My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3243: Kneel me down!

Kendo whirlpool!

In the eyes of the alien demon, the entire kendo whirlpool even spread around invisibly, enclosing him——

"Broken!" The alien demon held out his hand, and above the sky, a giant palm suddenly swept across all directions, but the next moment, he was stunned!

The surrounding swordsmanship seemed to be imaginary, no matter how much power he used, his clutches could not shatter a bit.

"Splitting pieces!" The alien demon venerable did not believe in evil and swept again and again.

The sword embryo is buzzing, as if the sword is at a low point, a touch of sad overture, it seems to be playing~~~

Whoever held up the sword, and who reluctantly buried the sword, at that moment, appeared in the virtual swordsmanship whirlpool like the memory of the past.

Heavenly Devil City, inside and outside the city, everyone with swords feels a wonderful Taoist rhyme, which makes people panic!


A handful of magic swords, out of the control of their masters, cut through the void, and let out a sword rainbow!

In a flash, it was four hundred, four thousand, forty thousand...

The prelude to the swordsmanship in the void seems to have begun to become fierce, just like stepping out of an underestimation, the sword song is high!

On the whirlpool of kendo, an astonishing scene appeared. The void seemed to reflect a scene. There was a faintly beautiful woman in a bridal costume, doing sword dance. The festive dress was so beautiful that she was so beautiful. Dance, as if unsurpassable!

Mo Hongyu watched on the ground, as if walking out of the sorrow of kendo, the bride who manifested in the void turned out to be her, who she is today!

This must be what Yedi did, Mo Hongyu feels so strange——

"The traitor of the Mo family was actually condensed by Ye Di, and he was dancing his sword in the void in a special way!" You Mo Xiu exclaimed.

Many magic repairs actually don’t hate Mo Hongyu. A beauty of this level will never be disgusted by anyone who looks at it, especially in this weird situation. She dances really beautifully.

"The alien demon, who was just one of the big demons, couldn't shatter the vortex that saw it. What is the situation?" Someone was very puzzled, showing a puzzled expression.

"It's very simple! This kendo whirlpool is not actually a magical technique, but the Yedi's comprehension of kendo. This is a vision derived from his enlightenment. It is really hard to imagine how the evil spirits can be such a situation!"

"So far, Di Shi Demon Venerable has no combat power for the time being. The two demon Venerables have joined forces and have not been able to control Ye Di. Does he really have a chance to survive?"

"What a beautiful woman, if I could have such a beautiful woman in my life, what magic way would I still cultivate!"

"As a man of God and Heaven, Ye Di, as a lonely hero, came to rescue her alone. Aside from the hostile position, I admire him a little."


There were exclamations, one after another, which made people sigh with Su Jin's understanding of Dao.

In fact, there is another very complicated woman, that is the Lord of Jingyue——

At this moment, the red fish turned into Su Jin's vision. She was extremely envious when she saw the sword dance in the void, and she had a fantasy in her heart. If she fantasized about the sword dancer, how good she would be!

"Emperor Ye is a fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths, each of which can be cultivated to the extreme. This time he ventured into the borderline wasteland. This is actually a big opportunity. If he is allowed to leave, I can hardly imagine how this person will deal with it in the future—" Qing Yun In Dongzhu's emotion, there was even a little fear in his heart, fear for Ye Di.

"How did the Lord of Jingyue know Yedi?" The Magic World Cave Lord felt a little strange, and suddenly asked with a thought.

"I received the task. Not long ago, together with the host of Tingxue, some of the testers of Shentian were prevented from gaining an endless inheritance." Miss Mo, the master of Jingyue, said lightly.

"It turned out to be like this—"

"I will invite him into the cave, and then let him leave." Mo girl hesitated slightly.

"There is no way to let it go, this person is definitely not the generation you and I can contend with."


Void Battlefield——

The bride's sword dance, fiercely raised the sword, Wanzhang Jianhui directly turned into a beam of light, directly slashed to the alien demon!

The alien demon veteran quickly changed his position, but he felt that no matter how he hid, he seemed to be unable to hide from that sword light!


The alien demon can only rely on strength to force it, one jumps up, punches directly, and shakes the blow away!

"Only this ability?" The alien demon venerable felt effortless, watching the strange red fish's vision gradually disappear, coldly glancing at the slightly trembling sword embryo!

As soon as the voice fell, the sword embryo in the sky arm's hand seemed to span time and space. From disappearing to appearing in front of the alien demon, there was no time to blink!

What a fast sword!

The alien demon venerable and the Shura demon venerable all looked in their eyes, and just wanted to react, but they felt wrong--

Those involved are fans! The magic repairs outside the Heavenly Demon City all clearly saw a terrible scene. When the sword embryo appeared in front of the alien demon, the sky arm also silently grabbed the alien demon!

What kind of reaction is this! The alien demon only felt the back of his head numb. He needed to respond in a very short time. Should he avoid the sword embryo in front of him or the sky arm?

The Celestial Arms are secretly built to cover the sky, especially when it falls, the surrounding avenues are all blocked, and Su Jin has taken control of it early—

"I don't believe you can slash me!" The alien demon exuded his full power. He also has the blessing of the Shura demon, and the blessing of the demon world, so naturally he has confidence!

Therefore, the alien demon is most afraid of that sky arm!

Immediately, the alien demon turned around, opened his arms, and fiercely supported the fingers of the sky arm above the back of his head, and tried his best to resist, wanting to shatter the sky arm!


The alien demon only felt a slight pain on his face. He was very surprised. Although this meant that Su Jin could hurt himself, the wound on his face was beyond his expectation!

Just now, if it was in the back of the heart, or in other parts, the trauma to him would definitely be more severe than on his face!


Regardless of other things, the power of the big devil and the power of the devil world burst out, and the heavenly arm was directly shaken into powder!

The sword embryo that Su Jin transformed into was also shaken by a huge force, and appeared in the void ten miles away——

"You don't have a chance!" The alien demon sighed in relief, saying that Su Jin really caused a lot of pressure on him just now.

"Really?" Su Jin's spirit was a little sluggish. He still didn't have the strength to contend with the great evil god. Just now, he has already achieved the ultimate--

"Your sky-arm technique is indeed amazing, but your power is too low to be able to kill me! You can die under the joint hands of me and Shura, and it is enough to make a name in the border, so rest in peace !" The alien demon sneered, he just wanted to step forward to give Su Jin a blow, but his whole body was shocked!

Su Jin's face was extremely calm, and between his hands, he released a bright red altar. In front of the bright red altar, there were three clay bowls!


A wisp of blood belonging to the alien demon, floated out of Su Jin's palm...

Su Jin stared at the alien demon and shouted: "This king said! As long as you can hurt you, you can do nothing but kowtow for mercy! Now, kneel down to this king!"

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