously, "Brother Ye hasn't taken any action yet. This shows that he has also said that the three shadows are really evil, otherwise they won't Do this to Brother Ye and those beauties."

The handsome man held his head in his hands, his whole body was trembling. The scenes from the years ago began to resemble fragments, which were recalled by it, but they were only fragments! It is impossible to spell out a complete scene at all.

"I, I seem to remember." The general was visibly frightened. "That bright red altar, like me at the time, was prepared to deal with nothingness, but its level was much higher than mine. If you acted out, Really can kill without beginning!"

A heavy weapon that can sacrifice and kill without beginning--

Ji Tianao and the young Huangdi's face suddenly changed!

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