My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3246: Yongling Yushu

Ah ah ah-

Yan Yuntian fell to the ground and couldn't help rolling. From this point of view, his realm and cultivation base were completely incomparable with that of the Emperor Shi Mozun. No one could tear the sky and arms like him. Ever!

No one sympathized with the miserable situation of Young City Lord——

Throughout the ages, winners and losers have become kings, and in the border and devil land, they will not sympathize with the weak!

"This time Ye Di alone, fighting alone, I'm afraid it will bring a big blow to Bian Huang." You Moxiu looked at Young City Master tremblingly, and couldn't bear to look directly at the miserable situation.

"The hero saves the United States and fights against the three major demons, causing Emperor Shi Mozun and Young City Lord Yan Yuntian to destroy themselves. The most powerful thing about this person is not the strength, but the city."

"Obviously, each of the three demon adults is much better than him, but the results are surprising. His trip has gained tremendous benefits. Except for Shura Demon Lord who was not injured, the other two demon adults suffered the most. The key is that he can take this woman and leave safely, no one dares to stop!"

"This time letting the tiger return to the mountain, the master of the demon sage will definitely be furious, and the tomb of the sentient beings in a few days will be even more tragic! The border famine will be opened up in the era of the demon god——"


Every demonic cultivator is whispering to each other. This time, Yedi didn’t destroy a city of creatures. It was considered benevolent. Just imagine that if he used the endless bell to kill the entire city and completely bury the city, the consequence would be to let Unacceptable!

Seeing Yanyuntian shattered his arm, Su Jin naturally took care of him again. This young master of the Devil City was stupid, extremely stupid, and didn’t know if he was used as a gun. The key is that such a stupid toad wants to eat swan meat. Well, killing him, Su Jin thought his hands were dirty!

The wind around it seems to be a little bigger--

Su Jin saw the Lord of Jingyue, nodded slightly, and then took Mo Hongyu to directly open up a void channel, heading in the opposite direction to when he came!

He really...

Go deep into the borderland!

As the lord of Jingyue Cave Sky, Miss Mo originally thought that Su Jin was just joking. She feels busy Ye Di, definitely not thinking about going to the mountains and rivers, enjoying the scenery of the desert, she never thought he really has this courage!

"This mission failed, if the master is held accountable, none of us can be blamed -" Shura Demon Lord looked at the two Demon Lords and Yidao and said.

"I don't think it's necessarily." The alien demon is now very disgusted with Emperor Shi Demon, and said lightly: "Ye Di has a very fatal weakness, it depends on whether it can be used."

"Do you want to do something to his woman?" Shura Demon Sovereign said with cold eyes: "It seems that you still don't understand the importance of--"

"A woman is his negative scale, and she will get angry if she touches it. Naturally, I can't be stupid enough to think like this, and my life is still in the hands of the other party." The alien demon shook his head.

"Then you are thinking--" Shura Demon Venerable faintly understood the meaning of the alien demon.

"Since you can't afford to offend, then it's better to try to win in." The alien demon said in a voice transmission: "If it is done, it will naturally be a great achievement for the master."

"Use a woman to win over?"

"Not bad." said the alien demon: "In the polar moon sea, there is the most beautiful moon in the border, even if it can't be drawn, putting her next to the emperor will be of great benefit to my border."

"There are a few old stubborn donkeys in Moon Sea, it's a little difficult for me to handle it alone—"

"I'm with you." The alien demon said softly.


The red smoke land, the deeper, the better the scenery.

Su Jin and the two appeared beside a mangrove forest. There was a green lake and the surrounding climate was also very suitable. The key point was that the land was sparsely populated, and even the devil was hard to come across—

"Why did you come to rescue me?" Mo Hongyu was held by Su Jin and walked along the lake with his head down, with some serious thoughts.

"If you don't save you, would you let you die in the Devil City and die in humiliation?" Su Jin laughed, "Besides, the famine here is not as terrible as the outside world, is it?"

"The strength of Bianhuang now is enough to sweep ten gods and heavens, without the newly promoted demon sage, we can't stay here for a long time." Mo Hongyu said while looking at Su Jin.

"Let's go shopping for a few days first, take care of the private affairs first, and then return to Shentian." Su Jin thought for a while, took out the kit that was pinned to his waist, "Take it for fun, I'll give it to you— —"

Mo Hongyu was slightly shocked.

This kit comes from the alien demon, and Su Jin opened it before. I don’t know what kind of divine object is hidden in it. Now he gives it to himself~~~

"The life-saving grace hasn't been paid yet..." Mo Hongyu tilted his head to it, and his reluctance was very obvious.

"That's right, there is no retribution for life-saving." Su Jin smiled, setting the kit in the void, and said: "I hope this thing can meet a destined person."

Is this thrown away?

Obviously it means you throw it away if you don't want me, and it's also called ‘destined person’!

Mo Hongyu knew that Su Jin could do it, and even if he threw this treasure, he might not even turn his head back!

There was no way at all, Mo Hongyu took the kit in her hands anxiously. After a little hesitation, she opened the kit and saw the glazed jade tree!

"This is—" Mo Hongyu thundered in his mind, all blank colors!

"I don't know what it is, but it feels very difficult." Su Jin winked.

Mo Hongyu was stunned for five breaths, and said with difficulty: "It should be that Yushu."

"Do you know the name?" Su Jin asked.

"I know, but it doesn't belong to the gods and the frontiers, but from the distant'Moments of Gods', one of the highest gods in the world." Mo Hongyu said in a daze: "Its real name should be called Yongling Yushu, as long as Foster a strand of soul power in it, and in the future, it is very likely to become an immortal body in an instant. This tree is said to be immortal. Even if the owner of the Yushu is dead, he can use the Yongling Yushu to reincarnate in an instant, and it will retain everything in front of the owner. Strength and memory."

"With this treasure close to his body, what would the alien demon be afraid of me?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Yongling Yushu is not invincible. This tree has obviously been used. Even if the power of his soul lingers in it, he can only reincarnate when the jade tree blooms. According to this time, it is impossible to wait for the jade tree to bloom without ten thousand years. "Mo Hongyu said.

"That's a fart." Su Jin curled his lips. "Don't touch the power of the soul above. If he dares to send another person, this king will open the altar and sacrifice him alive."

Mo Hongyu smiled helplessly: "What is the use of farts? People who carry this jade tree can not only increase chance and luck, but also increase their understanding of spiritual practice several times. This is too expensive, I can't ask for it."


At this moment, Shura and the alien demon are on their way to the Moon Sea——

In the perception through the Yongling Yushu, the alien demon almost fell into the void, he now blindly wanted to invite the little moon out, never thought that Su Jin would still have murderous intentions against him!

"The Moon Sea is in front of me. The little moon that dumped all living beings doesn't know whether he wants to go out to sea or not--" The Demon Lord Shura was a little stressed, looking at the moon and sea in the distance, muttering.

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