My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3226: Arm of sky

Hearing the words of Emperor Huang, several people around were suddenly astonished.

Ji Tianao was a little confused and said: "The beginningless inheritance is here, where can Ye Di take the inheritance? What's the explanation for Brother Huang?"

"I ask you, what did you see in front of the tomb of Wu Shi?" Huangdi was still a little uncertain: "I saw a piece of truth of Wu Shi."

"Uh, I saw a mantra of Emperor Tuo--" Ji Tian said proudly.

"What I saw is "The Wonderful Girl Spring and Autumn", Huang Di meant that as long as we understand these scriptures thoroughly, we are equal to the beginningless inheritance?" Princess Wuyou asked.

"Yes, the problem lies here." Huang Di continued: "I felt different a while ago. The old man wanted to gather all the martyrs and show the way for us. In fact, he stayed there and did not allow anyone. interference."

Marshal, Rainbow Dragon King, Yucha Demon Girl, and Ting Xue Lou Zhu were all startled. The more Huang Di said, the more reasonable it made.

"It seems that we were all deceived by the old immortal!" The handsome snorted, "If this is the Tomb of No Beginning, then the emperor's walk may be the place that leads directly to the Tao of No Beginning——"

Of course, wondering, wondering, Ji Tianao and the others still have to pass this test. The Emperor Jing here is suitable for everyone, as long as they understand it, they will benefit extraordinary!

The **** child of Taihang is so excited that he can't do it himself--

Above the Tomb of Wu Shi, the son of Taihang saw a "The Avenue of True Self Yin and Yang", this avenue fits him very well, if he understands it thoroughly, the combat power is definitely far from what it was yesterday! And when he looked at it with the "Yin-Yang Shen Pu", thousands of scriptures began to be absorbed in his eyes!

"The beginningless inheritance is mine!" The **** son of Taihang immediately turned into a master, showing an ‘amazing’ talent.

"Ah, the **** son of Taihang is really fast--" Someone who tested took a look at the **** son of Taihang, and found that the **** son of Taihang was surrounded by yin and yang, and there was a faint shadow filled with yin and yang, and he was immediately envious.

"Now that Huangdi hasn't even realized that, the **** son of Taihang has already cultivated into the body, this talent, I feel that Yedi is far behind him."

"It's a pity that the night emperor is not here, and we will always lose the opportunity to obtain inheritance. By the way, we have practiced the Taoism we saw. Is it inherited?"

"It should be, this place is weird. I thought everyone had to practice one sutra. Who knows that everyone sees it differently. Now everyone can pass on without beginning. I don’t know the first practice. There will be no rewards."

"The **** of Taihang is a cow, now it's the best in the crowd--"


The boundless world.

Su Jin and Evil Heart Phoenix appeared in a barren land, where there was only a gloomy sky, no stars and no moon, and there were stones of different sizes all over the land——

The wind was very evil, Su Jin opened a void channel along the chain and chased here, but when he came here, he found that the chain was broken.

Not long ago, when Su Jin was pulling the chain, he obviously felt that there was a falling object at the end of the chain, as if he was pulling a whole mountain, but now in front of the two, the chain was broken!

"I used my **** pupil to see what was in the abyss of the spring eye, that is, the thing bound by this chain--" Su Jin thoughtfully said: "It seemed like a whole set of blood bones at the time, but it doesn't seem to be the case now."

"What is the purpose of the other party asking us to come here?" Evil-hearted Phoenix was puzzled, because this is the end of the chain, there is no one to say, and there is no sign.

Su Jin glanced around, his eyes lighted up immediately, and he walked to a boulder that was half human.

"Here." Su Jin saw a fingerprint.

"Where else to go?" Evil Heart Phoenix is ​​about to collapse. Where did she experience such mysterious things, she almost lost herself when she got here, and she didn't know how to get back when she came here.

"Don't go, just here--" Su Jin said lightly.

"..." Evilhearted Phoenix was speechless.

Su Jin kicked the loose ground with his foot, and found that under one finger of the ground, there was a flat sapphire road with faint patterns of willow leaves.

"Senior, can you show up..." Su Jin's voice swept across the surrounding area!


All around trembling, every stone floats! The ground also began to rise, stone and dust, but within a few breaths, one ancient temple after another condensed!

And the ground, except for the willow leaf pattern, was extremely clean, spreading to the end of the field of vision!

quickly! The marks of the willow leaves began to diffuse rapidly, and the Taoist scriptures floated out of those brilliance!


Eighty-one martyrs, all turned into eighty-one rays of light, appeared not far away, and they worshipped directly without saying a word!

"Just a finger, you can follow, even I am very surprised." Suddenly a voice appeared from one side.

Su Jin looked for the sound and saw a figure slowly walking out——

This figure is dressed in the robe of the Nine Dragon Emperor, like a phony, middle-aged man with blue hair. Although he looks nondescript, he is full of momentum!

"You are... the Holy Emperor of Wu Shi!" Evil Heart Phoenix was shocked. Their wise men of Border Land were once beheaded by Wu Shi, but there are many records of Wu Shi this person!

Wu Shi was buried in the Nine Dragon Emperor Robe, this is the most important record! But I was surprised to be surprised. You must know that the Emperor Wu Shi had already sat down, how could it still appear now!

"I am a beginningless, and not a beginningless——" The middle-aged man seemed to be in a good mood, and responded with a wicked Phoenix.

"Senior body becomes spirit?" Su Jin asked hesitantly.

"Do not."

The Emperor Wu Shi shook his head, and then continued: "Young people, if you think back to yesterday, you will find that everything is destined. The reason why I appeared, you should not be difficult to guess."

"Incarnation of God's Will." Su Jin sighed.

The divine will of the beginningless saints!

As long as a monk becomes a sage, he will have his own divine will of the sage, so this has no beginning, is transformed by the divine will of the sage, absolutely like this——

"Yes, you kid has a lot of knowledge, and you can guess that I am the incarnation of divine will." The Emperor Wu Shi praised him, but he smiled instantly and said: "But do you know that almost made a big mistake?"


Su Jin thought of the blue hair on the chain, and his face changed slightly: "What I pulled just now...could it be..."

"My body became a spirit, and I took the worst path." The Emperor Wu Shi pointed to the underground and said, "You almost took my corpse away."

No wonder!

Su Jin remembered the words of the old martyr. If the emperor's corpse in flesh and spirit was pulled out, the entire God and Heaven would be destroyed! Moreover, the Emperor Wu Shi admitted personally that his emperor's corpse, who was in the flesh and became a spirit, had taken the worst path!

"That arm just now--" Su Jin asked with doubts in his eyes.

"That sky arm came from me."

The Emperor Wu Shi slowly said: "That sky arm has many stories. I mimicked it into the sky arm that once obliterated me. Its power is tens of billions of times weaker than that of the year, but you are still almost Was destroyed."

Su Jin's heart was shaken, that was the arm of the sky!

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