My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3241: No regrets if you die today!


In the muddy eyes of the old man Mai, there was an incomparable bright light.

"Ask the stars and the sea." Su Jin gently leaned over and nodded, and also asked this question.

"Can there be light in your sea of ​​stars?" The old man said in silence: "There is darkness in every corner of the world, including your heart. If you ask the heavens, it is better to ask your heart first, then raise your head three feet and look at the sky. Right—"

Su Jin was meditating while spreading the wine, he was immersed in his sentiment, and he asked the wise men twice, which didn't make sense.

Soon, Su Jin raised the palm of his hand, and a ball of Guanghua was slightly thrown out, turning into a figure not long ago.

this is……

The alien demon and the Shura demon are all sluggish! The brilliance that Su Jin threw out turned out to be a figure, this figure is very familiar to anyone who is in the middle of nowhere! This person is the sage shadow of the Emperor Wu Shi!

Miss Mo, the lord of Jingyue, her delicate body trembled again and again, her eyes were full of incredible expressions, she didn't know why, she felt that Su Jin at this time was particularly terrifying!

"The two ancient sages just now are just sages, but they can answer his question. What exactly did he ask? Why can't we hear?" Qingyun cave master said in shock.

"I don't know, it was the Fuxi family and the Suiren family just now, and now even the Holy Emperor Wu Shi has been carried out by him! But the sage has long since passed away, and it can't exist anymore, how did he do it!" Incredible.

"He is asking!" Miss Mo said very affirmatively.

"The ancient sages have been chasing the Dao of Heaven. Could it be that the emperor Ye asked about the Dao of Heaven?" Qingyun Dongzhu said nervously.


Inside the Devil City!

Countless magic repairs are all amazed!

"Three questions to the sages, none of them is our wise sage. Obviously this person comes from God and Heaven! How good is this? The Emperor Shi Mozun was injured, the Wing Mozun and Shura Mozun were still hesitating, and the scene was deadlocked. Come down!" someone shouted.

"That is definitely the holy emperor without beginning. The prestige of this sage far exceeds that of other sages in the heavens. In the past, he represented invincibility!"

"Why didn't the alien demon venerable take action yet, kill him directly!"

"Can't make a move, who knows what else this kid has? Now he has carried the ancient sage out, and it made the three devil adults hesitate, I don't know what to regret about making the move--"

"This person is really crazy. I asked three sage shadows. Is he enlightening the Dao? It is too much to enlighten the Dao in front of Lord Devil. No one has ever dared to do this!"

"It's actually a good opportunity now, but the sage that the other party raised is too terrifying. The trauma that the Emperor Wu Shi Sheng once caused to the border shortage has not yet recovered."


To sum it up, it is nothing more than three words: too awesome!

There was a glimmer of hope in Mo Hongyu's heart. Di Shi Mozun had just been wounded, and he was actually cursed by Su Jin. In a short time, that Mozun was no longer able to fight!

Su Jin's heart was calm, looking at the familiar faceless face, he sighed repeatedly, "Although you handed down the origin to me, I also know that the truth of the Dao you described is the'extreme way', but there are still many Jerky."

"Young man, the places you have walked are the stars, and the waters and seas you have traveled are the source of life. If you ask the way of heaven, I don't know, nor do sages."

The phantom of the Wu Shi Sheng Emperor continued to slowly say: "There is a kind of understanding of heaven in one's heart. Out of 10,000 people, there are 10,000 kinds of understanding of heaven. Your way comes from your heart."

Su Jin looked at Daoxia around him, stood up, and bowed directly at fifteen feet away!

The phantom of the Wu Shi Sheng Emperor turned into the dissipated light, crystal clear!

Three questions to the wise, the benefits are extraordinary!

"Alien Demon Venerable, this king fights you——" Su Jin pointed at the Alien Demon Venerable, and gave a soft voice.

That finger, the weather seemed to be stirred!

Su Jin knew that his understanding of the Way of Heaven was simply wrong! How do you know right or wrong when you take the road that others have walked!

It's like a monk who gains inheritance. The inheritance only prevents people from making detours, but those who pass on the inheritance have not come to an end. How can it be said that it is the right way!

"The momentum has changed?" The alien demon was startled, and he didn't know if it was because of those sage shadows.

In fact, it is not only the Demon Venerable of the Different Way, but everyone who sees Su Jin at this moment feels that he has not only changed a lot from his aura, but also his temperament! That temperament has a lot of meaning!


In the gathering wind and clouds, the blue-red rays of thunder and lightning seemed to blast off the prelude to the ancient war. The atmosphere of the vicissitudes of life filled hundreds of millions of miles nearby!

Gradually, the sky seemed to be covered--

The face of the alien demon changed suddenly, his strength is super strong, naturally there is a profound method to break the illusion, he stares at the sky, in the wind and cloud vortex, it seems to be a deep abyss void!

Ka Ka Ka, a star, gradually penetrated by unpredictable force, and soon changed its shape, it was a broken star stone arm! The stone arm seemed to be in a state of fragmentation. There were not only cracks on it, but also the flying rocks, which also changed the color!

Nine colors——

Stone arms in nine avenue colors!

All the buildings in the Devil City are tumbling and swaying. There are constantly collapsing palaces, walls, and even the ground cracking, making the entire void unstable!

"The law of the sky arm, why should I go the way of others! If the sky is like a star, I will cast the sky arm of the star with nine ways, and build the foundation with the secret of covering the sky. This arm should be my sky arm of the emperor of the night!"


Tens of millions of thunderbolts began to wreak under the sky, ancient mountain peaks were destroyed and turned into powder, and forests of ancient trees were lit up with thunder, crying, and fear, covering the sky!

"Escape! Escape! Escape!" Qingyun cave master roared and took the lead out of the magic city. He felt the crisis of fall, even in the presence of the three demon adults, he must escape!

The Magic World Cave Master didn't even think about it, followed Qingyun Cave Master, and wanted to leave the center of this storm!

"Let's go! Go!" The host of the sky demon shouted at the bewildered misty sky with a panic face.


Screams, panic, horse fleas are in chaos!

Tianma City is in chaos!

A fierce power shed from the vortex above the sky, and that terrifying nine-colored sky arm gradually revealed its fingertips——

The two great demons were so dull that they could not speak, the alien demon venerable and the Shura demon venerable, and the Emperor Shi Mozun, who was trying to force the curse of God out of his body, also felt something was wrong and opened his eyes suddenly.

Mo Hongyu burst into tears, even if she died today, she would have no regrets!

The bright red bridal dress, Mo Hongyu is extremely beautiful, this is the color that belongs to her...Of course, it doesn't matter anymore, now she only sees one person!

That person's stalwart figure, full of heroism, constantly filled her heart!

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