My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3255: Old, weak, sick?

"The swords screamed together, this is the performance of Kendo entering the transformation realm!"

The beautiful face of the Lord of Jingyue quietly changed slightly, and he said to Mo Hongyu very solemnly.

Mo Hongyu took a deep breath, "Sword Sovereign Wan Hai, pursuing the ultimate swordsmanship all his life, Ye Di is not a person in the wilderness, and does not know the horror of the opponent."

The two demon masters, Yidao and Di Shi, looked at each other, and a smirk was drawn at the corner of their mouths——

In the eyes of the Demon Lord and Emperor Shi Mozun, Su Jin really knew nothing about life and death. If they were not in the hands of each other, they would definitely not put it in their eyes.

Now that Su Jin offended Sword Master Wan Hai, it was naturally the most happiest thing for these two Demon Lords.

"He's looking for death--" The alien demon passed a voice to Shura and Di Shi.

"Arrogant and arrogant! He even dared to provoke Wan Hai Sword Sovereign. Although the sage master issued an order, he is betting against Wan Hai Sword Sovereign. It is not a pity to lose."

"That little moon couldn't bear him either. This meant that it felt like a murderous intention. If Wan Hai Jianzun killed Ye Di, she would probably return directly."

"A mere ant, Jianzun Wan Hai can put him in his eyes? Look, he will be killed by Jianzun Wan Hai!"


Sword Sovereign Wan Hai no longer hides the killing intent in his eyes. His husband and son in charge of Little Moon is naturally a peerless strong man. If Ye Di is beheaded by him, it naturally means that he is not qualified!

"Your sword is flawed--" Su Jin looked at Sword Sovereign Wan Hai for a while, then shook his head and sighed.

"What are you! You have the right to comment on my sword?" Wan Hai Jianzun felt annoyed. He felt that this kid was not strong, but his tone was so mad that he pointed out that his sword was imperfect. !

"Then what are you? Just a sword slave. You dare to make a move only if your master agrees. It's really pitiful." Su Jin said calmly.

Sword Sovereign Wan Hai was stable, and told himself to be calm, that the other party was originally an influential ant, and it was not worth it to be angered by him.

"Are you ready--" Jianzun Wan Hai stopped arguing with Su Jin. He seemed to have seen Ye Di beheaded by him and begging for mercy at him.

"Get out of the sword." Su Jin walked to the other side of the void, standing still.

"You can use all your strength to block my sword!" Wan Hai Jianzun said in a low voice.

"Let the world see your **** swordsmanship, this king will just stand here, if you use a trace of supernatural power to resist, as agreed before, this king will lose!" Su Jin said with a negative hand.

"I, Sword Sovereign Wan Hai, I, for countless years, have never seen you such an arrogant child! You are dying!" Sword Sovereign Wan Hai raised his arm, and a sword rainbow condensed in his hands.

The sword rainbow is like a lava fire column erupting from a volcano, **** and mottled. With the sword body, he can use the sword at will!

Everyone on the scene was watching with bated breath--

The monks in the Earth Demon City are not calm. Although Ye Di stepped into the Borderlands alone, the Bianhuang Demon Xiu's views on him are actually mixed, and they may be degraded. most.

First of all, to master the lives of that emperor Shi Mozun and the other way Mozun with heavy treasures, this can be regarded as "victory without martial arts"!

In addition, the three great demons of the Warlord Blood Lord used delaying tactics to play with each other, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was actually not the opponent of the Blood Lord and theirs.

"Sword Sovereign Wan Hai just used one sword, and he slashed the Lord of Devil Blood. He has no qualifications to connect with that sword. How confident is he and dare to support it like this?" Xiu sneered.

"He is too arrogant, saying that he wants to cure this sword sovereign of Wan Hai! Only a handful of people who dare to say such things in the entire frontier desert—"

"Have you seen it? He actually didn't move, obviously he didn't intend to resist with divine power. Is he really going to stand there and let Wanhai Sword Sovereign kill him with a single sword?"

"Haha, seek your own dead end!"


And on the battlefield.

Sword Sovereign Wan Hai has never seen such a weird situation. His sword has not fallen. He wants to see what Su Jin does, but it is a pity that the other party has an arrogant expression of "You come to cut it", to be honest. Yes, he felt that even if he killed Yedi with this sword, there would be rumors outside, saying that he was played by ants!

"My sword is called ‘Yori’! You really don’t intend to resist—" Jianzun Wan Hai raised the sword, his eyes still a little hesitant.

"You old man talk a lot..." Su Jin yawned, "Cut it."

Buzzing, Wan Hai Jianzun held the Divine Rainbow, surrounded by Jianxia strong, illuminating thousands of miles! This sword was finally dropped by him!

Everyone didn't blink, they wanted to see the situation after the sword rainbow dissipated! Sword Sovereign Wan Hai is too strong, this sword can pierce the stars and cut the moon, and the entire void seems to be cut in half by him, just like the devil of heaven and earth opened its scarlet mouth!

The scene is silent.

It's so quiet that you can hear the sound of fallen leaves--

Sword Sovereign Wan Hai widened his eyes like never before. He just saw that Su Jin didn't hide and didn't use any divine power to protect his body, but when his sword, the sword rainbow shattered the void, Su Jin seemed to be bathed in his kendo!

His sword really couldn't hurt Su Jin the slightest!

Do not!


Jianzun Wan Hai felt that his worldview had been subverted, and began to doubt his life. He looked at Su Jin and then at his hands, his body trembled violently.

And what is our Young Master Su doing? He was actually picking his ears! !

"His vertical eyes—" Jianzun Wan Hai stared at Su Jin's eyebrows. He remembered that just now, when he was about to cut Su Jin, the opponent opened his eyes. At that time, there seemed to be a sword embryo. The ghost flickered!

"Sell your master to come and meet this king." Su Jin Hangerlang said.

"I don't believe it! I want to try again!" Wan Hai Jianzun shouted.

"How can I have time, to be honest with you, even if you try again a thousand times, 10,000 times, the result will be the same." Su Jin said embarrassedly: "Besides, if you try too much, this king will have to face Ah, people in the outside world will say that Emperor Ben Ye bullies the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, don't try it—"

Su Jin was actually snickering in his heart, seeing this old man dare not look down on people! He is a dignified sword god, walking the real sword **** avenue. The sword **** just now was really powerful, but it was just made up of sword rhyme marks. It was too late to protect him, how could he hurt him——

Old, weak, sick!

Sword Sovereign Wan Hai flushed with a violent roar, his hands were in front of him, and his original weapon "Heart Refining Devil Sword" was directly manifested!


Sword Sovereign Wan Hai had just taken out this magic sword, even if he was shaken by a huge counter-shock force in the magic sword, his palm opened!

The next moment, everyone was dumbfounded--

That ‘Heart Refining Demon Sword’ has actually appeared in Su Jin’s hands!

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