My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3238: There is no beginning clock, the gray pupil opens!

City Lord Mansion direction——

Three kinds of super coercion, when Su Jin said who would dare to stop me, quietly appeared!

Miss Mo, the Lord of Mirror Moon, frowned slightly. Although she knew that Su Jin was difficult to leave today, he was too arrogant. Although this arrogance matched his strength, the three demon adults would definitely not be able to bear it.

A dark cloud began to converge, and there was finally a little extra color in the entire red world, and in the sky above the city lord's mansion, someone was walking through the void, and under closer inspection, it was the three devil adults!

These three demon adults are Di Shi Mozun, Shura Mozun, Alien Demon Lord, and the three great demons!

"I haven't seen such an outstanding junior for a long time--" Di Shi Mozun and the three of them appeared directly, and couldn't help but look at Su Jin.


Mo Hongyu, wearing a bridal costume, directly drew a clear dagger from his red sleeves and stopped in front of Su Jin.

"Let him go! The secrets of the Mo family, I will gladly give it to you!" Mo Hongyu's face was determined, and he shouted at the three demon adults.

"Oh? You two younger generations, knowing that there is no way to escape, what right do you have to threaten us now?" The alien demon looked at Mo Hongyu with a strange look.

"I die, you won't get anything!" Mo Hongyu crossed his short sword, "Let him go--"

"Then you guys go to die." Di Shi Mozun raised one hand, and while the black demon energy was tumbling, bone demon suddenly jumped out of the demon energy and killed Su Jin directly!

These bone demons are so strong!

Su Jin was a little surprised, feeling that every bone demon has the perfect cultivation base of the demon god, that is, the **** of the human realm is perfect!

Qiang Qiang--

Su Jin slapped the blood wings and directly protected Mo Hongyu behind him, and then he opened a handprint that covered the sky and covered the sun!




In everyone’s field of vision, a ring of standing roulette suddenly rose up. The golden "swastika" in the center of the roulette was prosperous and dazzling. It was Su Jin’s "Arogaya, Swastika and Great Underworld Mudra". "!

Those bone demons, at a rough estimate, there are at least several thousand! But Su Jin's big handprint stopped it all, but any bone demon that touched the roulette was forcibly sucked into it and directly shattered!

"Some means." The alien demon nodded.

"The difference is still far away, the deity is just trying him, this is full of resistance, he should not worry about it." Di Shi Mozun said quietly.

"I have no interest in him. I will help you two pay attention to the girl. The master's plan cannot be destroyed." The Shura Demon Lord saw that Su Jin was capable of this, and immediately lost his interest.

"Isn't Shura Demon Sovereign interested in the Dead Man Sutra? That's a masterpiece—" The Unknown Demon Sovereign laughed.

"What if you are interested? This person has a trace, no one can grasp the origin of the "Dead Man Sutra", it will dissipate in the world, perhaps in the next countless years, re-select the Lord." Shura Mozun said.

"That said, although this sutra can't be grasped, but after his death, the secret of the sky... belongs to me." Di Shi Mozun looked at Shura Mozun coldly.

Shura Demon Lord frowned, without saying a word--

Although Tian Mi sounds very tempting, Shura Demon Venerable always feels that this kid is different from what he expected. He even doubts whether Emperor Shi Demon Venerable will look away. Although this young man does not look very good, he is already Very good.

"This little guy is really disappointing, Di Shi Mozun can take care of it alone, I'll take a look." Alien Demon Venerable said with his hand.

On the other side, the three Lords of Cave and Heaven, all bowed their heads to the devil adults and saluted!

The Lord of Jingyue was very anxious--

The three major demons appeared, and the chance of Yedi leaving alive was almost slim!

"Don't say three, just one, this young man can't stand it either." Qingyun Cave Master said coldly.

"Di Shi Mozun is famous, and killing this person is extremely easy. Now that the "Dead Man Sutra" appears in the border, it is bound to cause a great deal of turmoil, and it is even more impossible for Di Shi Mozun to let this person leave." Focus on it.

The entire Heavenly Devil City is boiling.

Since the arrival of the three demon adults, no Moxiu has seen them, and now these three devil adults have indeed caused a boil because of the appearance of one person!

"We must never let him go today! This person owns "The Book of the Dead" and is our archenemy on the border!" said a spectator.

"It's not just a great enemy. Throughout the ages, all the evildoers who have the "Dead Man's Scripture" have not ended well. The heavens simply cannot allow this to exist. He is not only the enemy of the border and desert, but also the object of all the heavens!"

"As soon as Di Shi Mozun made his move, he was unsustainable. He even dared to speak wildly just now, saying that he has something that makes the devil sages jealous, which is a laugh!"

"There is a saying, Di Shi Mozun's blow, he can carry it until now, it is still very strong—"

"Master Devil is an invincible existence in the Sky Demon City! This person thinks he has some ability, and he starts to think that he can beat Master Devil, it is ridiculous!"


