My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3236: Can't offend you

The entire bone altar began to ignite a terrible fire!

Those flames seem to be extremely miraculous, and they were not affected by the restrictions around the altar. Once they burned, the flames burst into the sky, igniting 80,000 feet of fire!

A heat wave swept away the nearby crowds suddenly——

"Who dares to make trouble?!" The **** light flashed in the eyes of the landlord of the devil, sweeping to all directions!

This altar of bones will be of great use to the three demon adults tomorrow. This is the altar of blood relatives of the Mo clan. It can display the mystery of tomorrow's sage figure. It is destroyed in this way. The first person to bear the big responsibility is his Tianmao poster!

The people in the three big caves were also stunned, looking at the magic repair who was caught off guard from being burned, feeling that the disaster had come too suddenly—

"Who the hell!" Yan Yuntian was wearing a happy robe, but under the burning flames, he was almost lifted off, his neat clothes were a little damaged, and his disheveled roar!

In the chaotic scene, although there were no dead people, only a small portion of them were seriously injured! Those who were fortunate that they were not affected in the distance had even more terrifying discoveries.

In the raging fire, the altar seemed to be all turned into white ashes, and one after another appeared in the fire——

"Father, mother!" Mo Hongyu's voice was a little dumb, and she wanted to rush into the restriction, but she was bounced back by the altar restriction and couldn't break in!

Mo Hongyu's teary eyes were blurred, and he looked at the ghostly shadow in the fire.

As others have seen, these Mo family bloodlines have all manifested their spirits, worshipping in one direction!

"Who? Who burned the altar, and who freed these imprisoned spirits?" In the distance, many demons were shocked by the scene, and they couldn't help but say in surprise.

"It's definitely not from my Celestial Demon City! The altar here has a restriction on the 18th floor. Unless there is a terrifying power to display, it can't be lit at all—"

"Those people are worshiping in one direction, they must be worshiping those who liberate them. Who is going to intervene in this matter and dare to fight against the devil?!"


The three masters of Azure Cloud Cave Sky, Huanshi Cave Sky, and Jingyue Cave Sky all looked in the direction of the crowd of strangers kneeling and worshiping!

Yanyuntian, the host of the Tianmao, only wants to swallow people!

The Mo girl in Jingyue Cave Sky was slightly startled, looking at the strange young man with doubts in her eyes, she was not sure, but in terms of temperament, the young man was more in line with the person in her mind.

"This person, who is—" Qingyun Cave Master looked at Su Jin suspiciously. He had never heard of such a brave person who dared to make trouble in the Devil City, and burned the bone altar at the risk of the whole family being killed. , The big event of the evil demon!

"You shouldn't have come." Miss Mo did not hinder others, and said softly.

Su Jin turned a deaf ear, his face was calm, and did not respond to anyone's gaze!

Mo Hongyu was stunned when she heard the words of the Lord of Jingyue Cave Heaven. She turned around and directly saw the strange young man——

"Who are you?!" Yan Yuntian's heart sank, questioning the young man with aloof temperament.

Su Jin didn't seem to hear Yan Yuntian's voice, and calmly said to Mo Hongyu: "Your people have all entered the Hall of Longevity, and they will resurrect in the Hall of Longevity in the future."

Eternal Palace!

The face of the Mo girl in Jingyue Cave Sky was in a trance. This young man was indeed transformed by the Ye Emperor. It is hard for her to imagine that a person who was still participating in the Tiangu provincial capital test would actually step on the magic soil alone to rescue this Mo Hongyu. !

"I...Do I know you——" Mo Hongyu turned around, closed his eyes and said, "Today is my great day for Mo Hongyu, please leave."

Good day?

"Hahaha—" Su Jin pointed to Yan Yuntian, "Follow him?"

"Yes." Mo Hongyu felt her hands are there, her body is shaking, her hands and feet are cold, but her heart is extremely hot!

Just as the Lord of Mirror Moon said, Ye Di shouldn't come! Now that the Devil Land is so powerful, it's not like Ye Di came here alone, even if the entire God Heaven came to cut down this endless wilderness, he might not dare to do it!

"Who is your Excellency! You dare to run wild in my Heavenly Devil City! Don't be afraid of the devil's punishment!" The owner of the Heavenly Devil is extremely vigilant. This young man puts him a lot of pressure. You must know that the bone altar is controlled by him and the surrounding restrictions Even the great evil **** is extremely difficult to break open, but the opponent can easily use Daohuo and burn the altar!

"Mo Hongyu! You bitch——" Yan Yuntian couldn't understand yet, even thinking about it, he slapped Mo Hongyu directly!

