My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3225: Tomb without beginning

Don't forgive!

Evil-hearted Phoenix heard Su Jin's roar and didn't know what happened to him. It was shocking to hear--

No one knows Su Jin’s current crisis! His roar didn't work at all, that blue-red arm and that finger were directly pressed on Su Jin's eyebrows!


An astonishing burst of air appeared!

Su Jin's face was grim, his vertical pupils were very painful, and his heart hurt. The pain even penetrated into the soul, and the whole soul almost collapsed!

"If you want to destroy my divine pupil, you can't do it!" Su Jin struggled hard, full of strength, many magical techniques, two divine intents, and nine auras, all blessed in the divine pupil!

Evil Heart Phoenix's face was pale and bloodless--

Su Jin seems to have fallen into a certain illusion, at least in the eyes of Evil Heart Phoenix, and she can't see the illusion at all. I don't know what kind of danger Su Jin has gone through!

"Killing the Heavens!!"

Su Jin burst out of unimaginable killing intent, and the sky full of red scriptures reflected on the black earth. He didn't know who the giant hand was pressing at the center of his eyebrows at the moment, but he wanted him to bow his head and compromise. Never possible!

Bang bang——

The golden pupil of the years that was held down by that blue-red fingertip burst out with a violent light, but compared with that hand, this little power is almost negligible, and the power does not seem to be a level!

Although Su Jin was unyielding in his heart, a desperate thought floated from the depths of the spiritual sea. If he tried his best and was still very powerless, then his powerlessness at this moment is far more than once, he is almost certain , This arm, at least the level of Yin!

His own strength can't shake this arm at all, and all his Taoism, divine arts, and divine intent are all suppressed by this arm.

Su Jin even felt that the'curse of God' in his body, which was not under his control, was also solidified under this pressure. His'Dead Man Sutra' was glowing with black light. Under the pressure of this hand, the Dead Man Sutra and God The curse keeps mixing together--

The blue and red arm shocked!

The wisps of gray and the word ‘death’ kept colliding with each other. If anyone could see Su Jin’s ‘golden pupil of the years’ at this moment, he would definitely find that his golden pupil of years was full of gray!


During the week, suddenly raised a sigh, the weird giant finger slowly left Su Jin's eyebrows!

The lightning-like mark on the center of Su Jin's eyebrows closed instantly, but when closed, a ray of gray light was still seen by Evil Heart Phoenix, and the whole world was calm again, as if nothing had happened!

"How are you?" Evil Heart Phoenix ran over and asked nervously.

"In the depths, there are sages." Su Jin opened his eyes and said with a look of apathy.

There are good people in the depths!

Evil Heart Phoenix shook his head and said, "Impossible. Except for the endless frontiers, there can never be any sages—"

"The kind of power just now is definitely virtuous!" Su Jin realized that he was a little collapsed. He was helped by the Evil Heart Phoenix. He waited to stand firmly and touched the center of his eyebrows. "My divine pupil seems to have changed, but I don't know why. Good or bad."

"It is a good thing for the **** pupils to change," Evil Heart Phoenix said.

"Not necessarily." Su Jin said coldly: "I have God's curse on my body, and I have tried everything, but it has contributed to the fusion of a strange book and God's curse."

"God's curse!" Evil Heart Phoenix was startled, "You open the **** pupil and show me—"

"You need to regain your strength, but I feel that if you will die, even if you have more lives, it will be difficult to live." Su Jin took a deep breath and said, "I will wait until I can control it."

Evil-hearted Phoenix has a strange face--

What kind of pupil, she will die at a glance?

"I heard a sigh just now. Could it be the sage you mentioned?" Evil Heart Phoenix asked.

"Is there?" Su Jin looked at Evil Heart Phoenix in amazement. He didn't hear it. When he questioned the other party, the other party did not respond, and there was no sigh at all.

"Yes, it's very clear." Evil Heart Phoenix couldn't hear it wrong.

Su Jin fell silent for a while, his whole body slowly circulated, and he kept adjusting his breath several times before his strength gradually recovered.

"In this black land, there are sages buried in the kind of life and death that don't know--" Su Jin recalled carefully. At that time, his vision was turned upside down. The blue and red fragmented giant hand appeared from the earth, which seemed to be What is implying.

"Leave—" Evil Heart Phoenix said, "Go straight to the end of the chain with divine art. There is not even an ant here, so don't be taboo."

Su Jin nodded: "It can only be so!"

After all, Su Jin gathered strength and was born on the chain, blasting open a void passage, the two of them sank into it, and walked directly to the end of this abyss!


Tomb without beginning.

At this time, more than five hundred testers gathered--

Wu Shi has a tomb, but later the martyrs buried Wu Shi. This tomb contains 9,999 stone dragons to suppress the air luck. Looking out from the tomb, the outside is extremely barren, but this tomb is better than it. Wonderland on earth, rare and exotic grass, countless.

"This is the Tomb of No Beginning." The tester's eyes beamed.

"Cultivators, aspiring for longevity, the Emperor Wu Shi is worthy of a peerless power, this tomb is regarded as the ultimate god, no emperor, sage, can't compare—"

"Just now, the ancestors of the Yuqing Sect told me that the Wushi inheritance may be related to that top-grade celestial bone. You need to seize the Wushi inheritance before you can finally get the celestial bone."

"Yeah, it's really good fortune! Now that the biggest threat among us is no longer, the night emperor is captured by a mysterious existence. Without this blessing, all of us have the opportunity to get the endless inheritance!"

"The happiest thing is than the son of God Taixing. Look at his proud appearance, it seems that he is bound to win the inheritance without beginning."


The **** son of Taihang is indeed very proud now. He knows that in terms of strength, he is inferior to Emperor Ye Di Huang, and even Ji Tianao cannot be compared, but in terms of comprehension, he is no weaker than anyone!

In the initial test, if the gods of Taihang were not hiding themselves, how could they fall behind! Now he has a chance to prove who is the real Taoist God with the yin and yang pupils!

"This princess can't see the Taihang **** son at all, she has a pair of mandarin ducks and snobs. If the night emperor is there, he might not even be able to laugh!" Princess Wuyou said depressed.

"Brother Ye Ji Ren Tianxiang, in my opinion, it is not necessarily a bad thing for him to be taken away——" Huangdi said slowly.

"Ye Di was taken away at a critical moment, he couldn't make it." Princess Wuyou said.

"Why did Master Huang say this?" The Bing Profound Palace Master also asked.

The young Huangdi said in a voice transmission: "Because he is gaining a true endless inheritance!"

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