My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3261: Hall of Ashes

Tongyou Hall was born, the situation deteriorated!

The Lord of Mirror Moon and Mo Hongyu felt despair. The hall of evil spirits in the world of bones is being realized step by step. Now two halls have been born, namely ‘Bone Hall’ and ‘Tongyou Hall’.

As long as the third "Hall of Ashes" is born, everything here will be turned into dust——

Under the blood river.

Infinite bones flew out from a bone city, and there were twenty-four Buddha arms in the depths of the blood river! The arm of the Buddha continued to fish out handfuls of bones, and there was no trace of the bone city.

"Give up, everything you have done and your life will end here. You are destined to be in vain and sleep here with your bones." Di Qiubai's voice was heard again through those hundreds of blood snakes, and he was waiting , Wait for the ashes hall, and then everything here will return to the dust, the soil returns to the soil, and no longer exists.

"You are so confident, why don't you look better?" Su Jin said lightly.

"You are so calm, but you are concealing your inner panic. You are scared and want to live--" the blood snake yelled, clamoring arrogantly, thinking that he really saw through Su Jin's inner thoughts.

Su Jin sighed, "Brother Di, I didn't actually have too much fun with you, did I? Why do you force me to make another cruel move?"

"Ruthless? There are not too many festivals? My Taikoo God City, because of you, my Taikoo Palace was destroyed because of you, which means no festival!" Di Qiubai sneered.

"Your fart is really loud. It was your Taikoo Prince's mansion who chased and killed me, and then opened a channel for me to chase the gods. Moreover, at that time, the demon corpse killed your ancestor and destroyed your **** city. I advise you to take some medicine, maybe your brain can be saved." Su Jin mocked.

Di Qiubai sneered, "No matter how you explain, you can't escape this catastrophe, you will definitely die!"

"Hehe, you don't really think you are shrinking in a river of blood, I can't do anything about you, right?"

Su Jin’s indifferent voice, the three women in the distance all trembled——

After all, the three daughters of Mo Hongyu watched Kalachakra have an extra clock!

Donghuang Bell!


The Eastern Emperor Bell was thrown into the sea of ​​blood by Su Jin. In an instant, ten suns faintly manifested in the depths of the blood river, and the entire blood river began to evaporate and quickly gasified!

"Ah!" Di Qiubai felt that the blood and water around him were boiling, and the extremely hot and high temperature was obviously affecting him!

However, Di Qiubai can bear it!

He only needs to hold on for a while, and he will be able to successfully evolve the "Hall of Ashes" into the world of bones, and at that time, whether it is a **** or a Buddha, all will be destroyed by him!

The Kalachakra that Su Jin transformed into, stretched his finger again, and the entire surface of the river of blood was ignited!

So ruthless——

Many people in the heavens shivered after seeing this scene.

"It's difficult for Ye Di to do this." A cultivator shook his head in the Great Moon Imperial City.

"Na Di Zi is difficult to be destroyed in this state. Although the blood river is boiling, it will never be completely evaporated in a short time, but Na Di Qiubai will suffer a little."

"No way, Ye Di wanted to force him out, and directly killed him in the body of the Kalachakra, but the devil was vicious, and the methods were more venomous than Ye Di, and even he could be ruthless. There is still patience."

"The world of white bones, the road to never reincarnation, the Demon of the Di Family is about to embark on the Avenue of Invincibility. Although Ye Di has amazing methods, he has nothing to do with him."


Disturbances from the outside world will naturally not affect Di Qiubai. Now that the blood is boiling all over him, he can still use the power of the devil to resist, he can withstand the suffering!

"Have fun! Your heat isn't enough, you can't hurt me at all! You have to add more fire!" Di Qiubai was obviously gritting his teeth, speaking through the blood snake.

Su Jin thought slightly, then said: "As you wish--"

When the words ‘as you wish’ fell, everyone who saw the situation was dumbfounded--

The Lord of Mo Hongyu, Hua Jieyu, and Jingyue saw the terrible side of Su Jin. At that time, a group of bright red blood appeared in the body of Lun King Kong!

That blood is very red, not the blood of Buddha before Su Jin at all!

And that group of blood, a faint scarlet dragon cruising out slowly, surrounded the blood group with a faint dragon roar!

Just like the Eastern Emperor Bell just now, Su Jin threw the blood mass into the boiling river of blood!

The river water immediately showed a very abnormal red!

"You--" Di Qiubai screamed in surprise somewhere at the bottom of the river.

He shielded his body with demon power, but saw that the power of his body was corroding inch by inch. Obviously, the blood mass that Su Jin had thrown out just now contained miraculous poison!

"Are you happy?" Su Jin said in the tone of your request.

"Not ruthless enough! You dignified night emperor, do you only have this low-end trick?" When Di Qiubai said, he was really shocked. The evil spirits and divine power barriers surrounding him were all corroding at an accelerated rate. Do your best!

"It's better than a guy like you who shrank the bottom of the river——" Su Jin smiled, "Remind you, this is the magical poison of the candle dragon known as the king of magical poison, you can continue to survive."

Your sister!

Di Qiubai cursed repeatedly in his heart. At the bottom of a terrible boiling river, he controlled the bone demon, directly evading the capture of the Buddha's arms and rising from the surface of the river!

"Do you know you got out?" Su Jin asked quietly.

"Hahaha! That's right, I am out, but you can see with your eyes wide open that in my world of bones, the third hall has begun to accumulate, the hall of ashes!" Di Qiubai pointed to the center of the world of bones, "here , I can call the wind and rain, and do everything! As long as there is a sound of silence, you will be reduced to ashes!"


Di Qiubai was proud, just after the voice fell, he suddenly felt a golden light flashing in front of him, and a Buddha palm hit his face directly!

Puff, Di Qiubai was taken away! Half of his gums were fanned, five or six teeth were lost, and his cheeks were swollen!

The Lord of Mo Hongyu and Jingyue became more and more anxious in the uneasy atmosphere. After the White Bone Hall and Tongyou Hall were completely consolidated, a black wind blew beside the two halls!

"Hall of Ashes, it's still about to be born--" Mo Hongyu's face was difficult. Su Jin had a chance just now, but Di Qiubai was too cunning, and the only life left now no longer exists.

"I succeeded!" Di Qiubai touched his swollen face, his expression wondering whether he was crying or laughing.

Di Qiubai has been planning for a long time, and it is just waiting for this opportunity, the Hall of Ashes, will wipe out the vitality of the Ye Emperor, he wants to avenge all his vengeance and trample all enemies under his feet!

Su Jin slowly turned his body, using the Kalachakra body, looking at the palace that was born in the black wind.

"A palace in a mere area, can annihilate me? I think you still owe it--" Su Jin squinted his eyes and accumulated all his strength. He must use his own strength to survive the blow!

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