My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3237: Destroy a mansion!

For the beauty, Tu Yicheng!

After Su Jin finished speaking, she wanted to reach out to hold Mo Hongyu's hand, but she turned around to avoid him, her face suddenly stared--

"My son's kindness... Hongyu remembers it in his heart. Today I am married. I am willing to marry Yuntian. Please... leave..." Mo Hongyu's voice was extremely cold.

"Then I...Kill him——" Su Jin raised his mouth, and from the inside out, he began to shine!

The monstrous devil qi has turned into an existence that is even redder than this square sky and this square land!

Behind Su Jin, a pair of blood-colored wings burst open!

This is the color of "Slaying the Heavens"!

At that moment, both eyes were red!

"Presumptuous! Have you ever put this landlord in your eyes! Today you can't go anywhere, this landlord is going to kill you to this point!" The heavenly demon landlord was furious.

Qiang Qiang--

The landlord of the Heaven Demon stretched his hands to the sky, and a blood demon spear manifested in his hands. On the blood demon spear, there was a blood demon ghost shadow constantly flashing, and every pattern on it seemed to sacrifice an unknown number of fierce demon, this fierce soldier , Extraordinary!

"A mere host, this king can be destroyed with one finger." As the blood wing rises, Su Jin's whole body floats in the void, pointing directly at the heavenly demon host!

set! set! set!

The host of the Tianmao was shocked, and only felt that his whole body seemed to be affected by a wonderful Taoist rhyme. In addition to his thinking, his blood, soul, and even breathing seemed to be frozen--

What's happening here!

Imagine that the master of the first floor of the Eighteen Devil Towers and the outer buildings was stunned by a finger and couldn't do it even with a single flick. What kind of strength is this?

"Kneel down--" Although Su Jin knew that Mo Hongyu wanted to give up and let him leave, this was not the answer he wanted, let alone the result. The result he wanted was to leave with Mo Hongyu!

Leave alive!

The short word "kneel down", as if it were the majesty from the heavens, the majesty of that finger completely crushed the heavenly demon host, this finger crushed, and the birth and birth made the heavenly demon host uncontrollable, and he felt his legs Like dead wood, it was directly folded in half and knelt on both knees!

The sensation caused by this state simply surpassed the most recent events!

"One finger, suppress the Tianmao host, the other party can only kneel after these two words!" The spectators in the distance all turned pale, their eyes were incredible!

"Eighteen Demon Tower, the power is overwhelming, now, one person suppresses the first floor, this is extraordinary!"

"The Tianmao is not weak, and is infinitely close to the realm of the Great Evil God. Although he has not broken through yet, his strength cannot be underestimated, but it is this kind of hero who was crushed by a finger and knelt down to a young man——"

"Wufu, the three big caves, no one has dared to make a move! This is the most terrifying!"

"No one appears in the Five Houses, but the three Lords of the Heavens and Caves are all in the realm of the Great Evil God, and their strength is higher than that of the Heavenly Demon Lord. Why don't you make a move? No! Does this young man have the power of the Great Evil God?

"The magic world cave sky, the blue cloud cave sky, the mirror moon cave sky, all are misfired! When this young man took action to suppress the host of the demon, he did not dare to stop it, who is this person!"

"He even said that he slaughtered this Heavenly Devil City!"


Fry the pan.

The entire Demon City became a sensation. The sadness and youth in the bone altar suppressed the demon host with a peerless attitude, and Mo Hongyu pretended to be ruthless. In this picture, there seemed to be an unspeakable feeling of inexplicable——

Mo Hongyu was stunned.

Even her dead heart, under this scene, began to cover it hot! It's a pity, it's a pity that she may dare to open up her heart in normal times, but the most terrifying thing in this city is not the master of the heavenly demon, not Sandongtian, not Wufu, but the three demon adults!

Mo Hongyu is very grateful for everything that Ye Di has done, but this is to die. She has lost everything and doesn't want to hurt anyone!

The power of concentration magic gradually disappeared----

Although the host of the Tianmao was able to move, he still couldn't stand up, h was firmly suppressed, and couldn't get up on his knees!

"You know, everything you have done to my magic city, Lord Devil has already experienced it, you must die!" The host of the demon growled with difficulty.

"Dare to offend this king again and destroy your clan." Su Jin's voice was cold, and there was a vague circle of black dead words surrounding the scriptures on his fingers, which disappeared in a flash.

Dead, dead man ——

The host of the Heavenly Demon's eyes widened, his body was like sifting chaff, his face was black, and he was in shock. Then he reacted and quickly slammed his head and said, "I was wrong! Thousands of mistakes are all my sins! Suppose. The one at the bone altar is me, my lord...don’t blame others the most!"

