My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3245: Fruitful

Okuten Shenwu!

This is Su Jin's ultimate ultimate move! Not long ago, he was incarnate as a sword embryo, and he had retained his hands. The training of kendo was far from the strength of mature Aotian divine will!

The Aotian Divine Will is originally integrated with the Senluo Plane, and has a strong control over the starry sky, the heavens, and the heavenly arms. The heavenly arms cater to their origins. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the same. Live, with a super violent attack, no one dared to imagine what the consequences would be—

Dare to bet?

Shura Demon Lord's face turned black, he dare not bet!

"Leave the devil blood, you go --" Di Shi Mozun held back his anger, staring at Su Jin and shouted.

Compromise, Di Shi Mozun finally compromised, his life was held in his hands, and what is even worse is that he just made an ugly appearance!

"I think your head was kicked by a donkey, and I was alone in the desert. Don't you think that I have no preparations? I want to go, you really can't stop it!"

Su Jin's tone was indifferent, and continued: "Now you are not qualified to make conditions with me. This devil blood will be the nightmare of your life and will never be returned!"

"Then what do you want--" Shura Demon Lord was also forbearing, holding a sigh of breath in his heart, and asked.

"Can you fight or not?" Su Jin glanced at Shura Demon Venerable.

"Don't fight!" Shura Demon Venerable will not fight for injuries, come to take his life, and resolutely shook his head.

"You offend this king, do you... kneel down and bow your heads?" Su Jin looked at the three demon adults with cold eyes, then pointed to the Mo Hongyu below, and continued: "She is the king's Taoist companion, you have slaughtered. She is full of doors, so it won’t work if she doesn’t give a word."


He started ripping off!

According to the theory, Su Jin's strength is not outrageous, but with a blood altar, he can hold the life of the two demon adults in his hand, and he can even strike a fortune!

The three evil masters, Yidao, Shura, and Di Shi, looked very ugly!

Kneeling to Su Jin, naturally it is impossible—

The most depressed of the three is naturally Shura Demon Venerable. What does it matter to him? He was not injured, and now the lives of the other two demon adults are in the hands of each other, and he has none!


Where could the alien demon stand it? He directly pulled a beautiful ring from his finger, gritted his teeth and waved it fiercely, and a small pile of colorful gems was shaken out!

The dark magic spar, the meteorite magic stone, the calming spirit flag, the green tears gold crystal, among them, there are still many unnamed good treasures, piled up into a hill!

"The gift bag pinned to your belt." Su Jin quietly looked at the alien demon.

"I can't give this to you!" The face of the alien demon was red as blood.

"Oh, I'll take it myself." Su Jin raised his mouth, squinted, and was about to throw the evil blood belonging to the alien demon into the altar——

"Here!" The alien demon clenched his teeth and threw the kit to Su Jin.

Su Jin untied the kit, and suddenly a rainbow light rose into the sky. He vaguely saw a coral-like jade tree, and he was slightly shocked.

A low growl came from Di Shi Mozun's throat, this battle will be his life's shame! Now that the alien demon has paid compensation, it is still unknown whether he can regain the blood! It's his turn soon!

"You should be grateful that this king will not kill your life or destroy your whole clan. Stay alive. Don't meet me again in the future, and be my enemy." Su Jin faced the alien demon, just like driving a fly. Waved his hand, then he looked at Emperor Shi Mozun.

"You can't stop the opening of Demon God Era! You can't stop!" Di Shi Mozun shouted at Su Jin with a low growl.

"I see." Su Jin nodded.

Di Shi Mozun had never been so suffocated before, almost exploded with anger, he waved his sleeve, and the two rings came out.

Su Jin checked it and found that the original imprint of Emperor Shi Mozun had been erased, and these two rings had become unowned, and the precious treasures in one piece were more than that of the alien demon —

"Is that all?" Su Jin looked at Emperor Shi Mozun.

What is that?

Di Shi Mozun forcibly endured the desperate heart with Su Jin, and said angrily: "I only have these!"

"No, no, you still have the best things you haven't handed over." Su Jin shook his head, "These are not enough to survive your life--"

the best!

Di Shi Mozun's face changed wildly-

Shura Demon Sovereign was also a little dumbfounded, Di Shi Demon Sovereign was the strongest among the three of them, and there were naturally reasons for this! He just didn't expect that Su Jin could even see this.

"Your left arm celestial bone." Su Jin's voice was like a piece of ice, making people shudder, and his back was chilly!

Su Jin owns celestial bones himself, how can he not feel the celestial bones of this Emperor Shi Mozun? If it were not for the best quality, the Aotian divine will would not be so active, so in the left arm of Di Shi Mozun, there is a best-quality bone!

"Ah! Ye Di, I curse you not to die!" Di Shi Mozun fiercely grabbed his left upper arm with his right hand, screaming, his arm was bloody!

"Enough! Ye Di, what do you want?" Shura Demon Lord asked loudly.

"Don't mind if I wander around you?" Su Jin dissipated the sky arms, put away all the treasures released by the alien demon, and even pinched his nose and installed the hidden sky bone with a ring. The magic arm, then asked indifferently.

"Please--" Shura Demon Sovereign snorted coldly.

Su Jin digs out two jade bottles from the treasures of the alien demon, and puts the two men's blood in them. After sweeping the altar and the three clay bowls, they put them away and land in the city.

Mo Hongyu stared at Su Jin in a daze, until he held his little hand, he woke up like a dream——

All this is true.

This man drove into the frontier alone, battled three great demons, forcing the three great demons to bow their heads! What kind of person is he!

"Aren't you going back to God?" Mo Hongyu asked.

"No, you are very rich in the great devil in the desert. I hope you can meet a few more, and haven't you found out? This king's longevity hall has always been in a state of vagueness, and I feel that the longevity hall needs to be rebuilt. , How can it be done without some top-quality materials?" Su Jin said with a smile.

Mo Hongyu:...

Su Jin pulled her, stepped straight into the void, and finally landed outside the city.

Now the host of the Tianmao and Yanyuntian are all trembling——

"Ye Di! This matter was all made by the three demon adults. If it weren't for this, we would never dare to do such a thing in the Devil City!" The master of the devil said in fear.

"Why is the lord of the first floor in your dignified eighteen devil's building like a weak chicken?" Su Jin frowned, then looked at Yan Yuntian and said, "You should know how to survive—"

Yan Yuntian dumbfounded, he immediately followed a dog and walked to Su Jin, "Thousands of mistakes are my Yan Yuntian's fault! As long as Ye Di does not surrender to my relatives, he will give me You can die!"

After all, Yan Yuntian is still afraid of Yedi's "Dead Man"!

"Slap on your hand?" Su Jin spoke very calmly.

"I--" Yan Yuntian's face was pale, he stood up silently, moved a little farther, and screamed to the sky, shattering his right arm. He hated the young master of the Devil City to the extreme!

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