My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3242: The sword has opened!

Mo Hongyu is hard to imagine--

Ye Di, single-handedly, drove into the Border Demon Land, facing the Three Caves, the Five Houses, and the Eighteen Demon Buildings to calm the situation in the one house. Now he is not afraid of facing the three great demons!

The cultivators of the Heavenly Devil City are all escaping desperately. In the process, the startless bell at Su Jin’s feet is slowly turning into a bell, and is re-acquired by him, and the sky arm that belongs to him in the sky is completely empty. Doubt will be his strongest skill at the moment!

Power, even far beyond his Aotian Shenwu!

"Together—" The alien demon venerable and Shura demon venerable glanced at each other, and the two of them stood together with solemn faces.

The two great demons were full of demon flames. In the black and red demon power, it seemed that the infinite demon world had evolved in an instant, and a demon avenue appeared at the feet of the two!

In Devil's Avenue, every twinkling star is like a plane, with a glorious scene!

The entire Sky Demon City has now escaped from 40% of Demon Cultivation——

But the influence of this star arm is still there! It seems that no matter how far they flee, they will feel a strong aura of destruction brewing around them!

"I don't know where God is now, but Ye Di is in the world." This sentence echoed in Miss Mo's mind. She looked at Jing Ruomeng and Su Jin who stood in the void, as if the wind on the clouds was feeding him. Supernatural temperament!

"What kind of technique is this!" Qingyun Dongzhu felt that even if he left the Sky Demon City, no matter how far he flees, it is not safe.

"The three demon adults are not so easy to deal with, we must have confidence!" The magic world cave master said coldly.

"With confidence, senior is still out of town?" Girl Mo glanced at the Master of Magic World.

"I--" The Magic World Cave Master is so angry, he clearly wants to refute, but finds that he lacks confidence and is unable to defend himself.

"This technique, if any one of the three of us picks it up, it will be erased from the world in an instant, leaving no trace! But the two demon adults should work together and it should be fine." Qingyun Dongzhu said.

"Any one of us? Even if the three of us work together, he will be crushed and crushed to death." The Magic World Cave Master had to admit that Su Jin was a super strong.

The Wing Demon Venerable and the Shura Demon Venerable have never felt so powerful. Under the enormous pressure, they joined hands and were ridiculously proud of everything. Even if they were facing Su Jin’s celestial arm, they were confident. Rout it!

Sure enough, under the gaze of the alien demon, Su Jin's face became more serious.

"It seems that this is your last resort--" The Wandering Demon Sovereign sneered.

"Not long ago, you said that there was something that made me fearful of all the demon sages. Is it this arm?" Shura Demon Sovereign said loudly, "I tell you now, it is not enough! Come, you can blow this arm away!"

Su Jin did not respond.

I don't want to respond either!


In Zhou Tian, ​​there are millions of sword marks, condensing from time and space, and among the nine halos enveloped by Su Jin's body, the punch halo that belongs to the sword body, suddenly began to bloom with supernatural sword intent——


Su Jin disappeared in the void.

Disappeared for no reason, under the gaze of the monks in the city, there was no trace when it disappeared——

Countless magic repairs began to panic, erupting terrifying sounds!

"That enchanting evildoer, incarnate as a sword embryo, pinched in the hands of that arm of heaven!" Someone showed a horrible expression, and they couldn't accept this fact.

"Nine auras are placed on that sword embryo. This sword is the incarnation of this evildoer! Also, look at the sword embryo, it seems to fit the arm of the day very well, and there is a sense of perfect fit with the great road!"

"It's not good, it's not good! Fortunately, we have two demon adults working together, and we should not be able to hurt the devil—"

"I am afraid that this is the limit of the Ye Emperor. He must die in this battle! Otherwise, the era of the Devil God is about to be opened. As a person of God and Heaven, if the Ye Emperor leaves safely in front of the three demon adults, it will cause the entire border shortage. Not a small blow."

"There is a God's curse on Yedi, and even Master Di Shi has said that he can only say that he is smart enough, insidious enough, and a huge city, otherwise he would have been pinched to death by Emperor Shi Mozun!"


The alien demon and the Shura demon looked at each other and nodded. The condensed avenue of stars began to rise and condense into a black sphere, encompassing thousands of worlds, among which there are countless demon phantoms constantly shuttled. ——

The sky arm in the nebula vortex trembled slightly, and the sword embryo that Su Jin transformed had already opened its front. When it trembled, the time and space sword intent was within the range of thousands of miles!


For a time, under the influence of the sword intent of time and space, rift valleys collapsed in the border, and the great rivers in the distance rolled up like dragons, and hundreds of mountains were shattered.

The sword embryo buzzed, the sky arm connected to the mind, and it seemed to merge with Su Jin's soul, a sword, lightly slashed at the black and red demon world!

In the demon world that turned into a ball, Shura Demon Venerable and Alien Demon Venerable, their faces were shocked. They did not perform this technique by one person, but the two of them, but the surface of the demon world was still cut open. trace--

"It's not as terrible as I thought." said the alien demon.

"If he grows for another thousand years, I am afraid you and I will no longer be his opponents. What a pity, this kind of arrogant will be slaughtered by the two of us today, and everything will be cut off." Shura Demon Lord said.

"You maintain the demon world and bless me with strength. I will use the original demon way to defeat him!" The tone of the alien demon is very serious.

"Okay, a quick decision."


As soon as the voice of the alien demon master fell, the whole person swept the power of the monstrous demon god, and walked directly out of the demon world, stepping on the surface. At this moment, there are millions of figures in his demon **** power. He looks exactly the same!

"I separated all spirits and nourished millions of clones. Now the one million clones of the deity will be united and completely transformed into an invincible demon. With your arm, a broken sword, how can you cut me!" As soon as he lifted up, those figures that looked the same as him all walked into his deity's body, and each time a clone merged, his strength would increase a little!

Now, the demon world is blessed by two great demons. It seems that only the alien demon will fight alone, but the combined state of the two is far better than the three great demons attacking separately.

Qiang Qiang!

The sword embryo slashed twice, as if it had cut the void open, and shattered a void into pieces! But the alien demon shook his body, appeared at the other end of the demon world, and easily avoided these two cuts!

Together, these two great demons are really invincible!

However, afterwards, the alien demon venerable discovered something was wrong. The void fragments that had been chopped up around it, as if being manipulated, condensed into a handful of void swords, like a fish, converging into a kendo vortex!

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