No one thought that the performance of the Tianmao poster at this time would be so different from before!

The three masters of the magic world cave sky, the blue cloud cave sky, and the mirror moon cave sky are all dumbfounded——

"Thanks to Fellow Mo Daoist for promptly reminding that this person, I can't provoke him, let alone offend him!" Qingyun Cave Master said with a nervous expression on his face as if he had blood on his face.

"The Dead Man's Sutra, the fierce dead man's sutra of the heavens! This sutra has caused a border disaster! Thanks to the Lord of Mirror Moon, otherwise my fantasy world will be over!" The fantasy world cave master is also scared.

The Lord of Jingyue woke up from a daze. She didn't even know that Su Jin had the Dead Man Sutra, but when she heard the words of the other two cave masters, she knew the effect in her heart——

If it is said that Su Jin is the last person present, besides Mo Hongyu, she is the second!

"This is a person with great luck. The Tianmao is really unlucky. If he provokes such a person, if he dares to threaten again, his blood will be ignited by the dead man, and the whole clan will be annihilated, and the chance of reincarnation will not be restored. Exist!" Qingyun Cave Master is still in a trance, and has already retreated in his heart.

"Where is the enchanting person!"

On the side of the Tianma City, a group of people suddenly walked out——

There were about a hundred people in this battle, and each of them had very special robes, embroidered with different signs.

"Who are you--" Su Jin put aside the suppression of the Heavenly Demon host, and faced the incoming person with his hand in his hand, his voice extremely cold.

Even if Su Jin didn't suppress the Heavenly Demon Lord, the Heavenly Demon Lord did not dare to get up, which is enough to show his fear of the "Dead Man"!

"Five houses on the border! I, Tianren Mansion."

"Green Mansion!"

"Bone Mansion!"

"Elysium Demon House."

"Pill Demon Xing Yuefu!"

Wufu! Qi!

Su Jin looked at him coldly, "You are not qualified, call you Lord Devil over—"

"Yeah, you are so arrogant--" A young man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, wearing a dark black shirt, looks extremely ugly, holding a weird, **** double sickle, and rushed directly.


Su Jin's blood wings flapped slightly, his eyes were red, without dodge or hide, seeing the young man waving his **** twin sickles and slashing at him!


Su Jin stretched out his hand, like five fingers fishing for the moon, a giant blue hand, from bottom to top, directly grabbed the young man——

Chi Chi, a trace of black dead man's sutra, instantly engulfed this ugly youth!

At the same time, in the team of more than one hundred people, more than 20 people directly screamed. Everyone was surrounded by black death spirit. Their bloodline had promised fate, as if there was a wonderful scripture going through the bloodline!

"You--" The young man was withered and old, his whole body was burning with black scripture flames. This word was his last word before being erased by eternity!

The scene is terrifying!

No one dared to vent their anger, including the master of the heavenly devil, the master of the fantasy world and the master of the Qingyun cave!

"Elysium Demon Palace, it's over!" The Magic World Cave Master sucked in a cold breath, resisting his nervous expression, and said in shock.

"Although only more than 20 people were killed at the scene, the Bliss Demon House is famous among the five houses. This is related to their own blood, and they do not use external disciples. The whole family of 83,000 demon people are connected by blood, so they are dead. The power it has caused to them is also the greatest!" Qingyun Cave Master couldn't bear to look straight.

"With one hand, one clan will be destroyed, two cave masters can see clearly?" The Lord of Jingyue asked lightly through voice transmission.

"Five houses on the border, from now on, Yu Si!"

"He is already angry, don't want to provoke it." Jingyue Cave Master Mo spoke to the two Cave Heaven Masters.


The Five Houses that had arrived aggressively, are now wiped out in a flash! The other four palace masters, all trembling, with fear in their eyes——

"Kneel down!" Su Jin turned his head, red pupil, murderous, making no secret of it.

"Many, how offensive!"

The people from Qingfu, Tianrenfu, Bone Mansion, and Pill Demon Xing Yuefu all threw to the ground, they all knelt together, the world was dim! No one dares to look up!

Mo Hongyu has a mist of water in her eyes, turning her head too far, her face full of complexity——

"You are nothing more than worrying about the three demon adults..." Su Jin looked at Mo Hongyu in the void, and said calmly: "Don't say it is the devil, even if it is your wise man today, I have made him jealous. Things!"

Everyone, surprised!

"From now on, you will be by my side, and I will take you with you to rule the world!" Su Jin stared at the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, "This king is going now, I see who dares to stop me!"

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