My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3240: Ask the wise

When death is approaching, you still utter crazy words?

This is the consensus of almost everyone!

After hearing the words, the evil demon lun and Shura demon lord looked at each other, and then opened their eyes wide, looking at the wound behind the shoulder of the emperor demon lun, their expressions were shocked!

"Ordinary power can't hurt Emperor Shi Mozun at all --" Shura Mozun said.

"This person has weird methods, not to mention possessing the secret of the sky and the endless clock, even the magic pupil is very weird, how can a junior with this strength hurt the Emperor Demon Venerable?" The alien demon said strangely.

"No, that's not an ordinary power!" Shura Demon Sovereign exclaimed: "Emperor Shi Demon Sovereign retreat!"

"You two want to **** me?" Di Shi Mozun asked with a sullen face.

"The injury behind your shoulder is still expanding. This is a curse--" Shura Demon Lord was anxious.

"I know this is a curse! After I clean him up, I will deal with it again!"

"It's too late to go back!"


Su Jin looked at Shura Demon Sovereign unexpectedly. He had been dragging time just now. Even if the Demon Seal was lowered, he didn't try his best. His gray pupils can only deal with the Great Evil God, and can't deal with this level of Demon Lord. , But it's hard to say after a long time, I didn't expect to be seen through by this person.

"God's curse--" The alien demon sovereign suddenly realized a serious problem. If this really caused Ye Di to drag a piece of incense, it would be better for Emperor Shi Demon to die!

"This is the curse of God?" Di Shi Mozun's face changed drastically. He had known that this was a curse power, but he didn't think about the curse of God at all, because an unremarkable monk like Ye Di, which Can touch that level of curse!

Behind Di Shi Mozun’s shoulder, the curse scar has been enlarged from the original palm and enlarged a full circle--

Almost without hesitation, Emperor Shi Mozun retreated directly, evacuated from the battlefield and meditated!

"The humble little guy, this demon is playing with you--" The alien demon suddenly appeared opposite Su Jin, he didn't know why Su Jin could be so calm.

"I can see it, you want to die a second time." Su Jin's mouth raised, and he looked at the alien demon venerable plainly.

"Friend Di Shi, you will be able to dispel those curses later, but you should still worry about yourself." said the alien demon.

"You said that if I tried my best, can I hurt you?" Su Jin asked, looking at the alien demon.

This alien demon sovereign, among the three major demons, seems to be the weakest, with Emperor Shi Demon Venerable being the first and Shura second.

"Are you dreaming?" The alien demon venerable felt that Su Jin was a little whimsical.

"As long as this king hurts you, you will kowtow to me for mercy like those from the Four Houses, do you believe it or not?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"This demon is on the edge of the desert, and only bowed his head to the master of the demon, what are you, let me kowtow to you, the **** race?" The alien demon was obviously angry.

"Then do it—"

Su Jin stopped talking to him, raised his head and looked at the vast sky.

A fiery red halo rose slowly from the seated position.

Then came the second Buddha ring...

the fifth.

the seventh.

In the end, there were nine halos surrounding Su Jin!

On the entire "No Beginning Bell", the nine-colored clouds are extremely dazzling! And outside that layered halo, a vague rhyme began to grow!

"This night emperor, really enchanting!" Qingyun Dongzhu said with an ugly face.

"A halo represents one, he actually practiced the Nine Doors Avenue!" When the Magic World Dong Master spoke, his heart trembled.

As the master of Jingyue, Miss Mo was stunned when she saw this scene. Although she thought that the strength of the alien demon was far superior to that of Yedi, Yedi just turned the impossible into possibility and was injured. Emperor Shimozun!

How much magic is there in this person?

"Look carefully, and feel carefully—" Girl Mo said with a solemn expression, "There are wonderful Taoist rhymes around the nine halos. He is also the heir of another ancient sage, the ancient sage, in the heavens. It was once in the top two in China!"

"I--" Qingyun Dongzhu, as a great evil god, now hears Miss Mo's words and takes a closer look, almost scared to death!

"Tao, Dao God." The magic world cave master is the oldest, and is saying in a difficult tone at this moment.

"Fuxi." Girl Mo stared carefully, and the result was something that no one wanted to see.

Su Jin looked at the sky.

In ancient times, sages and sages mostly wanted to break through the heavens. Not long ago, in order to continue the "Extreme Dao Star Art" in the Holy Land without Beginning, Su Jin also felt the vastness of the heavens and the earth, and saw the vast starry sky beyond the sky.

The saints and sages all use the view of heaven as a means to realize the way of heaven——

The Emperor Wu Shi was like this, but he was just observing the sky, without the truth. Like the Suiren clan, he has already broken the way of heaven, walking in every corner of the heavens, just like Fuxi, the **** of the avenue, has already broken the good fortune, and the way of understanding the heavens.

Su Jin seemed to ignore the three major demons at this moment, shaking his hands and grabbing a pot of good wine, looking at the sky and the surrounding fields, shook his head and exclaimed: "The sages and sages in ancient times are lonely, but the drinker keeps his name and seeks the way of heaven. In his life, chasing the ultimate..."

The strange girl who is full of book fragrance, her eyes just want to shine!

The alien demon said coldly: "How are you ready to die? In the hands of the deity, are you still in the mood to chant poetry?"

"You shot yours, didn't you hear me talking to the sage?" Su Jin didn't even look at the alien demon.


Where did the saints come from!

Su Jin held a jug of wine in his hand and slowly poured it in front of him. The stains of wine seemed to cause a chain reaction——

The expressions of the alien demon and the Shura demon immediately changed!

Amidst the clouds of Fuxi Daoxia, a phantom appeared vaguely, and the phantom was so virtuous, facing Su Jin, separated by a distance of about fifteen feet.

The weird sight made the Alien Demon's face look ugly. He felt that he didn't make a move, and he didn't make a move. He stood awkwardly not far away--

The whole scene was silent.

There is no beginning bell hanging in the sky, and the magic city may be destroyed at any time!

"Since the younger generation got the inheritance of the Taoist gods, it hasn't been done. Now the magical way is rampant. Please ask the seniors for advice." Su Jin asked calmly while drinking.

"Ask Heaven?" The phantom in Daoxia seemed to come from a distant time and space.

"I asked the stars and the sea." Su Jin said.

"Who are you, who am I, and who is he." Fuxi sat in the phantom, "The sea of ​​stars is the sea of ​​stars. What is the difference between you, me, and him?"

Su Jin was silent, nodded, took another pot of wine, poured it in the void, and the phantom disappeared, and the fire bowl full of sky began to manifest like a fire of hope.

"Regarding the inheritance of Sui, I am puzzled, and I hope seniors can solve the puzzle——" Su Jin saw the phantom of Sui Ren. He was dressed in linen and was extremely holy, and also sat down fifteen feet away!

Now, the alien demon is already in a state of ignorance!

Is this the magical way to connect time and space?

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