My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3223: Bronze statue of boy

Soon, the entire chain mountain turned into a black spot, and quickly fell into it, being attracted by a distant chain link!

No one can stop this scene, even if there are two martyrs present, it is very powerless, and even listening to the old man’s words, it is necessary to summon all 81 martyrs to have such a chance—

No one at the scene wants to see this situation, obviously there is only a short time, as long as you follow the old man to the place of no beginning inheritance, with the insight of the night emperor, it is very possible to get the inheritance!

"I will show you a way, and you will go to the tomb of the Holy Emperor by yourself." The old man hand-painted a route in the void. It is not far away, probably about one hundred thousand miles. With a clear direction, everyone is in front of you. Not difficult to go!

The young Huangdi frowned——

"Brother Ye's whereabouts are unknown, I shouldn't leave." Ji Tianao resolutely said: "We are going down into the abyss!"

"Yes, I hope Senior will allow me to enter the abyss together." Princess Wuyou said.

"Oh, I finally recognized a master, died young—" Yucha Mo Niang lightly sighed. She and the two daughters of Tingxue Lou were the last thing she wanted to go, because she knew that she could not come back!

"You witch! Believe it or not, I'll kill you first!" Princess Wuyou was in a rage, and the indefinite flying ring came out, trying to kill the jade brake demon first.

"Don't worry, Ye Di has a means left on me and the Lou Zhu Tingxue. Once he dies, we will be aware of it and we will tell you." Yusha Mo Niang motioned to Princess Wuyou to be quiet, her face still It's a shame.

"What are you doing?" Bingxuan Palace Master suddenly looked at Mo Hongyu and called out quickly.

Mo Hongyu was playing the lantern, and his red dress was dazzling. He actually stepped down the abyss--

Very abruptly without even saying hello, just chasing after him?

"You go to the Tomb of Wushi first--" Evil Heart Phoenix said lightly, transforming into a black phoenix, swept out a long rainbow, and descended into the blue abyss!

"Let's go first. The Inheritance without Beginning is not so easy to comprehend. It can take a few days at least and several months at most. It's not a way for us here," said the young Huangdi.

"Go to the Tomb of Wu Shi and wait for Ye Di to return!" The commander put down the little girl. Although he wanted to go down the abyss, the true inheritance of Wu Shi was still waiting for them!

"This is the end of the matter, it can only be so, we can't help much here." The Master of the Ice Profound Palace sighed lightly.

If the evil heart phoenix goes down, the Bingxuan Palace Master still understands it, but what does Mo Hongyu mean? There are not as many lives as the Evil Heart Phoenix, one death is gone, and since the other party can have such means to take the Ye Di away, the strength must be extremely terrifying! I'm afraid, even eighty-one martyrs can't stop it!

Finally, the young Emperor Huang and the others, took a deep look towards the blue abyss, and then started to set off, walking to the Tomb of Wu Shi——

"Grandpa, what is the end of the chain?" The little girl raised her head and asked the old man Mai.


The blue abyss, you can see the high cliffs of Shenlu when you look up, but falling into the abyss of thousands of miles, Su Jin’s first thought is the starry sky. This chain runs through the entire land of no beginning sitting, and the surrounding blue brilliance is not starlight, but It is a very special sky color.

Su Jin looked at the chain mountain that was burning with purple fire, and his heart was a little heavy, "Is it the power of stars? Or..."

Not sure, Su Jin is not sure at all! Once he walked into the abyss of the void and saw the sight of a star-eye sucking a coffin. The suction power was faintly similar to the suction power on the chain mountain below, and the suction power was so much greater that he couldn't get rid of it!

There is no darkness, there seems to be no sun and moon here, and some are all blue and white scenes. With Su Jin's eyesight, one can even see the scene on the surrounding Shenlu cliffs!

On the surrounding cliffs, there are faintly weird cliff statues, which use cliffs as rocks, like mottled giants made by nature!

Looking up, there is a stone cliff statue to the north, quite strange, that face is half peaceful, half ferocious, half golden body, half blood scales!

The arm of this stone cliff is holding the Buddha seal in one hand, and the other is like the claws of a beast, so sharp!

"Half Buddha and half devil?" Su Jin could not see this scene soon, and the entire chain mountain was speeding up and being pulled into the depths.

Su Jin's heart is actually very calm, but this kind of scene is a bit absurd. Not long ago, he pulled the chains and piled up mountains, and now the retribution is coming, he was suppressed on the chain mountain, and was dragged away!


A Fengming attracted Su Jin's attention!

"Why are you here?" Su Jin asked in surprise as he watched Evil Heart Phoenix transform into a black rainbow, chasing him in a state of parallel chain mountains.

"You didn't see Mo Hongyu?" Xiexin Phoenix was surprised. "She was the first one to fly down the abyss and come to chase you--"

Mo Hongyu!

Su Jin looked puzzled and shook his head: "I haven't seen it, you can try to use your original strength to melt this chain mountain."

Evil-hearted Phoenix looked at the chain, "I will try to cut it off!"

As soon as the voice fell, a cloud of black light appeared on the chain. Evil-hearted Phoenix felt that if it could fuse the chain, it would naturally cut off the connection with Suolian Mountain, and the Night Emperor would naturally not be taken away.


The black brilliance was shaken away, and the pulled chain was undamaged!

"It's useless." Evil Heart Phoenix took a cold breath.

"As expected."

Su Jin nodded, "I've even tried the wordless secret, let's go and see the situation—"

Not even a wordless secret! Evil-hearted Phoenix stunned, without saying a word.

Su Jin swept around the prison eyes of Maha Town, and he was extremely worried. He did not find Mo Hongyu. If it hadn't been for the evil-hearted Phoenix just now that Mo Hongyu had come, he would definitely not believe it.

In a blue world, there is no cloud, nothing around, Su Jin doesn't even know where he is!

For about half a time, the traction chain suddenly changed its angle, and pulled the chain mountain down——

The entire chain mountain crashed to the ground!

In the black land, a strange black air floated from the ground, Su Jin felt the pressure lightened, the purple fire dissipated, and he also regained his freedom. He jumped directly and landed on the ground!

The evil heart phoenix turned into a human form and looked around blankly--

In the next scene, even the well-informed evil-hearted Phoenix was shocked!

On the surface of the black earth, there is a statue of a boy made of copper! At a glance, it is densely packed, and the ground is buried with golden statues of young boys with smiling faces!

"Those boy portraits are so weird with smiles." Xiexin Phoenix's face was pale, and she instinctively approached Su Jin. She had never experienced this before.

Su Jin looked cold, and walked to the nearest golden boy.

"Be careful—" Evil Heart Phoenix said uneasy.

Su Jin calmed down and said lightly: "Follow me and walk along the chain."

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