My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3224: Mysterious arm

The chains on the ground lead to the north--

Su Jin was looking to the north, and Evil Heart Phoenix nodded silently. She felt very strange. In the past, she lived alone and lived in the extreme depths of the border. She never counted on others, but this man was very strange, and there was always someone beside him. Kind of inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

"If you keep walking along the chain, you will miss the endless inheritance." Evil Heart Phoenix whispered.

"Opportunity is something like that, if you have it, you can't force it if you don't." Su Jin stepped on the black ground with loose geology and looked at the golden boys all staring at him with a smirk. He was really a bit uncomfortable and had never experienced it. Such a bizarre thing.

"The beginningless inheritance is very likely to be related to the tomb of the sentient beings in the eighth pass. If the beginningless inheritance is taken, there is a high probability that Tiangu will choose the master without beginning inheritor——" Xiexin Phoenix said.

"Don't be greedy, I already have a top-quality bone in my body, which has already surpassed countless monks. Calmness is the basic quality of every monk."

"But you have the best chance--"

Evil-hearted Phoenix is ​​puzzled. It is not so much that Su Jin is calm now, it is better to say that he is very good at pretending.

Su Jin smiled without speaking, and then said, "How do you feel about this place?"

"Very weird." Evil Heart Phoenix said.

"At night, this king got a bright red altar. That altar is even more precious than the beginningless inheritance." Su Jin said lightly, "Besides the secret here, who dares to say how much worse than the beginningless inheritance?"

Evil-hearted Phoenix feels that Su Jin is very adventurous, but now they are all here, and there is no turning back, so I can only take a risk——

For Evil Phoenix, the road is very long, and after a quarter of an hour with Su Jin, there is no end in sight!

"That's—" Xiexin Phoenix's pupils shrank slightly, and strange trees began to appear on the black ground.

These trees, all black and red, are not too tall, but they are very bloated. The copper statues around the trees are still there, but these trees have fruit!

The hanging fruits are all around Michelle, like lanterns, and in every cape gooseberry, a pair of red eyes appear faintly!

Su Jin's heart jumped. In this case, even in broad daylight, he felt panicked. The Mohe Prison Eye on the center of his eyebrows could not be controlled at all, and he began to be stared at by a thousand or ten thousand pairs of eyes. live--


Su Jin's primordial spirit seemed to have been affected, and the spirit sea seemed to explode. He immediately sat down and couldn't care about the stunned Evil Phoenix!

"You, are you okay?" Evil Phoenix tried to call Su Jin. She even walked up to Su Jin, but what she saw was shocking!

At the center of Su Jin's eyebrows, several kinds of pupil techniques were superimposed together, and they all merged into a ‘golden pupil of the ages’. This wonderful divine pupil pupil has years flowing around it, constantly resonating with the lantern fruit around it!

Those eyes--

Evil-hearted Phoenix showed a horrified expression. She stared at the red pupils in the lantern fruit, and couldn't feel anything strange at all, but Su Jin didn't know what was wrong with it!

Now the evil heart Phoenix can only do it in a hurry!

In an instant, Su Jin felt the pressure. His "year golden pupil" seemed to be ineffective. The scene he saw was extremely terrifying. The entire black earth was upside down, and the golden boys on the shallow ground were all there. There was a weird laugh in the ear!

"I knew I shouldn't come!"

Evil Heart Phoenix gritted her teeth. At present, she is unable to help Su Jin at all, and she doesn't know Su Jin's situation. She just feels that the surrounding earth is shaking. I don't know if she has violated the taboo here.

In Su Jin's golden pupils, there was a golden "swastika" spinning for a while, and it was looming, and a fairy tree phantom, exuding fairy meaning, and a sword embryo, which was making a violent trembling sound!

Su Jin felt very strange at this moment. Although the vision of the golden pupil of the years was subverted, the inexplicable Tao Yun around him began to be forcibly poured into the golden pupil of the years!

"Since I got the **** pupil, I have never practiced this vertical eye!" Su Jin did not relax at all, but now he seems to have entered a certain kind of sacrifice process.

"This is hurting me!" Su Jin screamed in his heart frantically. His golden pupil of years had already combined several powers of the **** pupil, but now his pupil vision is reversed. Although the sacrifice is a sacrifice, this trend Not good!

Su Jin felt that those special Taoist rhymes seemed to be sublimating every kind of pupil technique.

Among the golden eyes of his years, the source of the golden eyes of the fiery eyes, it seems to have faded away a layer of ashes, becoming brighter and brighter, and not only the eyes of the fiery eyes, but also the eyes of the prison of Maha Town and the pupil of the Great Wisdom Buddha also seem to have washed away the lead bloom!


Just relying on the power of the "years of golden pupil", it spread to Su Jin! The evil-hearted phoenix seemed to be pushed away by an invisible force, and finally stopped a few miles away!

Evil-hearted Phoenix stared blankly, watching Su Jin under the lantern tree, a **** storm like cow hair blew around!

The ground was sweeping dust. Su Jin, sitting cross-legged, was spinning slightly. The speed of rotation was not too fast, but it was enough for Evil Phoenix to see his golden eyes clearly!

"This divine pupil is undergoing transformation!" Evil Heart Phoenix is ​​extremely worried. She can see Su Jin's instability, and the dojo formed by the pupil confirms her conjecture!

"Ah-" Su Jin roared, in the inverted field of vision, every piece of dust in the black earth was emitting a shattered blue and red light!

Su Jin feels what is called vastness!

In the dust, a blue-red giant hand protruded faintly. This giant hand is very unique, as if it was pasted. The surface of the giant hand is full of cracks, like a glued porcelain arm!

The huge and magnificent blue-red giant hand, in the sly laugh of the copper boy in the sky, looked like a giant divine boat, slowly crossing the boundless void towards Su Jin——

Whose hand is this!

Su Jinjin changed, his whole person almost wanted to transform into a dragon and wanted to contend, but the posture of his sitting cross-legged seemed to be held tightly, and even the starry sky dragon could not be transformed!

Now that the sages and sages are all gone, this arm puts great pressure on Su Jin. Su Jin can't see the end of the blue-red god's arm at all. Just one arm can make people feel vast!

Waiting is the weakest thing, especially when you watch that arm come in. Compared with the other side, you are as small as a dust!

"Is it trying to obliterate me, or do I want to obliterate my pupil technique!" Su Jin gritted his teeth and looked at the blue and red fragmented arm and pointed out——

That finger, the rhyme is long!

Su Jin only felt that the layers of space around him were shaken, and that hand pointed towards him——

"Do you dare!" Su Jin roared: "God covers his eyes, and I will slaughter God! If you dare to move me, I will dig thousands of miles...not forgive!"

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