My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3228: Rebellious Tianjiao

Seeing Su Jin's guarantee, the Emperor Wu Shi was obviously very satisfied.

"Okay! Since you want to learn, I will pass on the law of the arm of the day to you. After my sage dissipates, eighty-one martyrs will be dispatched by you to resist the suffering of the graves of all living beings." Exclaimed.

Difficulties in the graves of all beings?

Su Jin felt a sense of crisis inexplicably, could it be that the endless frontier was about to open the era of the demon god, that the newly promoted demon sage would appear in the battle of the tomb of the living beings in the eighth level?

"Definitely live up to the holy emperor's expectations!" Su Jin's face is serious and serious. He is under too much pressure now. He always feels that the Emperor Wu Shi has seen through. This time the tomb of the sentient beings is definitely the most in the history of God. one!

The Emperor Wu Shi nodded, let Su Jin sit still----

Then, the Emperor Wu Shi stretched out his hand, a group of pure sentiment slowly condensed light, this light was not wrapped in Dao Yun, not Dao Mark, not belonging to any kind of power, but Su Jin felt very friendly. , Gradually submerged in the lightning mark on his forehead.

Su Jin felt that there were many very special things pouring out of the spirit sea. As long as he thought about the whole world, he seemed to be able to understand the true meaning and see the most real and subtle scenes.

A grass, from the seed germination to the extraction of the leaves, seems to contain ten thousand great principles. Although it feels very complicated, Su Jin can see it at a glance without any difficulty at all.

There is no beginning and no end, there is a beginning and an end, since it has existed, it must be valuable!

Su Jin really felt the trajectory of every breeze, these winds from nothing to birth, although they are the most wonderful power in the world, but where the wind rises is the beginning!

"The method of the sky arm, I have felt for thousands of years, this method belongs to the ultimate way, the ultimate way, it is ridiculous that with my startless ability, I only understand the skin." Nothing. Shi Shengdi gently flexed his finger, and a blue-red coat of arms popped out, which looked like a feather, and also submerged in Su Jin's brow.

Su Jin's spiritual sea seems to be bursting--

The profound truth contained in just one sky arm seems to be endless, and the variables and the perception of ten thousand ways seem extremely pure, but even so, Su Jin as a latecomer still feels difficult.

The law of the sky arm, Su Jin is difficult to learn in a short time!

Su Jin's thoughts seemed to swim in it, and he couldn't see the surprised expression of the Emperor Wu Shi.

"I entered the Dao so soon?" The Emperor Wu Shi was slightly surprised. He saw the faint red and blue light swirling around Su Jin's body, like two streams of qi, chasing each other along the profound path.

"Senior, Yedi is the most talented cultivator I have ever seen. With the help of senior, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to learn the sky-arm technique." Evil Heart Phoenix said.

"No, it's difficult." The Emperor Wu Shi shook his head and said, "If I look good, you should come from the border shortage?"

"That's right—" Evil Heart Phoenix lowered his head respectfully.

"Following him, he is a rebellious arrogant man, he bears the greatest secret in the world." The Emperor Wu Shi slowly said.

The biggest secret?

Evil Heart Phoenix was astonished. She had just mistakenly thought that the Emperor Wu Shi found out that she came from the frontier, and would directly kill her. She did not expect that the other party did not, but thought she was right to follow Ye Di!

"The Hall of Eternal Life, is the best explanation--" The Emperor Wu Shi shook his arm slightly, and a trembling phantom of the Hall of Eternal Life appeared.

Evil-hearted Phoenix was shocked.

The Wu Shi Sheng Emperor raised his hand to detain the "Eternal Life Hall", and he also personally said that the Ye Di Chang Sheng Hall is true!

how is this possible!

How could the Hall of Longevity be on a human race, and this Hall of Longevity has never appeared several times in the course of the heavens. No one knows what exists in the Hall, and any monk who knows the Hall of Longevity, no matter what Is it **** cultivation, or magic cultivation, all of them blow the "Eternal Life Hall" to the gods, and they all yearn for death——

"There are many secrets in Yedi. Not long ago, he did not care about the predecessors and recruited me. I am no longer a man in the desert." Evil Heart Phoenix said.

Just now the Holy Emperor Wushi broke the secret for her like this, she naturally chose to follow her desperately, after all, she is now a traitor to the endless border.

"I give you a true source of the ancestor of Phoenix, hope you will gather the spirit of the ancestor of phoenix as soon as possible, and step into the ranks of phoenix." The Emperor Wu Shi thought for a while, gently raised his hand toward the void, and directly grabbed a group of extreme black flame.


The evil heart Phoenix was extremely excited. Her clan refined the Phoenix True Fire from the very beginning, but two epochs ago, the last member of the clan had the blood of the Phoenix True Fire and was extinguished, so now her power is only terrifying. High thermal power.

"Swallow it--" The Emperor Wu Shi said, "I hope you will transform."

Evil-hearted Phoenix felt that the Phoenix Ancestor Zhenyuan was beating happily. She even felt that all of this seemed to be a dream. Why didn't she have such good luck before? On the contrary, he got such a great opportunity shortly after following Ye Di!

"Xie Shengdi complete!" Xiexin Phoenix then took both hands, transforming into a black phoenix real body, directly Fengming around the world, swallowing that group of Phoenix ancestor real source in one mouthful.

Into the throat, bitter!

The evil heart phoenix screamed again and again, and she felt that she swallowed a hot power that was thousands of times more terrifying than her strength, and all the meridians in her body were burned in an instant!

However, Evil Heart Phoenix soon felt that in her own phoenix body, like a peacock’s screen, terrible airflows gushed out one after another. There seemed to be a space in her body. !

Evil Heart Phoenix feels that he has changed--

On the top of his black phoenix head, a circle of precious light was slowly shining, and a divine crown was faintly growing, crystal clear!

"Since I don't understand it for the time being, let's start the agreement between you and me." The Emperor Wu Shi waited for Su Jin for a while, and slowly called Su Jin by voice transmission, and woke him up.


After Su Jin opened his eyes, the expression in his eyes was complicated.

On the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng, Su Jin seemed to see the ancient Shennong clan, Yao'er was still not envying the Immortal Valley, and the last ray of virtuous intention was in the Shennongding.

After dissipating, it is no longer there.

"Is there no other way?" Su Jin really couldn't bear it. He has now obtained the Originless Inheritance, which is far better than the inheritance of the true scriptures outside. But now, to begin to complete the agreement, he has to use the Vulcan Dao to let the Unstarted Sage The emperor’s sage dissipated.


Underground, the emperor's coffin was trembling crazily, and there were faint bumps on the ground beginning to undulate!

Su Jin's face changed wildly. He knew that the corpse in the emperor's coffin was a corpse without beginning, and it was also a corpse without beginning that became a spirit by itself!

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