Smoky weather!

On the day of the wedding, although Mo Hongyu's life was not long, how could Yan Yuntian tolerate her and other men...

Needless to say, the words are too clear. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the young man has ventured to rescue Mo Hongyu. The relationship between the two must be extraordinary!

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he gently raised his hand at Yan Yuntian, directly condensing his claws!


Yan Yuntian's face changed suddenly, as if his whole person was restrained out of thin air, his neck seemed to be choked by a hand, making him unable to breathe!

"Yuntian!" The host of the Tianmo was shocked, and Yan Yuntian was his blood relative. Although stubborn, he was indeed the best candidate to inherit the Tianmo City in the future!

Su Jin shook his arms, Yan Yuntian was captured and photographed by him in an instant——

"Papa Papa Papa~~~"

Palm shadow flying!

Yan Yuntian only felt his head shaking back and forth, he couldn't see the young man in front of him who was slapped in the face!

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became weird!

The son of the Lord of the Devil, was hung up and slapped on the day of his wedding!

"What is the origin of this person? It seems that the landlord of the Tianmao is very jealous!" A spectator said angrily.

"Didn't you find out? There are many strong people present, except for the people from the Five Houses who have not come, and the three Lords of Cave and Heaven are watching. The Lord of the Heavenly Demon can't bear it, I am afraid this person has an amazing origin!

"On the day of the wedding, the bridegroom was beaten? But this mist is so innocent, and there is no pity for the jade at all. Because of the fact that in the Tianma City, even the married Taoist couple beat—"

"What's the matter with this Mo Hongyu just now, he knows someone, but pretends not to know him, is it someone she likes? Want to pretend not to know and drive him away? Don't want him to be in danger?"


Like a dead dog, Su Jin threw Yunyuntian aside——

"The master of the three major cave palaces, are you coming first, or are you... the master of the Heavenly Demon coming first?" Su Jin said lightly.

The magic world cave master and Qingyun cave master just wanted to talk, but Jingyue cave master Mo girl said helplessly: "Forget it, we can't offend you in Jingyue Cave..."


The faces of the Magic World Cave Master and Qingyun Cave Master changed wildly-

Jingyue Dongtian offends the inconspicuous youth!

If these words are from other people, the two cave masters may only laugh out loud, but these words are from the Lord of Jingyue, how is this possible!

"Miss Mo, who is this person? Do you know his identity? Are... familiar?" Qingyun Dongzhu quietly asked.

"The Lord of Jingyue, isn't he the one of mine? I advise you not to forget your identity. If he is not the monk of the border, I will all work together to cut off this scorpion!" The magic world cave master solemnly breathed Tao.

"It's not familiar. I'm telling the truth. Our Jingyue Dongtian family has a small business, and we really can't offend him. As for the two masters of the magic world and Qingyun, don't change your position because of the little girl." Said.

"The Lord of Jingyue quickly said, who is he, so that I can make a decision--" Qingyun Dongzhu said.

"I can't tell his identity, should know that not long ago, the Eighteen Demon Tower was missing one floor." The Lord of Mirror Moon said helplessly.

Eighteen Demon Tower——

One floor less!

Qingyun Dongzhu and Huanshi Dongzhu are all discolored! The entire Eighteen Demon Tower, also called the Outer Building, is like the owner of the Heavenly Demon Tower present is the owner of the first floor in the Eighteen Demon Tower. This force is all added together, which is enough to be comparable to one of their caves, and even slightly surpassed!

"Lord Tingxue, disappeared in a mission not long ago." Qingyundong master sighed.

"This person is really a strong person outside the border, he even dared to offend the Eighteen Demon Tower..." The Magic World Cave Lord began to hesitate. This is not a good thing for him. The other party dared to come alone, fearing With terrible means.

"One more thing to remind you two. There are several sages' original inheritance in him. The Dao fire that just burned on the bone altar is from Suihuang's inheritance." There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of the Lord of Jingyue's mouth. Two cave owners.


The inheritance of Sui Renhuang!

"Is this true?" Qingyundong's main color changed.

"Nature." said the Lord of Jingyue.

"There are three demon adults sitting in the Tian Devil City, even if we don't take action, he will not escape to death..." The magic world cave master gave Su Jin a cold look and said his own opinion.

Seeing that there was no response to the challenge, Su Jin smiled indifferently, strode to Mo Hongyu's body, raised his fingers and said to her: "As long as you are willing to follow me, you don't need to answer, just nod your head... I am today, For you, Tu Yicheng!"

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