Tianma City, chaos!

The shocking scene created by the "Arogaya Swastika Mudras", coupled with the methods of Lord Devil, both are very amazing!

"You only have this strength?" Emperor Shi Mozun looked at Su Jin and asked.

"How about you?" Su Jin chose to look at each other coldly.

When Emperor Shi Mozun heard Su Jin's words like this, he immediately laughed. From the perspective of self-confidence, he admired Su Jin very much, but he was too conceited, and he had no self-knowledge and would easily fall!

Mo Hongyu was full of despair. She admitted that Su Jin's appearance before had aroused her vitality and gave her hope, but now, the beauty disappeared too fast!

"You are far from his opponent——" Mo Hongyu said through the sound transmission: "I know you have the means to leave. Next, I will cover you, you leave!"

"Leave?" Su Jin said to Mo Hongyu: "You may be naive, these three are very strong, but I am not weak!"

Still getting real!

Mo Hongyu is really going to be killed by Su Jin-

Di Shi Mo Zun Yin laughed, and said to Su Jin: "Are you talking to the Mo family remnants? Still thinking about how to escape?"

"I'm thinking **** you..." Su Jin said calmly.

"You have many secrets in your body, and they will all come into my palm in a while. Now you are doing your best, right?" Di Shi Mozun asked.

"This king advises you to go together, otherwise you will be ashamed later, no wonder this king didn't remind you!" Su Jin said again.


Extremely crazy!

Di Shi Mozun raised his hand, a bright red magic umbrella appeared in his hand, and said in a low voice: "This umbrella is called "Di Shi Mo Umbrella". This umbrella, except for the "Dead Man Sutra" on your body, cannot be collected, all your divine treasures and secrets will be obtained by me!"

"Try it!" Su Jin said lightly.

"Di Shi Mo Umbrella! Go--" Di Shi Mo Zun directly shook his hand and threw the bright red magic umbrella. As soon as he left his hand, the umbrella opened by itself. The surface of the umbrella was glorious and faintly expansive. The lines shine!

As the master of Jingyue, Miss Mo felt a little shocking when she saw this scene!

Di Shi Mo Umbrella is the **** of fame of this demon lord! Can retreat to the world!

"It's over, it's over." Mo Hongyu's eyes were dull, knowing that no matter how much complaining, it would be useless.

"A broken umbrella, you are still a treasure, this kind of thing, throw it on the ground, the king would be lazy to pick it up." Su Jin tugged from his waist, and directly threw it towards the'Emperor Demon Umbrella'.


A dazzling golden divine clock, steadily spinning, in the process, it keeps getting bigger and bigger again!

The magic umbrella of Di Shi directly solidified in the void, and the umbrella body trembled, chased by the golden bell!

"What kind of sacred treasure is this!" The Magic World Cave Master asked Miss Mo through voice transmission, his tone a little bit exhausted.

The face of Qingyun Cave Lord is also crazy, and on the surface of the golden divine clock, there are vague scriptures floating out. Those scriptures seem to be the ultimate in the heavens. From the current point of view, this clock is definitely not comparable to the ‘Emperor’s Demon Umbrella’!

The three big demons all opened their eyes--

Mo Hongyu hung his heart, feeling a little dreamy, already at a loss!

"This is an endless bell." Jingyue's master Fang's heart was beating, speaking to the other two cave masters.

No beginning bell!


As people on the border, the two cave masters Qingyun and Huanshi are very clear about what this means! Back then, the Devil God Era was almost opened, and only one person frustrated all the plans for the border shortage!

That person is the holy emperor without beginning! One person killed all the sages, and the final fall was not the so-called border famine, but the heaven slashed the beginning! !

"Boom—" Wu Shi Zhong swayed a circle of scriptures, directly anchored the Emperor Shi Mo Umbrella, and then slammed the bell into the umbrella body!

Silent annihilation, silent shock, appeared in the audience!

The monstrous Di Shi Mo Umbrella was shattered by the Wushi Bell, completely annihilated, and no longer exists!

Rumble ~~~ The Wushi Bell seems to represent the sky. Under the control of Su Jin Wushi Origin, it can't help being raised, and in a blink of an eye, the mouth of a bell covers the entire magic city!

Hang on the top of the magic city!

The beginningless sutras with the meaning of the ultimate way seem to contain all kinds of elephants, and the concept of virtue and devotion is pervasive among all living beings——


Su Jin yelled again, with a lightning mark on his eyebrows, and began to hardly open a ray of gray and silver brilliance!

The three cave masters, the three demons, and the trembling demons in the whole city are all shocked! ! Su Jin's gray vertical pupils opened, and all people felt were panic, fear, and death!

One hour in town, one pupil appears!

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