My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3254: Give you a face!

"The origin of people's little moon is already big--" Mo Hongyu gave Su Jin a white look and mumbled.

"Moon Tianhai is one of the most sacred pure land in the border desert. Why would Wanhai Sword Sovereign and Catastrophe Tianjun appear there? Could these two great men live in the Moon Sea?" The Lord of Jingyue was also puzzled.

This news has never been leaked out——

Otherwise, the Saint Demon Hall Master would not be so surprised. The two are too powerful. In terms of strength, the Demon Blood Lord has not lost anyone, but such a master was cut down by the sword of Wan Hai. !

Su Jin had a very bad feeling and asked, "How much do you know about the little moon on that moon ship?"

"Not much." The Lord of Jingyue shook his head. "It is rumored that when she was born, there were five rounds of golden sun manifestation during the day and the invincible vision of a **** holding the moon at night. I heard that the **** holding the moon, The beauty of the prosperous age manifested in the starry sky, and later, news came from the moon sea that this woman had become that god."

"She sent Wan Hai Jianzun and Disaster Tianjun, obviously trying to resolve the battle quickly and forcing you to see her--" Mo Hongyu said, staring at Su Jin's face.

Su Jin touched his nose, "How come I feel like you are hiding something from me?"

"Smart as the emperor of the night, I don't believe it, you can't see that this is a beauty trick." Seeing that Su Jin was still pretending to be ignorant, the master of Jingyue said with a somewhat helpless tone.

Su Jin shrugged, what else could he say?

On the battlefield, the Saint Demon Hall Master and the Terrain Palace Master were still struggling, and they knew that they were planted this time! The Lord of Demon Blood was cut to death with a single blow, and their fate would not be any better!

"You will know in the future! It is a big mistake to win Ye Di! You will regret this recklessness——" The Holy Demon Hall Master is still struggling, but he can hardly break away from the terrible means of Disaster Tianjun!

"Yes! Even if Ye Di is not in the gods and heavens, at least he has an endless inheritance and has helped the gods. Once he returns, it will be my nightmare in the wilderness!" The Palace Master also roared.

"Are you finished? You can go and die~~~" The disaster Tianjun raised his head slightly, and circles of scarlet flashed in his pupils.

"Sage Lord! You are not worthy of being a wise sage of mine! You are so confused!" The Holy Demon Hall Master roared, and the whole Tao body suddenly poured out a mist of blood from the inside to the outside——

Puff puff~~

The Lord of the Holy Demon and the Lord of the Terrain Palace, directly covered in blood and smoke, fell to the surface of the lake.

Disaster Tianjun raised his hand and received the ‘magic table’ in his hand, looked at it slightly, and then calmly stored it.

In the remote city of Demons.

"The three great demons were wiped out at the fingertips, and the legendary powerhouse reappeared. I don't know if it is good or bad--" In the city of Demons, all the scenes were whispering.

"Disaster Tianjun and Wanhai Sword Sovereign retired from the peak. They have survived until now, and their strength is many times stronger than that of the past. Now the era of Demon God is about to be opened, there is such a strong one, so why worry about it."

"Is it correct to win Ye Di?"

"The Moon Sea Little Moon, who has the beauty of the prosperous age, why can she drive disaster Tianjun and Wanhai Jianzun? Moreover, these two invincible powerhouses actually bowed their heads to the little moon, which is really puzzling."

"The beauty of the prosperous age is just a legend. Except for the people in the moon, the sky and the sea, the little moon has never been to sea, and naturally no one knows the geometry of its appearance—"

"Emperor, how would you choose?"


Yes, how would Su Jin decide?

Su Jin’s current state of mind was just a little turbulent--

Shura, Yidao, and Emperor Shimozun looked at each other, and they were also very surprised. Although they knew that the disaster Tianjun was not weak, they did not expect to show the method of crushing and killing, killing the big devil, such as cutting vegetables!

"Three, go with us to invite Ye Di." The disaster Tianjun said quietly.

The alien demon nodded. In this world, the strong is respected, and the strength of the opponent is enough to make them bow their heads!

Then, a shocking scene appeared!

The three demon lords, Emperor Shi, Yidao, and Shura, together with the disaster Tianjun and Wanhai Jianzun, went directly to the ‘no heaven **** seat’ and stopped at a distance of about a hundred meters.

"Master Yedi, my lord would like to please." The disaster Tianjun directly arched his hands.

"See you later, it's getting late, go home and sleep." Su Jin squinted casually.

"My lord, please."

Jianzun Wan Hai flashed a cold light in his eyes, and he straightened up and invited forward again. This move was very threatening.

Su Jin looked at Sword Sovereign Wan Hai, and said lightly: "Senior, people have always come to see this king. You have murderous eyes, but you are not inviting guests."

To be honest, Sword Sovereign Wan Hai is the slave of Little Moon, but it doesn't mean that he is servile to anyone. In fact, he doesn't look down on Su Jin's strength, or even the magic of the outside world. Seeing him now, it really disappointed him.

"Please--" Jianzun Wan Hai's voice became cold.

Mo Hongyu and the Lord of Jingyue, sitting on the ‘no god’s seat’ at this moment, did not dare to make a sound.

This Sword Sovereign Wan Hai just slashed the devil blood lord with a sword, completely frightened them, feeling that this person is so close to them, as if he could kill them with a single breath!

"Is it unreasonable?" Su Jin stood up from the Wutian God Seat and looked at Jianzun Wan Hai and said, "Give you a face?"


As soon as Ye Di said this, not only Shura Demon Sovereign and the others gasped, but there was also silence in the surrounding evil cities!

What qualifications does Su Jin have to talk to a legendary sword master like this?

Give him a face again, this is an out-and-out curse!

Jianzun Wan Hai looked at Su Jin coldly and was silent.

"You have your own practice, and you really think there is no one to rule you? Now this king tells you that your master can control you, and this king can also heal you——" Su Jin said lightly.

Qiang Qiang.

Sword Sovereign Wan Hai trembled, and the sound of swords shook out!

"What does Ye Di want?" Wan Hai Jianzun asked in a low voice.

"Use your strongest swordsmanship, this king is standing here, if you can cut off a strand of this king's hair, this king loses--" Su Jin stroked his sleeves.

"Good." Sword Sovereign Wan Hai immediately couldn't bear it, and immediately responded.

"But the ugly thing is first. If you can't do it, bring your lord over and meet my king. Since you want to pursue me, you have to figure out today who... is the one who is in charge." Su Jin Said lightly.

This request seems simple, but Jianzun Wanhai can hardly order Little Moon to agree. After all, he is a slave, and slaves can only follow—

"Quick." A charming dreamy voice came from the moon ship in the distance.


After Wan Hai Jianzun heard that ‘accurate’, his pores all over his body seemed to express the sound of a sword sound, which was thousands of times stronger than before!

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