My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3220: Pull the chain!

The scarlet altar is placed in front of the cave where the emperor lives. This altar can sacrifice for no beginning--

An inexplicable atmosphere surrounds the young Huangdi and Ji Tianao.

"If this altar can really sacrifice and kill Wu Shi, then Wu Shi should not be innocent." The young Huangdi looked at the commander.

"Of course! The blood of the priest is needed. Just two simple steps. Take the blood of the priest and pour it on the altar. Even if it is a drop, the priest will die."


The sky was full of snow, and it was a little smaller in the cold wind--

Three dark black phantoms slowly moved from the mountain wall and entered the cave. The strange fog around them kept flowing. There were several stone beds in the field. Su Jin closed his eyes and sat on the stone bed in the front.

The shadow swayed and looked at Su Jin for a while--

"This person has no blood, it is the body of the soul." In the dark shadow, someone said hoarsely as if they hadn't spoken for thousands of years.

"The soul is desirable."


The three dark shadows gradually elongated, and finally appeared around the stone bed where Su Jin was sitting.

I saw one of the dark shadows and directly raised his hand. Its fingers were actually in the shape of barbs, directly surrounded by traces of black blood, and they probed towards Su Jin.


Black Shadow's fingers just touched Su Jin's shoulder, but they shrank suddenly and screamed!

"Thousand Witch! How are you?" The other two dark shadows were shocked and asked quickly.

"Curse, there is an extremely terrible curse on him——" Qian Wuzi shouted in a terrifying tone. When he touched it with his finger just now, faced with the power of the curse, it was almost destroyed!

Su Jin's mouth raised a sly arc of laughter, opened his eyes, and said lightly: "The three really made this king wait~~~"

"You! You are not drunk!" The Thousand Shaman was shocked, and all backed away with the other two shadows.

"Sin Luo Wanxiang!"

Su Jin's voice was like a nightmare, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed greatly. Pieces of dark blue portals appeared in the void, and they seemed to be no longer in this world!

"Ancestral martial arts! Falling dreams without trace!" A black shadow suddenly banged and turned into a black air. It wrapped the other two black shadows and ran wildly in the void directly, trying to break through the'Shen Luo Wanxiang' 'Power!

Su Jin smiled disdainfully, stretched out his palm, a purple gold gourd appeared in the palm of his hand, pointed the gourd mouth at the thousand witches and shouted: "Thousand witches——"

"You dare to accept me!"

The Thousand Witchzi hurriedly replied, but soon it felt a weird whirlwind around it, that kind of peculiar power actually made it impossible to resist, only to be torn away, the more it is now, The more it panicked, it asked for help: "Blood Witch and Sky Witch, two adults! Help me!"

The two dark shadows immediately cursed a fool, and as expected, the two dark shadows heard Su Jin smile heartily, and clicked their names again and again--

Fate Gourd quickly swallowed the three shadows in...

Su Jin squinted his eyes, stepped outside the cave, and looked at the altar with blood spreading in circles and the three clay bowls in front of the altar. The sage ring of the bone ring!

"I knew that Brother Ye didn't put them in his eyes at all..." Ji Tianao was full of joy, and walked with Huang Di and Marshal.

"You are here to protect Mo Hongyu and the others." Su Jin said lightly: "I will come as soon as I go."

"Where is Brother Ye going?" Ji Tianao asked.


After Su Jin put down the two words, strode into the void, actually facing the wind and snow, walking towards the hillside during the day——

Huang Di wanted to say something but stopped, and finally shook his head.

In the entire inheritance place, although everyone came in only half a day, the level of casualties caused is absolutely unimaginable!

The people of God and Heaven are all paying attention to the endless inheritance. Even the darkest corners of the Great Moon Imperial City are filled with people, and the pubs and red buildings are full!

"Half a moment ago, Bai Fan had counted the number of casualties. Within less than a day, there are already more than 900 people left intact. These arrogances are all screened out from the first few levels. Everyone has a powerful posture, and loses one. It’s hard to bear it.” There is a place called the Hot Tavern, where the wine and meat are excellent, and there are people talking about the current situation everywhere.

"Before it gets dark, the arm that resembles a mountain range, as if it has become a spirit, has wiped out many people one after another. I don't know if there are any corpses behind that arm. If there is, there must be a treasure."

"That arm is extremely fierce, but not long ago, an eight-person team encountered a martyr. The method of that martyr...smashed eight Tianjiao with one finger, and even the fragments of the gods and souls no longer exist, completely. Stop it."

"It's not just the martyrs who are dangerous. Those spirited monsters can easily come across—"

"Look! Now it's the turn to condense the scene of the Ye Emperor! He is chasing the wind and the snow, not knowing where to go."


Su Jin owns the Vulcan Dao. He doesn't care about the coldness at all. He can't feel the slightest. He is extremely fast, turning into a cluster of starlight from time to time, rushing to the hill!

When you settle down, the snow does not fall anymore, it has stopped!

The gloomy hills, with strange and evil winds, are circling the whole hills, Su Jin stared coldly, looking at the chain on the ground——

While waiting in the cave, Su Jin pretended to be drunk. In fact, no one was more sober than him, but shortly after the three dark shadows of the Thousand Witches appeared, there were chain sounds in his ear. What does it have to do with the chain here.

Su Jin set up the table, placed a jar of wine, and filled a large cup, and then he did something unexpected. When he took the cup, he warmed the wine with fire before drinking it.

"The three shadow demons, this king has all caught--" Su Jin calmly wiped the corners of his mouth with his robe sleeves, and continued: "If you dare to hit me and hit those female cultivators, this king has a way. Cure you."

While speaking, Su Jin looked at the deep ‘spring eyes’ of the chain...

If someone saw Su Jin at this moment, he would feel like he was talking to himself!

Su Jin put his left hand on the wine jar, and his right hand pointed at the chain not far away, gently raising it!

The entire chain began to be pulled straight--

And outside the remote cave, the young Huangdi and the others did not follow, but this distance, it was easy to fall in the eyes of Huangdi.

"Brother Ye is pulling the chain!" Ji Tianao patted the little heart, perhaps not feeling enough, and hurriedly pulled the boss nervously, anxiously said: "Little Red Riding Hood, do you know what the end of the chain is?"

"I don't know!" The marshal was even more unhelpful, and the straw legs circled Ji Tianao's body, it was trembling in fright!

"Brother Ye won't poke a big basket--" Ji Tianao looked at the chain and was blessed by Su Jin with divine power. He pulled it up one meter by one meter. There was nothing in the spring's eyes.

Extremely heavy!

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