My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3227: Original inheritance!

Moreover, in the mouth of the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng, a great secret was revealed——

The Emperor Wu Shi was cut by the sky, and it seemed that he didn't even have the ability to resist. This surprised Su Jin and felt a great deal of pressure.

"The finger of that year was extremely stunning, and the emperor fell with a smile--" Saint Emperor Wu Shi said with a smile: "I thought the world was invincible, but I saw too many things before I died. There was crushing in the distant stars and earth. There is endless existence. Sometimes, the strong lose more to themselves. Do you know what I mean?"


Su Jin knows that "unending" means sages. As long as they reach the sages, there is no limit to the realm. They are endless. However, those who can reach the sages are rare, and there is no one among the trillions of creatures. You can imagine how rare it is.

"Senior, this altar--" Su Jin hesitated and took out the bright red altar.

"It's just a trick of the next three abuses. The person who urged it back then wanted to take my sage blood and was destroyed by me. I buried it in my tomb, but it was still used." The Emperor Wu Shi slowly said: "This treasure can only be used once, you can use it against the devil in the future."

"Um -" Su Jin said quietly: "This altar was sacrificed by three dark shadows named'Thousand Witch','Blood Witch', and'Tian Witch' earlier, trying to sacrifice and kill me."

"That is the servant of my flesh and soul, immortal, immortal, sacrifice to me forever, you can watch and deal with it, it's best not to let it go." The Emperor Wu Shi said softly: "You are ready, take my original inheritance, Do me a favor after you get the inheritance."

"What is busy?" Su Jin asked.

"Use the predecessor's divine way of fire to destroy my divine will forever -" The Emperor Wu Shi said very calmly.


Evil-hearted Phoenix's heart beats fiercely, and someone who can be called a senior by the Holy Emperor Wu Shi must be a truly invincible powerhouse——

Su Jin smiled bitterly, "I am very weak in Vulcan Dao, and my origin is..."

He knows the meaning of the Emperor Wu Shi. Although he has fallen, the sage's original divine intent is still there, and if the original source is destroyed, the incarnate body in the emperor's coffin will be destroyed because there is no divine intent to use.

"Suihuang's divine will, the heavens will live forever, you can use the Vulcan Way later, and I will lead Suihuang's divine will to come over." Wu Shi Shengdi said.

The whole earth seemed to understand what Su and Jin meant, and began to tremble violently. In the underground emperor coffin, there was an unyielding person who was angry--

Xie Xin Fenghuang co-authored and now I understand that she is appearing in the Tomb of Wu Shi with Su Jin! Half a foot below your feet, I am afraid that there will be no beginning coffin buried!

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor Wu Shi and Su Jin faced each other, sitting cross-legged--

Evil-hearted Phoenix looked at the two, as if his ears were deaf, unable to hear the conversation between the two.

Su Jin's face often has doubts, comprehension, and more appreciation!

"What are you talking about—" Evil Heart Phoenix was anxious. She saw Su Jin raise her hand, and strands of the most basic Dao marks appeared in her palm, turning into a **** lotus.

The divine lotus was simple and unpretentious, constantly changing from black, red, and gold. A total of nine colors were changed. The last nine colors of divine lotus merged into one furnace, but the Holy Emperor Wu Shi didn’t seem to approve of Su Jin. Appeal to reason-

"Three thousand in the world, there are three thousand in the avenue, the holy emperor thought?" Su Jin asked.

"A person is a field, a blade of grass is a field," said the Emperor Wu Shi.

"The Holy Emperor thinks that every creature is a kind of avenue?"

"No, every piece of dust has its own way." The Emperor Wu Shi gently raised his hand, and an egg-sized stone floated into his hands. In a flash, there was a faint gathering of colorful flowers in the stone, faintly possessed. Life, spiritual wisdom.

Su Jin suddenly, he thought of Marshal Scarecrow, that scarecrow was originally a sacrifice, a dead thing, and eventually gained the Tao. This may be the broad view of the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng.

"Your realm, not going forward for a long time, this is not a good thing." The Emperor Wu Shi said slowly: "If you go on like this, you are equivalent to breaking away from the limitations of your realm. The future is destined to not go long, although your perception is different from ordinary people. , But most of them still have enlightenment trees to help. Once you run out of magic and enlightenment, you will not be able to become a top powerhouse."

Su Jin had already felt that he was too dependent on the Divine Law, and the sum of his nine powers was only far better than the other monks. If this continues, it will be bad.

"You have a comfortable heart, but there are too many fetters, and you ignore the meaning of every level of avenue." The Emperor Wu Shi looked at Su Jin thinking, and said: "Sui Emperor's Fire God Road, why can the heavens become famous?"

"Why?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"One light and one bean, it seems weak, but when gathered together, it is a great fire that can burn all over the heavens. The Suihuang travels all over the corners of the heavens. He is a time traveler. Even if he has fallen, his omnipresent divine intent is also It can be a prairie fire and burn in the darkest corner of the world."

The Emperor Wu Shi said: "Instead it is you, the heavens are your origins everywhere, when you call out, the heavens will bless you, what will you do?"

"It will be truly invincible--" Su Jin felt that he suddenly started, but he felt that the path taken by his predecessors could no longer be used now. Although this is reasonable, it is impossible to achieve.

"Do you know the reason why I have no beginning?" said the emperor without beginning.

"No beginning and no end? To explore the avenue?" Su Jin asked back.

"I was born as an endless sage. I have never felt that I existed. I don't seem to be able to practice or everything. I didn't start, and naturally I didn't end. This is my self-proclaimed name without beginning." Shi Shengdi frowned and said, "But I have pain and compassion for the world. This problem has troubled me for a long time."

"Ahem, the kid also wants to be troubled by the Holy Emperor." Su Jin said strangely.

Being born is the peak and invincible, is this still troublesome?

Su Jin remembered a sentence from his hometown. Some people were born at the end point as soon as they were born. There is no comparison!

"My inheritance memory, with your current strength, cannot bear it, and those memories may become spirits, and they may seize you in the future. I now pass on your most basic origin without beginning. Based on this origin, you will Xing may find another way to find the true meaning of Wu Shi." Said the Holy Emperor Wu Shi.

"What is the function of the origin without beginning?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"You will see a more real avenue, and it will definitely not be able to form combat power in a short period of time -" The Emperor Wu Shi seemed a little embarrassed, "I can only guarantee that it is thousands of times more precious than the truths of those little guys outside. "

"Senior, you can pass on me along with the ‘Sky Arm’ method just now." Su Jin said calmly.

The law of the arm of the day-

The Emperor Wu Shi opened his eyes wide, and soon said very solemnly: "You really want to learn?"

"Study!" Su Jin nodded affirmatively.

"After learning, you need to strengthen the righteous way, but you are willing to guarantee it!" The Emperor Wu Shi was a little cautious in handling the issue of the law of the sky arm.

Su Jin gritted his teeth: "The juniors are willing to swear by their own ways, and they will surely support justice in the future! Help God and Heaven defend against the enemies of the border!"

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