My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3257: Bone City Storm

In the red cracked sky, a ‘no god’s seat’ abruptly descended from the town, floating in a divine land, this land, the green forest, there is a long and clear river, as if leading to the direction of the setting sun——

To the west of the verdant forest, separated by a river, is a barren desert land. The desert seems to be run through by the long river, and the scene is wonderful.

Su Jin stepped off the **** seat, watching the rolling yellow sand, staying by the river.

"Where are we going? Are we going to take the test, or just return to the Great Moon Imperial City?" Mo Hongyu asked.

"I can't go to Shentianlu——" Although the Lord of Jingyue wanted to follow along, she knew she could not.

"Before I go, I have to deal with one person." Su Jin said lightly: "I have a big enemy. Knowing where I am going, this river cannot be crossed."

"Who?" Mo Hongyu asked.

Su Jin sighed, shook his head, and gently touched the surface of the water with his finger——

The long river, which was originally clear, suddenly seemed to change its color, thick as blood, showing its original appearance, and more than that, there was a white bone at the bottom of the river that floated to the surface in the rich blood river!

"Not yet?" Su Jin looked at the depths of the blood river coldly. These white bones all came from the side of this forest. There were several cities there, all of which were slaughtered. Obviously there were demons in the middle of it not long ago.

"The cruelty of the method comes from the devil——" Mo Hongyu said.

"Follow me." Su Jin stepped on the desert and knew that the other party was at the end of the blood river. If he crossed the river, the monstrous annihilating power would directly drag him into it! The power of this river of blood alone is not inferior to any great demon he has ever seen!

The sunset in the evening seems to slow down the passage of time. The sun here is very big, occupying a small part of the sky, and the red sun has just touched the horizon, and the wind on the desert seems to be stronger.

The four of Su Jin walked to the highest sand ridge, and he stopped from time to time.

"The desert is lonely, and the river is setting the sun." Su Jin couldn't help but think of a verse from his predecessors, and then said: "Unfortunately, the scenery is ruined."

Miss Mo, the master of Jingyue, trembling in her heart, carefully savoring the artistic conception of the poem, but she saw an unimaginable scene.

In the desert, there is a bone city!

The red meat on the bones is still faintly, and there is also a very strong black gas like silk, scraping in and outside the city——

In the middle of Bone City, a black whirlpool seemed to be holding a bronze coffin! On this coffin, there is a demon!

Su Jin's face was solemn. Not long ago, he stepped on this coffin and entered the Primordial God City. At that time, an elder of the Primordial Palace was demonized, but he did not see that person in this bone city!

Later, Di Zi became a demon. Di Qiubai did not know what agreement he had reached with the corpse of the demon sage, and he was appointed as a spiritual soul. Now...Di Qiubai is sitting on the bronze coffin, and the black energy around him is faintly enlarged. trend!

As if feeling the look in Su Jin's eyes, Di Qiubai opened his eyes!

Di Qiu Baiyin smiled, and on his left and right shoulders, there were two hideous sarcoma heads, also smiling, staring at him negatively--

"I've seen this person." The Lord of Jingyue said solemnly.

"Where?" Mo Hongyu had also seen him. At that time, Di Qiubai was also a Sky Bone Tester. He was expelled soon afterwards. He didn't expect the other party to appear here, waiting for an opportunity to intercept and kill.

"Remember?" The Lord of Jingyue looked at Su Jin and said: "At that time, shortly after you left me Jingyue Cave Sky, this person came to me and wanted to get help from our Jingyue Cave Sky, but I refused."

"It's not easy for a sage to enter the Lord." Hua Jieyu stared at it for a long time, somewhat surprised.

Su Jin shook his head and said: "It's not just the sage who came to the master. He was far from being so strong a few days ago. I suspect that the sage has merged with him."

Fusion is to win homes.

There may be some differences. Su Jin felt that when Di Qiubai looked at him, there was hatred on his face. Obviously, he was not completely taken away.

Su Jin leaped away, stopped about a hundred meters away from Bone City, smiled and said, "Brother Qiubai hasn't seen him for a few days, why does he look more and more ugly?"

ugly! How ugly!

Di Qiubai gathered suffocation on his face and roared: "Emperor Ye! I have become what I look like today, and it was not caused by you! Today I will leave you all here, so that you can experience my Di Qiubai. s pain!"

"You have gathered evil spirits, and ordinary magic cultivators have not practiced like you. It is the corpse of the demon sage that has harmed you, and it has nothing to do with this king——" Su Jin said lightly.

"These days, I rely on devouring cultivation day and night, just to wait for you to come back from the border, you make me wait!" Di Qiu shouted with a grim face, "You know the smell in the coffin. The taste of meat, you don’t understand, you don’t know!!"

Su Jin raised his hand and slapped in front of his nose, "Stop talking, it smells like you look at—"

"If I don't kill you today, I will swear that Di Qiubai will not be a man! I will slaughter the Great Moon Imperial City, and slaughter the gods!" Di Qiubai hated Su Jin's behavior, he regretted it!

At the beginning, if Su Jin took over the inheritance of the demon, Di Qiubai would definitely not fall into this field!

If God gave him another chance for Di Qiubai, he would never get the inheritance of this demon corpse, absolutely not!

"He is on the path of demons. By devouring the corpse of the demon, he has been promoted to the realm of the great demon, and this kind of demons is extremely cruel, are you sure you can handle it?" Hua Jieyu asked.

"I can't hold it--" Su Jin immediately took Hua Jieyu's little hand, and immediately pulled her into her arms, bowed her head and met her, and said, "Since my little moon knows so well, it's better to go. Kill him."

Blink, blink again and again.

Hua Jieyu feels inexplicable, how can she do it! And it was just the first time that she and Su Jin met, to her?

"This bone city law seems to be inherited from ancient times. Don't fall into the bone city, otherwise you will not escape to death." Mo Hongyu reminded Su Jin.

"Yeah!" Su Jin scratched Mo Hongyu's nose with his right hand, causing the beautiful lady to blush for a while, then he lifted his hand and pointed at Di Qiubai and said, "You want to kill me so, then come out— —"

"If you don't kill you, I won't be called Di Qiubai! You have the guts to come in!"

"You come out..." Su Jin said arrogantly.

Mo Hongyu, the Lord of Jingyue, and Hua Jieyu all have weird faces. The tone of this guy, coupled with his arrogant behavior, can't be imitated by others!

After several screams, Di Qiubai was so angry that he couldn't bear it anymore and stepped directly out of Bone City!

"In this battle, either you die or I die! I, Di Qiubai, has reached the realm of the great devil and mastered all the evil magic codes. What are you going to fight with me now!" Di Qiubai was fierce and killed directly!

Su Jin put Hua Jieyu aside, really, he was under pressure! Because this Di Qiubai is far better than Di Shi Mozun and they want to understand him!

However, this battle has been unavoidable!

To fight! Fight!

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