My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3256: controller!

The audience is quiet.

Just now Wanhai Sword Sovereign, with a sword in the past few days, had not touched Ye Di at all, it was already a bit scary, but now Ye Di is grabbing the blade empty-handed, the shock caused by this is enough to describe it as scary——

When did Ye Di become so strong?

Mo Hongyu, the Lord of Jingyue, and even the three demon adults, all felt suffocated. If they were to take the sword from their hands, it might not be a big deal, but this is the same level as the Sword Master Wanhai. what!

This Wanhai Sword Sovereign had just killed the Demon Blood Lord with a single sword!

Jianzun Wan Hai is a little confused...

Yedi is actually very weak in his eyes, but he is such a person, and the means displayed are incredible, and he can be called a god!

"Indeed, no need to compare." The disaster Tianjun said lightly.

Sword Sovereign Wan Hai was full of aggrieved face, he was still wondering what was going on, was he old and couldn't lift his sword, or this kid was actually hiding his strength!

"Disaster Tianjun, this son is very evil--" Wan Hai Jianzun said unwillingly.

"Not so." Calamity Tianjun calmly raised his hand and a scarlet dagger appeared. As soon as this sword was shot out, it slashed directly at Su Jin.

The situation presented this time is even more surprising!

The scarlet dagger, about ten meters away from Su Jin, quickly changed its trajectory, and began to emit a joyous sword sound, even spinning around Su Jin!

"The master--" Seeing this scene, Jianzun Wan Hai immediately exclaimed!

No wonder!

No wonder your own sword can't hurt the opponent!

"Yes, Yedi controls the Sword God Dao. As the master of this Dao, he is the master of this Dao, and he is the sovereign of the swordsmen in the world." The disaster Tianjun nodded and explained.

Sword Sovereign Wan Hai lost his temper in an instant. You said Ye Di was a coincidence, isn't it? Swordsman in the world, no matter the gods or demons, all the swordsmen can't make money in their hands. Even if Su Jin's swordsman avenue goes one step further, he can easily practice and strip away the true charm of his swordsmanship!

"I admit defeat——" Wan Hai Jianzun knew that he had not lost injustice, and he directly handed over.

"The sword is not bad, but it's almost meaningless." Su Jin bounced away the sword of Wan Hai Jianzun's Heart Refining Demon Sword and returned it to this person, before he returned to the ‘Wu Tian God Seat’ and sat down.

There was naturally silence in the moon ship in the distance.

Wan Hai Jianzun's loss was unexpected.

"The old slave is not good in swordsmanship, and he is defeated by the emperor of the night. Please my master to punish him!" Wan Hai Jianzun knelt on his knees in the void, worshiping the moon ship.


In the moon boat, the little moon's voice was cold and cold. As the boat turned slightly, the bow of the boat started to point towards Su Jin. The female sisters serving on the boat all squatted and stretched out their hands to make a wonderful etiquette posture. .

After about a dozen breaths, a woman with blue gauze came out of the boat!

This woman is dressed in a beautiful sea-blue dress and her face is covered with purple gauze. The purple gauze seems to be concatenated with tiny little dusty purple sea gold crystals. On her ink hair, there is a hairpin of the sky and the moon, and her eyes are like a milky way. Generally beautiful, this feeling makes people feel like they are in a dream!

"Moon Sea, Hua Jieyu, see the night emperor..."

Dream blue, the pace is like dancing!

Su Jin was stunned for half a minute. He didn't know how to describe this woman. He felt that just by looking at her, the soul seemed to be flying into the heavens, flying into the sky for nine days!

she was--

The expressions of the three demon masters, Shura, Di Shi, and Yidao, suddenly changed!

When I went to invite this little moon in the moon sea to go out to sea, the three demon adults had never seen this woman, but only made a request. But why is this woman so similar to that one?

"Dare to ask the fairy, can you ever know Xian?" Di Shi Mozun bent his fist and asked.

"My ancestor of the ninety-seventh generation, was a wise man, died in the hands of the Emperor Wu Shi -" Hua Jieyu said calmly.

The three Demon Lords of Shura lightly breathed a sigh of relief. This woman was not like that person in terms of her cultivation or her temperament. It seemed that they were overwhelmed.

Su Jin figured it out in his heart, and said quietly: "Bi Yebi, are you still okay? If not, this king will return--"

"What do you think of Jieyu?" Hua Jieyu walked to the godless seat, and bends down very invisible, stretched out the catkin's hand, and rubbed the surface of the **** seat.

"You can serve tea and pour water around this king." Su Jin's expression was very serious.

Disaster Tianjun and Wanhai Sword Sovereign, their faces condensed, and their killing intent was endless——

Hua Jieyu, as the most dazzling pearl of the moon, sky and sea, is incomparable with its prosperous beauty after birth. The emperor of the night is so courageous that he can even say the words of pouring tea and water!

Bringing tea and pouring water, to put it bluntly, is it a slave?

"You..." Hua Jieyu frowned and looked at Su Jin.

"However, as the little moon in the moon sky sea, the girl is very noble, obviously not suitable for those rough jobs, so according to the king's opinion, go back to each house and find each mother--" Su Jin said with a smile.

Such a decision is not that Su Jin is unwilling! It was that he smelled a very dangerous aura on this little moon, which was even more terrifying than the feeling that he had fought against Di Shi Mozun before!

Moreover, I just heard Mo Hongyu say that Jianzun Wanhai and Mistress Tianjun retired to the Moon Sea at the peak, and I am afraid that they have nothing to do with the birth of this little moon. This girl is definitely a curse to stay by her side.

"Pour the tea and pour water, this lady does it." Hua Jieyu said lightly.

Su Jin:...

Does this work?

How does Su Jin feel that he has played with himself——

"Master Yedi, the three of me are running for you, and if you don't want to grudge with you, can the devil blood return me..." the alien demon venerable asked.

"It's still possible to pay it back, wait for this king to get out of the border." Su Jin hesitated, does he really want to bring this woman?

"no problem."

The alien demon and the Emperor Shi Mozun were overjoyed, it is impossible for existence like the emperor to lose their words and get fat!

"I didn't expect the matter to be resolved so smoothly. If the girl changes her mind now, she can leave, why should she suffer hardship with this king?" Su Jin looked at Hua Jieyu, his face a little helpless.

"Suffering is also a kind of practice. We have a family ancestor in Moon Sea, who once shaved and became a monk, and walked a total of 8 trillion li to the holy land. Jieyu... can endure hardship." Hua Jieyu finished, and sat down slowly. On the seat of the godless, Su Jin caused a wry smile.

That's it!

Su Jin secretly gritted his teeth, and the entire Godless Seat began to explode, even if it shook a road leading to the heavens and fell into it——

When they disappeared, the devil blood of the Demon Lord and Emperor Shi Mozun were all left by Su Jin. These two great demons, having learned their previous lessons, must not dare to fight him again.

"The master is willing to be a slave to the Ye Emperor, I don't know if it is a trick..." Wan Hai Jianzun sighed deeply, feeling empty in his heart, he and the disaster Tianjun, guarding this, the little moon still left the border.

"The two seniors, if that's the case, the three of them will leave." Di Shi Mozun arched his hands.

Disaster Tianjun coldly looked at the three people of Shura Demon Lord, and said a word that made them puzzled: "You... are guilty..."

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