My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3247: Walking on the song, people never stop!

The lake is lingering, the breeze is breezy——

"No matter how precious is my tree of enlightenment?" Su Jin looked at Mo Hongyu and said, "You don't want to, I think who should I give it to? Should I keep it for Princess Wuyou, or evil-hearted Phoenix It also works."

"No way!"

Mo Hongyu clutched the tips tightly.

Su Jin dumbfounded.

Soon after, Su Jin used his finger as a knife and chopped an ancient tree. He cut out a wooden boat after three times and divided two. The two of them put the boat on the lake and enjoyed it.

Mo Hongyu secretly stared at Su Jin and said, "Have we been here these few days?"

"Wait." Su Jin said lightly.

"Waiting for whom?"

"Girls are like strangers--"

"The Lord of Jingyue?!" Mo Hongyu felt a hint of sourness in her heart, which was a sourness that she had never felt before!

When the setting sun went down, the boat stopped by the lake, and some pieces of wood burned into piles. Su Jin caught a fish. This fish was three meters long. The fish's mouth had long teeth, which seemed to be fine.

Before night fell, the smell of meat had already diffused. Originally, Mo Hongyu thought that grilling fish was very simple, but she didn't expect to have so many elegant features. She saw Su Jin constantly taking out the seasonings and evenly sprinkling them on it——

Mo Hongyu does not like to eat fish.

It was not because of the name, but because of the fishy smell that she couldn't accept, but the lake fish that Su Jin grilled didn't seem to have any fishy smell, the meat was fragrant.

"Ye Di and the red fish girl, here are like gods and goddesses, will I disturb the two when I come?" The Lord of Jingyue fell directly onto the lakeside under the rainbow light.

"No--" Mo Hongyu shook his head.

"Ah, what's the smell." The Lord of Jingyue looked at the big fish that was cooked by the fire, "You seem to know that I'm coming?"

"Ye Di is waiting for you." Mo Hongyu said.

The Lord of Jingyue puts a lot of pressure on Mo Hongyu, and this woman with the fragrance of books seems to have an inexplicable attraction.

Su Jin set the case table, invited the Lord of Jingyue to sit down, and said slowly: "I wanted to knock a few more times on the bamboo sticks. Who knows that the three demon adults have not been fooled, if so, this king will leave tomorrow. "

"I heard... Lord Devil is already preparing to deal with you." Miss Mo, the master of Jingyue, kept her eyes on the fish, and continued: "Ye Di be careful, this time the opponent's offensive is very strong. Neither force nor means can resist."

"Oh?" Su Jin was puzzled, "Then I have to look forward to it--"

"In addition, you must not think that there is no one on the border. Now you can only pose a threat to the alien demon and the emperor. The other big demons have already been eager to try, and want to kill you, go and ask for merit." The Lord of Jingyue turned to look at Su Jin with a solemn tone.

"Is there anything you need to pay attention to——" Su Jin watched Mo Hongyu take out a jade dagger, cut the fish meat and put it on the jade plate, he prepared the wine and picked up one of his own. Take a sip.

"Devil Blood Cross, this force has five great demons, but I thought, it is impossible for them all to appear here, it is estimated that one or two will come." The Lord of Jingyue said.

"Well, I hope it won't disturb people's dreams--" Su Jin said lightly.

The Lord of Jingyue tasted the fish, which tasted moderately salty and extremely delicious. This craftsmanship is not inferior to the magical product!

"Drinking." Su Jin motioned to the Lord of Jingyue and said.

"I don't drink." The Lord of Jingyue hesitated: "But since the night emperor invited me, I..."

"You know wine from Confucianism and Taoism, but you don't know wine. How can you write and paint?" Su Jin touched a cup with the Lord of Jingyue and watched her drink one. Naturally, she also saw her face flushed and she couldn't hold back her sleeve. Mouth, constantly coughing.

"Then please enlighten me from the emperor--" The Lord of Jingyue returned to normal a little, and gave Su Jin a white glance.

Su Jin hesitated, then smiled and said: "Okay! You guys are optimistic."

Mo Hongyu and the Lord of Jingyue all stared, only to see Su Jin thinking carefully, and then using his finger as a pen and the starry sky as paper, he slowly wrote one golden handwriting after another.

"Mengli thinks about the desert, don't spend time in Weicheng. Changting~~~ I am alone!"

"Sorrowful listening, the end of the world transmits absolutely nothing."

"Let's go, slow and remind...Take the song, people don't stop!"

People are not stopping!

Su Jin was heartily and heartily, after dropping her fingers, both women were shocked——

The Lord of Jingyue savored it carefully and kept it in her heart. She sighed, knowing that she admired Ye Emperor very much, and her strength was two, but the Confucianism and Taoism of Ye Emperor was the first place in her heart. One!

After running the script, the Lord of Jingyue felt that the fragrance of fish and wine seemed to be rich again, and he kept sighing in his heart. I don’t know how Su Jin did it--

Originally, the Lord of Jingyue thought that Su Jin should write down the passion and the peerless spirit in his heart, but he not only did not, in the words he wrote, the pride is still there, but more importantly, there is a kind of exquisiteness that blends the two. Together, there is a different kind of beauty.

Before she knew it, the Lord of Jingyue drank three full drinks. She wanted to get drunk in the poem, and the scene in the poem kept wandering in her mind.

"You accompany the red fish tonight." Su Jin stood up with his hands folded, walked to the lake alone, staring at the stars, thinking about his next plan.

Di Shi Mozun’s celestial arm, although it is the best celestial bone, but there are also heights in the best celestial bone. Although this bone is among the best, the god’s will is not what he wants——

Of course, this can't be said to be a pity, after all, it can be considered in vain.

In the battle with the three great demons, Su Jin found his own understanding of the Starry Sky and Heavenly Dao. He probably knew how he should go, but it still took time to prove.

"Will you be disturbed!" The Lord of Jingyue was drunk and confused, and she felt like she wanted to go crazy. She didn't know why this happened. She spoke with strong drunkenness, and her voice was naturally not small.

Mo Hongyu shook his head, just curious: "Will you be misunderstood by others when you appear here?"

"No, no!" The Lord of Jingyue filled himself with one more, "The Wandering Demon Venerable is afraid of being destroyed by the Ye Emperor. It is too late to cheat the Ye Emperor. I tell you, they have very powerful methods. , A means that even Ye Di couldn't resist—"

"What means?" Mo Hongyu felt tight and asked quickly.

"Beauty counts. Does it count?" said the Lord of Jingyue.

Beauty plan!

Mo Hongyu relaxed in her heart. She thought how powerful she was. It seems that the alien demon is also very afraid of death——

"Don't take it seriously, you are a man in the wild, and you have seen the sage master, and you know the legend in the moon, sky and sea." The master of Jingyue took Mo Hongyu to sit down and helped her pour the wine. The devil is now in the moon, sky and sea, you need to be careful."

"What am I careful..." Mo Hongyu heard the Lord of Jingyue say so, naturally everything understood. Looking at the wine she handed herself, she couldn't help catching it, and drank it in one go. This bowl of wine is a bit complicated and bitter. child.

Both women are thinking about the same question in their hearts...

Will that little moon go out to sea——

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